15 research outputs found

    Does child-directed speech facilitate language development in all domains? A study space analysis of the existing evidence

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    Because child-directed speech (CDS) is ubiquitous in some cultures and because positive associations between certain features of the language input and certain learning outcomes have been attested it has often been claimed that the function of CDS is to aid childrenā€™s language development in general. We argue that for this claim to be generalisable, superior learning from CDS compared to non-CDS, such as adult-directed speech (ADS), must be demonstrated across multiple input domains and learning outcomes. To determine the availability of such evidence we performed a study space analysis of the research literature on CDS. A total of 942 relevant papers were coded with respect to (i) CDS features under consideration, (ii) learning outcomes and (iii) whether a comparison between CDS and ADS was reported. The results show that only 16.2% of peer-reviewed studies in this field compared learning outcomes between CDS and ADS, almost half of which focussed on the ability to discriminate between the two registers. Crucially, we found only 20 studies comparing learning outcomes between CDS and ADS for morphosyntactic and lexico-semantic features and none for pragmatic and extra-linguistic features. Although these 20 studies provided preliminary evidence for a facilitative effect of some specific morphosyntactic and lexico-semantic features, overall CDS-ADS comparison studies are very unevenly distributed across the space of CDS features and outcome measures. The disproportional emphasis on prosodic, phonetic, and phonological input features, and register discrimination as the outcome invites caution with respect to the generalisability of the claim that CDS facilitates language development across the breadth of input domains and learning outcomes. Future research ought to resolve the discrepancy between sweeping claims about the function of CDS as facilitating language development on the one hand and the narrow evidence base for such a claim on the other by conducting CDS-ADS comparisons across a wider range of input features and outcome measures

    Does Child-Directed Speech Facilitate Language Development in All Domains? A Study Space Analysis of the Existing Evidence

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    Sonja Schaeffler - ORCID: 0000-0003-0493-9165 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0493-9165Because child-directed speech (CDS) is ubiquitous in some cultures and because positive associations between certain features of the language input and certain learning outcomes have been attested it has often been claimed that the function of CDS is to aid childrenā€™s language development in general. We argue that for this claim to be generalisable, superior learning from CDS compared to non-CDS, such as adult-directed speech (ADS), must be demonstrated across multiple input domains and learning outcomes. To determine the availability of such evidence we performed a study space analysis of the research literature on CDS. A total of 942 relevant papers were coded with respect to (i) CDS features under consideration, (ii) learning outcomes and (iii) whether a comparison between CDS and ADS was reported. The results show that only 16.2% of peer-reviewed studies in this field compared learning outcomes between CDS and ADS, almost half of which focussed on the ability to discriminate between the two registers. Crucially, we found only 20 studies comparing learning outcomes between CDS and ADS for morphosyntactic and lexico-semantic features and none for pragmatic and extra-linguistic features. Although these 20 studies provided preliminary evidence for a facilitative effect of some specific morphosyntactic and lexico-semantic features, overall CDS-ADS comparison studies are very unevenly distributed across the space of CDS features and outcome measures. The disproportional emphasis on prosodic, phonetic, and phonological input features, and register discrimination as the outcome invites caution with respect to the generalisability of the claim that CDS facilitates language development across the breadth of input domains and learning outcomes. Future research ought to resolve the discrepancy between sweeping claims about the function of CDS as facilitating language development on the one hand and the narrow evidence base for such a claim on the other by conducting CDS-ADS comparisons across a wider range of input features and outcome measures.72aheadofprintaheadofprin

    Genetička, biokemijska, hranjiva i antimikrobna svojstva Ŕipka (Punica granatum L.) uzgojenog u Istri

