27 research outputs found

    Screening of dietary nucleotides from natural sources for therapeutic uses

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    Abstract Dietary nucleosides and nucleotides perform a range of functions in our body. They play important role in the maintenance of mitochondrial function, differentiation of hematopoietic cells, strengthen the immune system, helps in small intestine growth and development, lipid metabolism etc. External supplementation of dietary nucleotides is a good regimen against mitochondrial dysfunction caused by Nucleosides Reverse Transcriptase Inhibiters (NRTI) drug therapy; it has a long history of use for cancer and viral diseases e.g., NucleomaxX is a dietary nucleotide supplement, and has a potential use in the treatment of mitochondrial toxicity as it contains Mitocnol; a sugarcane extract with a high percentage of nucleotides. Therefore, analysis of these compounds in food materials is very important for improving and assuring food quality as well as to boost Biotech Industrial sector of India; manufacturing a dietary nucleotide supplement. During the present investigation, the extraction protocol for nucleotides from different sources (sugarcane, pulses/lentils, oilseeds, yeast, mushroom and animal milks) was standardized, which is one of the simple, cost effective method for isolation of total nucleotides/nucleosides. The isolated nucleic acid was quantified using double beam UV spectrophotometer. Estimation of RNA was carried out by Orcinol method and DNA by Diphenylamine method, using nucleic acid extract obtained from different food materials. The screening of samples from different sources helped to determine the desirable concentration of nucleic acid in natural sources for dietary nucleotides. Further, investigation is in progress to study influence on animal model, developing therapeutic formulation and scale up criteria

    Interaction of oxygen (O+7) ion beam on polyaniline thin films

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    High-energy ion beam irradiation of the polymers is a good technique to modify the properties such as electrical conductivity, structural behaviour and mechanial properties. Polyaniline thin films doped with hydrochloric acid (HCl) were prepared by oxidation of ammonium persulphate. The effect of Swift Heavy Ions irradiation on the electrical and structural properties of polyaniline has been measured in this study. Polyaniline films were irradiated by oxygen ions (energy 80 MeV, charge state O+7) with fluence varying from 1 × 1010 to 3 × 1012 ions/cm2. The studies on electrical and structural properties of the irradiated polymers were investigated by measuring V-I using four probe set-up and X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Bruker AXS, X-ray powder diffractometer. V-I measurements shows an increase in the conductivity of the film, XRD pattern of the polymer shows that the crystallinity improved after the irradiation with Swift Heavy Ions (SHI), which could be attributed to cross linking mechanism.Subhash Chandra1*, S Annapoorni2, R G Sonkawade3, P K Kulriya3 Fouran Singh3, D K Avasthi3, J M S Rana1 and R C Ramola1 1Department of Physics, H N B Garhwal University, Badshahi Thaul Campus, Tehri Garhwal-249 199, Uttarakhand, India 2Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007, India 3Inter University Accelerator Center, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110 067, India E-mail : [email protected] of Physics, H N B Garhwal University, Badshahi Thaul Campus, Tehri Garhwal-249 199, Uttarakhand, India Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007, India Inter University Accelerator Center, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110 067, Indi

    Measurement of radon concentration in ground water using RAD7 and assessment of average annual dose in the environs of NITJ, Punjab, India

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    508-511The present study represents the set of measurements for radon concentration levels in ground water using electronic radon meter (RAD7) and for assessment of indoor radon the LR-115 Type II plastic track detectors have been used. The measurements have been taken for the environs and ground water of National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. The radon concentration in drinking water has been found to vary from 2560 to 7750 Bqm-3 with an average value of 5143.33 Bqm-3. The pH value for the ground water under study has also been measured and it varies from 6.96 to 7.0 with an average value of 6.99. No correlation has been observed between pH value and radon concentration values for ground water. The calculated indoor radon concentration values vary from 74 to 190 Bqm-3 with an average values of 124.50 Bqm-3. The calculated values for the absorbed dose are in the range 1.26 - 3.24 mSv.y-1, which is well below the action level.</b

    Optimization of CR-39 as neutron dosimeter

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    466-469 The chemical etching parameters (etching time, temperature, normality of etchant etc.) for use of CR-39 as neutron dosimeter have been optimized. The CR-39 films placed in polyethylene radiator were exposed to 252Cf neutron source for different time intervals and the neutron fluences were varied from 4.68×106 to 2.7×108 n/cm2. Etched tracks were analyzed and counted at 400X with microscope and neutron recoil track density was calculated after every hour of etching. It was found that the track density increases up to a certain etching time and then decreases for higher etching time, which is considered due to removal of shallow tracks and overlapping of the tracks due to their size enlargement. Optimized etching conditions found are, 7 N NaOH solution at 70°C (±) for 9 hr with continuous stirring. However, we found a linear relationship between neutron fluence and track density. UV-visible spectra were also obtained and analyzed for the pristine and neutron irradiated CR-39 films in the wavelength range 200-700 nm at room temperature. As seen from absorption spectra, the absorption edge is shifted towards longer wavelength with increase of fluence and therefore, indicates a decrease in the band gap. The study may be important for the future high energy accelerators and Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities where CR-39 can be used as a neutron dosimeter. </smarttagtype

