18 research outputs found

    Surrogate Spike Train Generation Through Dithering in Operational Time

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    Detecting the excess of spike synchrony and testing its significance can not be done analytically for many types of spike trains and relies on adequate surrogate methods. The main challenge for these methods is to conserve certain features of the spike trains, the two most important being the firing rate and the inter-spike interval statistics. In this study we make use of operational time to introduce generalizations to spike dithering and propose two novel surrogate methods which conserve both features with high accuracy. Compared to earlier approaches, the methods show an improved robustness in detecting excess synchrony between spike trains

    Cobrawap: A pipeline for the analysis of wave activity at different brain states

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    Plenary talk at "WP2 Meeting: Networks underlying consciousness and cognition" held in Barcelona, Spain, from 19 to 21 June, 2023.Progetto EBRAINS-Italy IR00011, CUP B51E2200015006,Missione 4 - Istruzione e Ricerca, Componente 2, Azione 3.1.1 Funded by EU

    Spatial synchronization structure of field potentials and spikes in a delayed grip task

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    Methods for identification of spike patterns in massively parallel spike trains

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    Temporally, precise correlations between simultaneously recorded neurons have been interpreted as signatures of cell assemblies, i.e., groups of neurons that form processing units. Evidence for this hypothesis was found on the level of pairwise correlations in simultaneous recordings of few neurons. Increasing the number of simultaneously recorded neurons increases the chances to detect cell assembly activity due to the larger sample size. Recent technological advances have enabled the recording of 100 or more neurons in parallel. However, these massively parallel spike train data require novel statistical tools to be analyzed for correlations, because they raise considerable combinatorial and multiple testing issues. Recently, various of such methods have started to develop. First approaches were based on population or pairwise measures of synchronization, and later led to methods for the detection of various types of higher-order synchronization and of spatio-temporal patterns. The latest techniques combine data mining with analysis of statistical significance. Here, we give a comparative overview of these methods, of their assumptions and of the types of correlations they can detect