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    This study characterises the genetic variability of local pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) germplasm from the Slovenian and Croatian areas of Istria. The bioactive components and antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of ethanol and water extracts of different parts of pomegranate fruit were also determined, along with their preliminary nutritional characterisation. Twenty-six different genotypes identified with microsatellite analysis indicate the great diversity of pomegranate in Istria. The pomegranate fruit ethanol extracts represent rich sources of phenolic compounds (mean value of the mass fraction in exocarp and mesocarp expressed as gallic acid is 23 and 16 mg/g, respectively). The ethanol extracts of pomegranate exocarp and mesocarp showed the greatest antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Exophiala dermatitidis and Staphylococcus aureus, and the same water extracts against S. aureus and Escherichia coli. To the best of our knowledge, this study represents the first report of the characterisation of pomegranate genetic resources from Istria at different levels, including the molecular, chemical, antimicrobial and nutritional properties.U ovom je radu opisana genetička raznolikost germplazme Å”ipka (Punica granatum L.) s područja slovenskog i hrvatskog dijela Istre. U etanolnim i vodenim ekstraktima različitih dijelova ploda Å”ipka pronađeni su bioaktivni spojevi, te su ispitana njihova antioksidacijska i antimikrobna svojstva i preliminarno određena hranjiva svojstva ekstrakata. Dvadeset i Å”est različitih genotipova utvrđenih analizom mikrosatelita upućuju na veliku raznolikost Å”ipka u Istri. Etanolni ekstrakti ploda Å”ipka predstavljaju bogat izvor fenolnih spojeva (srednja vrijednost masenog udjela, izraženog kao galna kiselina, bila je 23 mg/g u egzokarpu i 16 mg/L u mezokarpu). Etanolni ekstrakti egzokarpa i mezokarpa Å”ipka imali su snažan antimikrobni učinak na sljedeće vrste: Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Exophiala dermatitidis i Staphylococcus aureus, dok su vodeni ekstrakti egzokarpa i mezokarpa uspjeÅ”no suzbijali rast bakterija S. aureus i Escherichia coli. Prema naÅ”im spoznajama, ovo je prva karakterizacija genetičkih izvora Å”ipka iz Istre, koja obuhvaća molekularna, kemijska, antimikrobna i hranjiva svojstva plodova

    Stevens-Johnsonov sindrom in toksična epidermalna nekroliza pri otrocih: prikaz primerov in pregled literature

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    Stevens-Johnsonov sindrom (SJS) in toksična epidermalna nekroliza (TEN) sta redki življenje ogrožajoči bolezni, ki se kažeta z nastajanjem mehurjev ter odstopanjem povrhnjice kože in sluznic. Najpogosteje sta posledica imunsko sprožene reakcije na zdravilo, redkeje zaradi drugih vzrokov. Poleg prekinitve zdravljenja z zdravilom, ki je lahko sprožilo SJS/TEN, ali uvedbe zdravljenja bakterijske okužbe, če je ta kot vzročni dejavnik dokazana, uvedemo lokalno zdravljenje sprememb na očeh, koži in sluznicah, v težjih primerih pa Å”e sistemsko zdravljenje z glukokortikosteroidi (GKS) in/ali intravenskimi imunoglobulini (IVIG). Za optimalni izid bolezni je bistveno sodelovanje med specialisti različnih strok. Prispevek predstavi skupino bolnikov, obravnavanih na Kliničnem oddelku za otroÅ”ko alergologijo, revmatologijo in klinično imunologijo Pediatrične klinike UKC v Ljubljani in pregled literature. V letih 2011ā€“2019 smo zdravili Å”est otrok s SJS/TEN. Pri Å”tirih otrocih je bil sprožilni dejavnik zdravilo, pri enem okužba z Mycoplasmo pneumonie, pri enem bolniku pa etiologije nismo mogli opredeliti. Z GKS in IVIG so bili zdravljeni Å”tirje otroci, en otrok z okužbo z M. pneumonie je bil zdravljen z azitromicinom in IVIG, en otrok pa je prejel le zdravila lokalno. Izid bolezni je bil pri vseh otrocih dober, in sicer tudi brez poznih posledic bolezni

    Does child-directed speech facilitate language development in all domains? A study space analysis of the existing evidence

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    Data related to the paper: Kempe, V., Ota, M. and Schaeffler, S. (2024) ā€˜Does Child-Directed Speech Facilitate Language Development in All Domains? A Study Space Analysis of the Existing Evidenceā€™, Developmental Review [Preprint]

    Does child-directed speech facilitate language development in all domains? A study space analysis of the existing evidence

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    Does child-directed speech facilitate language development in all domains? A study space analysis of the existing evidence

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    Has supplemental materials for Does child-directed speech facilitate language development in all domains? A study space analysis of the existing evidence

    Genetic, Biochemical, Nutritional and Antimicrobial Characteristics of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Grown in Istria

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    This study characterises the genetic variability of local pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) germplasm from the Slovenian and Croatian areas of Istria. The bioactive components and antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of ethanol and water extracts of different parts of pomegranate fruit were also determined, along with their preliminary nutritional characterisation. Twenty-six different genotypes identified with microsatellite analysis indicate the great diversity of pomegranate in Istria. The pomegranate fruit ethanol extracts represent rich sources of phenolic compounds (mean value of the mass fraction in exocarp and mesocarp expressed as gallic acid is 23 and 16 mg/g, respectively). The ethanol extracts of pomegranate exocarp and mesocarp showed the greatest antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Exophiala dermatitidis and Staphylococcus aureus, and the same water extracts against S. aureus and Escherichia coli. To the best of our knowledge, this study represents the first report of the characterisation of pomegranate genetic resources from Istria at different levels, including the molecular, chemical, antimicrobial and nutritional properties