343 research outputs found

    EGAM Induced by Energetic-electrons and Nonlinear Interactions among EGAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes in a Toroidal Plasma

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    In this letter, it is reported that the first experimental results are associated with the GAM induced by energetic electrons (eEGAM) in HL-2A Ohmic plasma. The energetic-electrons are generated by parallel electric fields during magnetic reconnection associated with tearing mode (TM). The eEGAM localizes in the core plasma, i.e. in the vicinity of q=2 surface, and is very different from one excited by the drift-wave turbulence in the edge plasma. The analysis indicated that the eEGAM is provided with the magnetic components, whose intensities depend on the poloidal angles, and its mode numbers are jm/nj=2/0. Further, there exist intense nonlinear interactions among eEGAM, BAEs and strong tearing modes (TMs). These new findings shed light on the underlying physics mechanism for the excitation of the low frequency (LF) Alfv\'enic and acoustic uctuations.Comment: 5 pages,4 figure

    The rms-flux relations in different branches in Cyg X-2

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    In this paper, the rms-flux (root mean square-flux) relation along the Z-track of the bright Z-Source Cyg X-2 is analyzed using the observational data of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). Three types of rms-flux relations, i.e. positive, negative, and 'arch'-like correlations are found in different branches. The rms is positively correlated with flux in normal branch (NB), but anti-correlated in the vertical horizontal branch (VHB). The rms-flux relation shows an 'arch'-like shape in the horizontal branch (HB). We also try to explain this phenomenon using existing models.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Distributed phase-covariant cloning with atomic ensembles via quantum Zeno dynamics

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    We propose an interesting scheme for distributed orbital state quantum cloning with atomic ensembles based on the quantum Zeno dynamics. These atomic ensembles which consist of identical three-level atoms are trapped in distant cavities connected by a single-mode integrated optical star coupler. These qubits can be manipulated through appropriate modulation of the coupling constants between atomic ensemble and classical field, and the cavity decay can be largely suppressed as the number of atoms in the ensemble qubits increases. The fidelity of each cloned qubit can be obtained with analytic result. The present scheme provides a new way to construct the quantum communication network.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Interplay of Electron-Phonon Interaction and Electron Correlation in High Temperature Superconductivity

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    We study the electron-phonon interaction in the strongly correlated superconducting cuprates. Two types of the electron-phonon interactions are introduced in the t−Jt-J model; the diagonal and off-diagonal interactions which modify the formation energy of the Zhang-Rice singlet and its transfer integral, respectively. The characteristic phonon-momentum (q⃗)(\vec q) and electron-momentum (k⃗)(\vec k) dependence resulted from the off-diagonal coupling can explain a variety of experiments. The vertex correction for the electron-phonon interaction is formulated in the SU(2) slave-boson theory by taking into account the collective modes in the superconducting ground states. It is shown that the vertex correction enhances the attractive potential for the d-wave paring mediated by phonon with q⃗=(π(1−ή),0)\vec q=(\pi(1-\delta), 0) around ή≅0.3\delta \cong 0.3 which corresponds to the half-breathing mode of the oxygen motion.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    ELM mitigation by supersonic molecular beam injection: KSTAR and HL-2A experiments and theory

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    We report recent experimental results from HL-2A and KSTAR on ELM mitigation by supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI). Cold particle deposition within the pedestal by SMBI is verified in both machines. The signatures of ELM mitigation by SMBI are an ELM frequency increase and ELM amplitude decrease. These persist for an SMBI influence time τI. Here, τI is the time for the SMBI influenced pedestal profile to refill. An increase in fELMSMBI/fELM0 and a decrease in the energy loss per ELM ΔWELM were achieved in both machines. Physical insight was gleaned from studies of density and vΊ (toroidal rotation velocity) evolution, particle flux and turbulence spectra, divertor heat load. The characteristic gradients of the pedestal density soften and a change in vΊ was observed during a τI time. The spectra of the edge particle flux Γ ∌ 〈áčœrñe〉 and density fluctuation with and without SMBI were measured in HL-2A and in KSTAR, respectively. A clear phenomenon observed is the decrease in divertor heat load during the τI time in HL-2A. Similar results are the profiles of saturation current density Jsat with and without SMBI in KSTAR. We note that τI/τp (particle confinement time) is close to ∌1, although there is a large difference in individual τI between the two machines. This suggests that τI is strongly related to particle-transport events. Experiments and analysis of a simple phenomenological model support the important conclusion that ELM mitigation by SMBI results from an increase in higher frequency fluctuations and transport events in the pedestal. © 2014 IAEA, Vienna

    The present and future of QCD

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    This White Paper presents an overview of the current status and future perspective of QCD research, based on the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the 2022 Hot and Cold QCD Town Meeting. We present the progress made in the last decade toward a deep understanding of both the fundamental structure of the sub-atomic matter of nucleon and nucleus in cold QCD, and the hot QCD matter in heavy ion collisions. We identify key questions of QCD research and plausible paths to obtaining answers to those questions in the near future, hence defining priorities of our research over the coming decades
