14 research outputs found

    Landscape Values: Predefined or Extrinsic?

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    The paper addresses the issue of the source of landscape value attributed to protection. Besides the usual exception to the rule, it is believed that intrinsic or predefined values are still firmly entrenched in landscape planning practice, whereas at the pedagogic level of the discipline there is a shift towards extrinsic values. The underlying premise of the paper is that evaluation of natural systems based on predefined values makes consent between developmental and conservational interests impossible. Consent is perceived as the mechanism to fulfil a key principle “as least as reasonably achievable”, ALARA, in both aspects of landscape planning. The research focuses on the stage of planning process that enables spatial data transformation into suitability maps that represent or externalise extrinsic landscape values. The paper will begin by brief outline of two fundamentally different value categories. The results of suitability analyses i.e. value systems detected and a reflections or consequences in land use decisions concerning some past and present policies in Croatia will be discussed next. By extension, the “extrinsic vs. predefined landscape value” dispute will be argued especially concerning those elements that invoke difficulties while generating and/or linking the concepts of evaluation models. The paper will finally acknowledge an optimization planning instrument as a mode to cope with two value systems

    Landscape Evaluation and Public Preferences: Is there Room for Optimisation?

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    The need for information on landscape value preferences (that are disclosed by public survey) in conservation activities within spatial planning have been recognised long ago. The paper focuses in general on that topic, specifically highlighting the importance of diverse conservation criteria that promote the idea of effective implementation of public participation in the earliest stage of the planning process - the analytical phase of landscape evaluation. The environmental qualities that the landscape planner should take into account include unpolluted landscape as human habitat, productivity of natural resources and the naturalness of ecosystem. The public survey and support tools (statistical analysis and vulnerability modelling) were used as methods for revealing landscape value preferences of three social groups: local inhabitants, experts (people directly involved in a land use planning process) and potential users of a space. The results have shown that conservation goals or desired future state of a landscape considerably differs between and within respondent groups. This also makes it possible to look for an acceptable compromise between the three distinctive conservational requests, thus allowing optimizations of a land use decision

    Spatial Development Potential Considering Conservation Planning Criteria

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    The paper focuses on the issues of possible differences in the decision considering spatial allocation of land use and its potential and optimized allocation that derives from suitability modeling. The researched area was Žumberak- Samoborsko gorje Nature Park, one of the youngest Croatian nature parks. As such, it should have a physical plan of the special features areas, in order to know its potential and limitations. There is no such plan yet, so protection measures and development is relinquished to cities and municipalities, within whose territory the Park is situated. One of the municipalities is Ozalj, and it is used in the paper as an example for the analysis of physical planning approach for Žumberak- Samoborsko gorje Nature Park. By the survey of Physical plan of Ozalj municipality, a random selection was used to choose one activity that was planned in the area and for that activity dual spatial analysis was created. It included spatial attractiveness and vulnerability analysis. The results of the analysis have shown whether, in addition to spatial attractiveness criteria, spatial vulnerability criteria was taken into consideration when deciding on the location for the winter sports center. The analysis has also shown whether the Physical plan was in favor of the municipality development or was the fact that it is a Nature Park, designed as the protected area of natural and cultural values, also considered relevant

    Wertvorstellungen in der Öffentlichkeit zur Landschaftsgestaltung – Das Beispiel kroatischer Flusslandschaften

