6 research outputs found

    Private demand for cholera vaccines in Beira, Mozambique.

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    In the summer of 2005, we interviewed 996 randomly selected respondents in Beira, Mozambique concerning their willingness and ability to pay for cholera vaccine for themselves and for other household members. Respondents were told that two doses of the vaccine would be required 2 weeks apart, and that the cholera vaccine would offer excellent protection against infection for the first year following vaccination, and some protection during the second and third year after a person is vaccinated. This research was carried out in order to learn more about private demand for vaccines in a cholera-endemic area. We asked two types of valuation questions: (1) a discrete-price offer for a vaccine that could be purchased for household members and (2) a payment card designed to assess uncertainty in the respondent's demand for a vaccine for self-protection. We estimate average household willingness to pay (WTP) for cholera vaccines in Beira to be 2005 US$ 8.45. This estimate of household WTP represents the perceived private economic benefits to a household--six persons on average--of giving all members free cholera vaccines

    Effectiveness of mass oral cholera vaccination in Beira, Mozambique.

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    BACKGROUND: New-generation, orally administered cholera vaccines offer the promise of improved control of cholera in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in many cholera-affected African populations has raised doubts about the level of protection possible with vaccination. We evaluated a mass immunization program with recombinant cholera-toxin B subunit, killed whole-cell (rBS-WC) oral cholera vaccine in Beira, Mozambique, a city where the seroprevalence of HIV is 20 to 30 percent. METHODS: From December 2003 to January 2004, we undertook mass immunization of nonpregnant persons at least two years of age, using a two-dose regimen of rBS-WC vaccine in Esturro, Beira (population 21,818). We then assessed vaccine protection in a case-control study during an outbreak of El Tor Ogawa cholera in Beira between January and May 2004. To estimate the level of vaccine protection, antecedent rates of vaccination were compared between persons with culture-confirmed cholera severe enough to have prompted them to seek treatment and age- and sex-matched neighborhood controls without treated diarrhea. RESULTS: We assessed the effectiveness of the vaccine in 43 persons with cholera and 172 controls. Receipt of one or more doses of rBS-WC vaccine was associated with 78 percent protection (95 percent confidence interval, 39 to 92 percent; P=0.004). The vaccine was equally effective in children younger than five years of age and in older persons. A concurrently conducted case-control study designed to detect bias compared persons with treated, noncholeraic diarrhea and controls without diarrhea in the same population and found no protection associated with receipt of the rBS-WC vaccine. CONCLUSIONS: The rBS-WC vaccine was highly effective against clinically significant cholera in an urban sub-Saharan African population with a high prevalence of HIV infection

    Classical RS1 and environmental RS1 elements in Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor strains harbouring a tandem repeat of CTX prophage: revisiting Mozambique in 2005

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    Currently, Vibrio cholerae O1 serogroup biotype El Tor strains producing classical type cholera toxin (altered strains or El Tor variants) are prevalent in Asia and in Mozambique. Mozambican strains collected in 2004 contained a tandem repeat of CTX prophage on the small chromosome and each CTX prophage harboured the classical rstR and classical ctxB. We found that the majority of the strains collected in 2005 in Mozambique contained extra elements on the large chromosome in addition to the tandem repeat of CTX prophage on the small chromosome. New type RS1 elements RS1cla and RS1env, and a CTXenv with rstRenv and the classical ctxB were identified on the large chromosome of the Mozambican isolates collected in 2005