151 research outputs found

    Supporting solid steps from higher education into sustainable jobs

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    Can European socio-economic governance be social investment proof

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    Chapter on the European Semester in the a book "The Uses of Social Investment", which provides the first study of the welfare state, under the new post-crisis austerity context and associated crisis management politics, to take stock of the limits and potential of social investment. It surveys the emergence, diffusion, limits, merits, and politics of social investment as the welfare policy paradigm for the 21st century, seen through the lens of the life-course contingencies of the competitive knowledge economy and modern family-hood

    Flexicurity: Lessons and Proposals from the Netherlands

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    Arbeitsmarktflexibilisierung, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Ungeschützte Beschäftigung, Wirtschaftspolitische Wirkungsanalyse, Niederlande, Flexicurity, Labour market flexibility, Labour market policy, Precarious employment, Economic policy analysis, Netherlands

    The social dimension of EU economic governance after the Covid-19 pandemic: exploring new interlinkages

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    This article assesses the space for the social dimension of EU economic governance after the Covid-19 pandemic. It does so by looking at the types of instruments that are used to further European social policy. It describes how rule-based, coordination-based and monetary-based instruments are connected to different conceptualisations of European social policy and the role national actors might play, including the social partners. The different instruments are brought together in governance architectures, for example in the European Pillar of Social Rights, the European Semester, and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Lately, monetary-based instruments have been used more often, also in order to shape European social policy. Moreover, apart from combining different instruments, the governance architectures themselves seem deliberately to be interlinked. The article ends with a provisional research agenda, proposing questions that should be addressed in order to understand how the social dimension is anchored in the wide range of governance instruments

    Leer van vorige crisis bij bestrijding jeugdwerkloosheid

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    Als na de zomer een nieuwe generatie schoolverlaters de arbeidsmarkt op stroomt, kan het probleem van jeugdwerkloosheid urgent worden. Snel handelen is daarom het devies. Daarbij kunnen we leren van de lessen uit het verleden. Een lage jeugdwerkloosheid is van groot economisch en sociaal belang

    The Dutch polder model:Resilience in times of crisis

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