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    The paper is premised on the idea that since environmental decisions are concerned with establishing rules over the sustainable use of land, water and air, such decisions should embrace substantial input from the general public: participatory environmental decision-making can improve the quality of decisions made. The paper therefore draws on the importance of perceiving the relationship between conservational requests (expressed as the social goals) and the search for the possibilities to fulfil these requests (as the professional task to be solved). The study is intended as an inquiry into possible differences in opinion or perception between three different social groups defined in relation to the tested landscape – the area of the Mura and Drava rivers confluence: the space users, people professionally connected to the area and the potential users. The public survey was employed to gain a new insight into the issues of possible differences in public preferences towards landscape identity, and the perception these groups have of the Croatian participatory spatial decision-making process. The results have shown that it is necessary to deploy the value system people attach to landscape in the evaluation phase of environmental planning and that there is room for such a need within the spatial decision-making process based on the sustainability paradigm.U radu se polazi od pretpostavke da prilikom donošenja odluka o okolišu koje se odnose na uspostavu zahtjeva da održivu upotrebu i namjenu sastavnica okoliša (ozemlja, voda i zraka) treba uključiti u vrijednosni sustav šire javnosti prema okolišu, i to zato što takve informacije mogu pridonijeti kvaliteti stručnih odluka. Rad obrađuje problematiku isticanja važnosti odnosa: zahtjevâ za zaštitu kvaliteta krajobraza (što je društveni cilj) i mogućnosti za ostvarivanje tih istih zahtjevâ (što je stručni zadatak u okolišnom planiranju). Predstavljeno istraživanje ima cilj utvrditi razlike u mišljenju i stavovima društvenih skupina o pitanjima (1) prepoznatljivosti riječnoga krajobraza; (2) potrebi za sudjelovanjem u procesu donošenja prostornih odluka u vezi s okolišem. Anketnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeni su stalni korisnici istraživanoga prostora (lokalno stanovništvo područja ušća rijeke Mure u rijeku Dravu) te potencijalni korisnici (stručnjaci s područja zaštite, planiranja i upravljanja riječnim krajobrazom; gradsko stanovništvo). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da se participativna narav planerskoga postupka koji ima zadaću riješiti određeni razvojno-zaštitni problem ogleda u količini i vrsti ulaznih informacija dobivenih od laičke javnosti. Potrebnost tih informacija za pripremu i oblikovanje kriterija vrednovanja krajobraza potvrđena je željom grupa ispitanika da se aktivnije uključe u proces donošenja prostornih odluka o okolišu.Der Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist die These, dass bei Verfügungen zur Landschaftsgestaltung, die bei der Zweckbestimmung einzelner landschaftlicher Komponenten (Boden, Luft und Wasser) der Forderung nach Nachhaltigkeit Rechnung tragen, auch diesbezügliche in der Öffentlichkeit bestehende Wertvorstellungen mit einbezogen werden sollten, da dies nach Ansicht der Autorin die Qualität der Entscheidungen steigern würde. Untersucht wird die Problematik eines äußerst wichtigen Bezuges: der Forderung nach Landschaftsschutz (als gesellschaftlich relevanten Zieles) und der Voraussetzungen zur Erfüllung dieser Forderung (als wichtiger Aufgabe bei der Landschaftsplanung). Die hier präsentierte Untersuchung soll ermitteln, worin sich die Meinungen verschiedener gesellschaftlicher Gruppen unterscheiden, wenn es um die Problempunkte (1) Visuelle Identität von Flusslandschaften und (2) Teilnahme an Entscheidungen zur Landschaftsgestaltung geht. An der Meinungsumfrage nahmen die Bewohner eines untersuchten landschaftlichen Raumes teil (die Lokalbevölkerung des Einzugsbereiches des Zusammenflusses von Murr und Drau) sowie potenzielle Nutzer und Besucher (Fachkräfte aus dem Bereich des Landschaftsschutzes, der Landschaftsplanung und -verwaltung; Vertreter der Stadtbevölkerung). Die Umfrageergebnisse lassen darauf schließen, dass Landschaftsplanung, die auf die Einbeziehung des von der Öffentlichkeit mehrheitlich getragenen Wertesystems angelegt ist, sich auszeichnet durch eine bestimmte Art und Menge von Informationen aus Laienkreisen. Der Bedarf nach solchen Informationen, um Kriterien zur Landschaftsbewertung zu erarbeiten, bestätigt sich in der Absicht der Umfrageteilnehmer, sich aktiver am Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung in der Landschaftsgestaltung zu beteiligen

    Landscape Values: Predefined or Extrinsic?

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    The paper addresses the issue of the source of landscape value attributed to protection. Besides the usual exception to the rule, it is believed that intrinsic or predefined values are still firmly entrenched in landscape planning practice, whereas at the pedagogic level of the discipline there is a shift towards extrinsic values. The underlying premise of the paper is that evaluation of natural systems based on predefined values makes consent between developmental and conservational interests impossible. Consent is perceived as the mechanism to fulfil a key principle “as least as reasonably achievable”, ALARA, in both aspects of landscape planning. The research focuses on the stage of planning process that enables spatial data transformation into suitability maps that represent or externalise extrinsic landscape values. The paper will begin by brief outline of two fundamentally different value categories. The results of suitability analyses i.e. value systems detected and a reflections or consequences in land use decisions concerning some past and present policies in Croatia will be discussed next. By extension, the “extrinsic vs. predefined landscape value” dispute will be argued especially concerning those elements that invoke difficulties while generating and/or linking the concepts of evaluation models. The paper will finally acknowledge an optimization planning instrument as a mode to cope with two value systems