    Phosphors MMgAl₁₀O₁₇: Eu,Dy (M=Ba,Sr,Ca) irradiated by Cs¹³⁷ for thermoluminescence dosimetry

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    695-697The thermoluminescence (TL) of Eu, Dy activated MMgAl₁₀O₁₇ [M=Ba,Sr,Ca] phosphors has been reported in this paper. These phosphors are prepared by combustion synthesis. TL glow intensity of these phosphors is higher as compared to conventional CaSO₄:Dy TL-phosphor. MMgAl₁₀O₁₇ [M=Ba,Sr,Ca] phosphors may be the possible candidate for thermoluminescence dosimetry of ionizing radiations

    Analysis of terrestrial natural radionuclides in soil samples and assessment of average effective dose

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    805-808Radionuclides that are present in soil significantly affect terrestrial gamma radiation levels which in turn can be used for the assessment of terrestrial gamma dose rates. Natural radioactivity analysis has been done for the soil samples collected from different villages/towns of Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. The measurements have been carried out using HPGe detector based on high-resolution gamma spectrometry system. The calculated activity concentration values for terrestrial gamma viz. 238U, 232Th and 40 K have been found to vary from 8.89 to 56.71 Bq kg−1, from 137.32 to 334.47 Bq kg−1 and from 823.62 to 1064.97 Bq kg−1, respectively. The total average absorbed dose rate in the study areas is 185.32nGyh−1. The calculated value of average radium equivalent activity (401.13 Bq kg−1) exceeds the permissible limit (370 Bqkg−1) recommended by Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD). The calculated average value of external hazard index (Hex) is 1.097. The calculated values of Indoor and Outdoor annual effective doses vary from 0.61 to 1.28 mSv and from 0.15 to 0.32 mSv, respectively. A positive correlation (R2=0.71) has also been observed for concentration of 232Th and 40K

    Radon levels in some dwellings around the international monument Taj Mahal, Agra using SSNTDs

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    802-804The Taj Mahal, Agra had been on top priority of India and safe guarded by Taj Mahal Corridor. All the gaseous industrial discharges as well as fluid chemicals and water due to rain and river Yamuna toxic polluting entities had been taken into account while maintaining the beauty of Taj and purity of environment around it’s rural areas. Indoor radon concentration depends in a complex way on the characteristic of the soil, the type of building structure, ventilation condition and occupant’s behaviour. LR-115 Type II Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTD’s) have been used to measure the airborne radon levels in some dwellings near Taj Mahal, Agra. Radon concentrations were found to vary from 98 to 305 Bqm−3 with an average value of 213 Bqm−3. Annual effective dose in these dwellings were found to vary from 1.3 to 4.4 mSv

    Effects of gamma ray and neutron radiation on polyanilne conducting polymer

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    453-456Ionizing radiation effects such as neutron and gamma on conducting polyanilne have been studied for various doses varied from 6 to 504Gy and 15 to 41.9 kGy, respectively. Spectroscopic methods such as UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and I-V measurements have been used to characterize the pristine and irradiated polyanilne samples. UV-visible spectroscopy shows a shift in the absorption edge towards visible region after irradiation, which can be correlated to the transition involved in these polymers and variation in the band gaps (Eg) using Tauc’s expression which indicate a decrease in band gap. XRD spectra revealed that crystallinity and particle size improve after irradiation, which could be attributed to cross-linking mechanism. The current voltage (I-V) characteristics have been carried out at room temperature using four probe set up and it has been found that polyaniline films show ohmic behaviour before and after irradiation. Moreover, conductivity improves after irradiation, which is due to enhancement in carrier concentration. Conducting polymers as a radiation sensor for gamma and neutron as well as for dosimetry aspects have been studied

    Estimation of radioactivity in some sand and soil samples

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    482-485Natural radioactivity is composed of the cosmogenic and primordial radionuclides. It is common in the rocks and soil that make up our planet, in water and oceans, and in our building materials and homes. Natural radioactivity in sand and soils comes from 238U and 232Th series and natural 40K. Radon is formed from the decay of radium which in turn is formed from uranium. The gaseous radioactive isotope of radon from natural sources has a significant share in the total quantum of natural sources exposure to human beings. Gamma radiation from 238U, 232Th and 40K represents the main external source of irradiation of the human body. In the present study, the activity for 238U, 232Th and 40K is found to vary from 45±1.2 to 97± 4.9 Bq/kg, 63 ± 2.0 to 132 ± 3.2 Bq/kg and 492 ± 5.9 to 1110 ± 10.5 Bq/kg, respectively in the soil samples while the variations have been observed from 63 ± 3.8 to 65 ± 3.7 Bq/kg, 86 ± 2.5 to 96 ± 2.6 Bq/kg and 751± 7.7 to 824 ± 8.2 Bq/kg, respectively in the sand samples