6 research outputs found

    The politics of Amazonian deforestation: environmental policy and climate change knowledge

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    This article reviews literature on the science and politics of deforestation in the Amazon from 1970 until today, focusing on their shifting meanings and the increasing relevance of climate change knowledge to their understanding and management. Since large-scale colonization of the region began in the 1970s, the debate on deforestation has been crucial in disputes involving science, development, and the environment. In the last decade, the issue of climate change has become more present in the science, politics, and policies related to deforestation in the Amazon. This debate has helped shift discussions on both the environmental and the development agenda for the region. Although there is a broad agreement that the Amazon is being increasingly integrated into global fluxes of knowledge, goods, and people, not all view this process under the same light. The review concludes that scientific views help condition the development of changing policy arrangements aimed at curbing deforestation, and the incorporation of climate change knowledge is an important aspect of the dynamics of environmental policies in the region. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.This article reviews literature on the science and politics of deforestation in the Amazon from 1970 until today, focusing on their shifting meanings and the increasing relevance of climate change knowledge to their understanding and management. 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    South-south transnational advocacy: mobilizing against brazilian dams in the peruvian amazon

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    South-South transnational advocacy networks (SSTANs) targeting emerging states, Southern companies, and their supporting institutions warrant nuanced distinctions from traditional transnational advocacy networks that are heavily reliant on Northern actors and targets, particularly in terms of the strategies and arguments they employ. This article analyzes the dynamics of SSTANs through the case of an environmental campaign against Brazilian hydropower projects proposed in the Peruvian Amazon. It demonstrates how Southern actors are mobilizing against new and emerging patterns of South-South cooperation, which, despite occurring on unfamiliar institutional terrain, reproduces familiar asymmetrical power relations and socioenvironmental burdens1917798CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES88881.064958/2014-0188881.064958/2014-0