    Pläne zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Unterschiedliches gesellschaftliches Interesse an der Umwelt und seine Bedeutung

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    The paper provides an insight into sustainable development as the basic principle to be followed in the planning activity the goal of which is to protect or enhance the things we, as society, value. The subject of that endeavour is frequently directed towards landscape. The legacy of landscape evaluation present among the Croatian professional community is that landscape values are perceived as a visual and aesthetic category. The conservation idea in planning focuses less on values attached to desired goals which are as a rule the result of opposing interests: developmental and conservational. This paper concentrates on the character of those values as appropriate for the sustainability concept implementation. It first indicates and then expounds the possible reasons for disagreement and contradictions concerning the meaning and interpretation of sustainable development. Subsequently, an approach is proposed towards evaluating landscape which enables both efficient protection and development. The practice of achieving sustainable development in Croatia from the aspect of conservation planning is analysed in the third part, especially the mechanism of public participation in the decision-making process regarding landscape planning and landscape evaluation tools.Tema rada jest održivi razvoj shvaćen kao temeljno načelo aktivnosti planiranja, svrha kojega je zaštititi i/ili unaprijediti sve ono u prostoru što kao društvo cijenimo. Ta je aktivnost često usmjerena prema krajobrazu. Karakteristično za naslijeđe vrednovanja krajobraza u hrvatskoj stručnoj javnosti jest da se vrijednosti krajobraza percipiraju kao vizualno-estetska kategorija. Ideja zaštite u planiranju manje se stoga usredotočuje na vrijednosti ili kvalitete željenih stanja krajobraza, koja su rezultat projekcije različitih i redovito suprotnih interesa: razvojnog i zaštitnog. U ovom se radu bavimo karakterom i vrstama tih potonjih vrijednosti te njihovom ulogom u primjeni načela održivosti unutar postupaka zaštitnog planiranja. Prvo se ukazuje na značenje i poimanje održivog razvitka, a potom se obrazlažu mogući razlozi nesuglasica i kontradikcija oko interpretacija održivog razvitka. U nastavku se predlaže pristup vrednovanju krajobraza koji istovremeno omogućuje njegovu što učinkovitiju zaštitu i razvoj. Praksa ostvarivanja koncepta održivog razvoja u Hrvatskoj s aspekta zaštitnog planiranja analizira se u trećem dijelu članka. Kao problemska područja izdvajaju se mehanizam sudjelovanja javnosti u procesu pripreme i donošenja odluka o namjeni prostora te planerski alati za vrednovanje prostora.Das Thema dieses Aufsatzes ist die nachhaltige Entwicklung aufgefasst als Grundprinzip jeglichen Planens für die Zukunft, zu dessen Zielen der Schutz und/oder die Förderung all dessen gehört, das wir als Gesellschaft an unserer Umwelt schätzen. Die Aktivität des Planens ist häufig auf unsere Umwelt ausgerichtet. Charakeristisch für die kroatische Sichtweise ist, dass die landschaftlichen Vorzüge unserer Umwelt als visuell-ästhetische Kategorien gewertet werden. Die Idee des Planens unter Berücksichtigung des Umweltschutzes konzentriert sich daher weniger auf den Wert oder die Qualität des erwünschten Umweltzustandes, der aus der Projizierung unterschiedlicher und in der Regel stets gegensätzlicher Interessen hervorgeht: aus dem Streben nach Entwicklung einerseits und Schutzmaßnahmen andererseits. Diese Arbeit widmet sich dem Charakter und den Arten von Werten, die gemäß dem Schutzprinzip angestrebt werden, und untersucht die Rolle, die diese Werte bei der Umsetzung des Nachhaltigkeits-Prinzips im Rahmen von Entwicklungsplänen spielen, die den Umweltschutz mit einschließen. Der Autor verweist zunächst auf mögliche Ursachen, die Unstimmigkeiten und widerstreitende Standpunkte zu Begriff, Bedeutung und Auslegung des Nachhaltigkeitsprinzips hervorrufen könnten, und bietet sodann plausible Erklärungen an. Im Folgenden wird ein Ansatz zur Wertung der Umwelt vorgeschlagen, der sowohl ihre Entwicklung als zugleich auch wirkungsvolle Maßnahmen zu ihrem Schutz umfasst. Der dritte Teil des Aufsatzes widmet sich der Umsetzung des Konzeptes der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Kroatien unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Einbezugs von Umweltschutzmaßnahmen

    Modeling the experts’ attitudes on natural qualities of the landscape within the river Neretva valley

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    Teorijsko polazište ovog rada jest da usklađivanje stajališta različitih dionika, stručnjaka i korisnika prostora, u planiranju predstavlja temelj za provedbu održivoga prostornog razvoja, pri čemu se zaštita kvalitetâ krajobraza smatra nositeljem zajedničkih ciljeva svih sektora u prostoru. Obzirom da je pretpostavka ovog rada da predstavnici različitih stručnih skupina imaju različita vrijednosna polazišta o prostoru, bilo je potrebno ispitati stajališta različitih sektorskih skupina i utvrditi potencijalne razlike između kriterija vrednovanja prirodnih kvaliteta krajobraza. U provedbi ovog istraživanja primijenjena je kvalitativna metoda nisko strukturiranog intervjua na prigodnom uzorku ispitanika različitih profila obrazovanja i mjesta zaposlenja koji su predstavljali tri sektora (poljoprivreda, lovstvo i zaštita prirode); skupine na koje bi promjene u istraživanom prostoru najviše utjecale, a i koje najviše same utječu na promjene u prostoru. Ovim radom utvrđeno je da se kriteriji vrednovanja prirodnih kvaliteta krajobraza razlikuju između stručnjaka iz različitih sektora. Dobiveni rezultati su bili korišteni za daljnje korake istraživanja koji podrazumijevaju transformaciju u kriterije koji se mogu prostorno prikazati a zatim i modelirati s ciljem optimizacije odluka u prostoru koje istovremeno mogu uključivati društvene interese; bilo razvojne ili zaštitne. Stoga su rezultati ispitivanja implementirani u postupak vrednovanja kroz izradu kartografskih prikaza modela percepcije prirodnih kvaliteta krajobraza za svaku skupinu ispitanika.The postulate of this paper is that harmonization of different stakeholders point of view in spatial planning, the experts and the users, represents the foundation for the implementation of sustainable spatial development, where the protection of landscape quality is considered as the holder of common objectives of all sectors in space. Given the hypothesis that representatives of different expert groups have different values baseline about space it was needed to examine the views of different expert groups and to determine the potential differences between the evaluation criteria of natural landscape qualities. The qualitative method of low-structured interviews was conducted on an appropriate sample of respondents of different education profiles and places of employment representing three sectors (agriculture, hunting and nature protection); the groups which would be the most influenced by the changes in the research area, and which affect the most changes in space. This paper pointed out that the criteria for the evaluation of natural qualities differ between the experts from different sectors. These results were used for further research that consider the transformation into the criteria which can be mapped and afterward modelled with the aim for optimization of spatial decisions which can simultaneously include protection and development as social interests. The findings derived from qualitative research were implemented into the evaluation through making the maps of models of attitude on natural qualities for each group of respondents

    Pregled mogućnosti primjene GIS-a u krajobraznom planiranju

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    Landscape planning is a branch of the interdisciplinary profession of landscape architecture, which is based on landscape quality protection, and focuses on harmonising different values and interests in spatial development. The modern paradigm of the landscape is based on multidimensionality and interdisciplinarity, which makes the application of GIS indispensable in researching and analysing landscape approaches. This paper presents the application of GIS within the methods and tools of landscape planning, from the perspective of the landscape architecture profession in Croatia, involving the following methods: landscape evaluation, spatial modelling, development of strategic plans, landscape and environmental impact assessment including visual analysis and simulations, landscape character assessment, and landscape plans. The paper also highlights the diversity of potential landscape planning approaches within the instruments of different sectors, concentrating on responsibility for the landscape, spatial planning, natural and environmental protection, conservation of cultural heritage, land policies, rural and tourist development, and energy issues.The paper also indicates that, despite signing the European Landscape Convention, via which Croatia showed interest in innovative planning, conservation and management approaches, there has still been no significant shift at the institutional level, with the occasional implementation of the landscape approaches in practice. The lack of use of GIS tools is especially evident within different sectoral instruments, at all levels of spatial thinking and decision-making.Krajobrazno planiranje grana je interdisciplinarne struke krajobrazne arhitekture koja se temelji na očuvanju kvaliteta krajobraza, a usmjerena je usklađivanju različitih vrijednosti i interesa u prostornom razvoju. Moderna paradigma krajobraza utemeljena je na višedimenzionalnosti i interdisciplinarnosti, što u istraživačkim i analitičkim krajobraznim pristupima neizostavnim čini korištenje GIS-a. U ovom radu prikazana je primjena GIS-a u metodama i alatima krajobraznog planiranja iz perspektive struke krajobrazne arhitekture u Hrvatskoj, a obuhvaćeno je: vrednovanje krajobraza, izrada prostornih modela i strateških planova, procjena utjecaja na krajobraz uključujući vizualne analize i simulacije, procjena karaktera krajobraza te krajobrazni planovi. Radom je ujedno ukazano na raznolikost primjena alata krajobraznog planiranja u instrumentima različitih sektora koji imaju interes i odgovornost prema krajobrazu: prostornom planiranju, zaštiti prirode i okoliša, zaštiti kulturne baštine, zemljišnoj politici, ruralnom i turističkom razvoju i energetici. Također je ukazano na činjenicu da je, unatoč potpisivanju Europske konvencije o krajobrazu kojom je Hrvatska iskazala interes za inovativnim alatima planiranja, zaštite i upravljanja, do danas na institucionalnoj razini učinjeno vrlo malo, a upotreba krajobraznih pristupa u praksi je stihijska. Posebno je evidentno neprimjenjivanje GIS-a u različitim sektorskim instrumentima na svim razinama promišljanja i donošenja odluka o prostoru

    An Overview of GIS Applications in Landscape Planning

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    Krajobrazno planiranje grana je interdisciplinarne struke krajobrazne arhitekture koja se temelji na očuvanju kvaliteta krajobraza, a usmjerena je usklađivanju različitih vrijednosti i interesa u prostornom razvoju. Moderna paradigma krajobraza utemeljena je na višedimenzionalnosti i interdisciplinarnosti, što u istraživačkim i analitičkim krajobraznim pristupima neizostavnim čini korištenje GIS-a. U ovom radu prikazana je primjena GIS-a u metodama i alatima krajobraznog planiranja iz perspektive struke krajobrazne arhitekture u Hrvatskoj, a obuhvaćeno je: vrednovanje krajobraza, izrada prostornih modela i strateških planova, procjena utjecaja na krajobraz uključujući vizualne analize i simulacije, procjena karaktera krajobraza te krajobrazni planovi. Radom je ujedno ukazano na raznolikost primjena alata krajobraznog planiranja u instrumentima različitih sektora koji imaju interes i odgovornost prema krajobrazu: prostornom planiranju, zaštiti prirode i okoliša, zaštiti kulturne baštine, zemljišnoj politici, ruralnom i turističkom razvoju i energetici. Također je ukazano na činjenicu da je, unatoč potpisivanju Europske konvencije o krajobrazu kojom je Hrvatska iskazala interes za inovativnim alatima planiranja, zaštite i upravljanja, do danas na institucionalnoj razini učinjeno vrlo malo, a upotreba krajobraznih pristupa u praksi je stihijska. Posebno je evidentno neprimjenjivanje GIS-a u različitim sektorskim instrumentima na svim razinama promišljanja i donošenja odluka o prostoru.Landscape planning is a branch of the interdisciplinary profession of landscape architecture, which is based on landscape quality protection, and focuses on harmonising different values and interests in spatial development. The modern paradigm of the landscape is based on multidimensionality and interdisciplinarity, which makes the application of GIS indispensable in researching and analysing landscape approaches. This paper presents the application of GIS within the methods and tools of landscape planning, from the perspective of the landscape architecture profession in Croatia, involving the following methods: landscape evaluation, spatial modelling, development of strategic plans, landscape and environmental impact assessment including visual analysis and simulations, landscape character assessment, and landscape plans. The paper also highlights the diversity of potential landscape planning approaches within the instruments of different sectors, concentrating on responsibility for the landscape, spatial planning, natural and environmental protection, conservation of cultural heritage, land policies, rural and tourist development, and energy issues. The paper also indicates that, despite signing the European Landscape Convention, via which Croatia showed interest in innovative planning, conservation and management approaches, there has still been no significant shift at the institutional level, with the occasional implementation of the landscape approaches in practice. The lack of use of GIS tools is especially evident within different sectoral instruments, at all levels of spatial thinking and decision-making