74 research outputs found

    Modelling of CHF and Post-CHF Heat Transfer for Trans-critical Transients

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    Assessment of CHF and Post-CHF Heat Transfer Models for High-Pressure Condition

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    Learning To Teach Large Language Models Logical Reasoning

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    Large language models (LLMs) have gained enormous attention from both academia and industry, due to their exceptional ability in language generation and extremely powerful generalization. However, current LLMs still output unreliable content in practical reasoning tasks due to their inherent issues (e.g., hallucination). To better disentangle this problem, in this paper, we conduct an in-depth investigation to systematically explore the capability of LLMs in logical reasoning. More in detail, we first investigate the deficiency of LLMs in logical reasoning on different tasks, including event relation extraction and deductive reasoning. Our study demonstrates that LLMs are not good reasoners in solving tasks with rigorous reasoning and will produce counterfactual answers, which require us to iteratively refine. Therefore, we comprehensively explore different strategies to endow LLMs with logical reasoning ability, and thus enable them to generate more logically consistent answers across different scenarios. Based on our approach, we also contribute a synthesized dataset (LLM-LR) involving multi-hop reasoning for evaluation and pre-training. Extensive quantitative and qualitative analyses on different tasks also validate the effectiveness and necessity of teaching LLMs with logic and provide insights for solving practical tasks with LLMs in future work

    Exploiting Active RIS in NOMA Networks with Hardware Impairments

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    Active reconfigurable intelligent surface (ARIS) is a promising way to compensate for multiplicative fading attenuation by amplifying and reflecting event signals to selected users. This paper investigates the performance of ARIS assisted non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) networks over cascaded Nakagami-m fading channels. The effects of hardware impairments (HIS) and reflection coefficients on ARIS-NOMA networks with imperfect successive interference cancellation (ipSIC) and perfect successive interference cancellation (pSIC) are considered. More specifically, we develop new precise and asymptotic expressions of outage probability and ergodic data rate with ipSIC/pSIC for ARIS-NOMA-HIS networks. According to the approximated analyses, the diversity orders and multiplexing gains for couple of non-orthogonal users are attained in detail. Additionally, the energy efficiency of ARIS-NOMA-HIS networks is surveyed in delay-limited and delay-tolerant transmission schemes. The simulation findings are presented to demonstrate that: i) The outage behaviors and ergodic data rates of ARIS-NOMA-HIS networks precede that of ARIS aided orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and passive reconfigurable intelligent surface (PRIS) aided OMA; ii) As the reflection coefficient of ARIS increases, ARIS-NOMA-HIS networks have the ability to provide the strengthened outage performance; and iii) ARIS-NOMA-HIS networks are more energy efficient than ARIS/PRIS-OMA networks and conventional cooperative schemes

    Effects of increased phosphorus fertilizer on C, N, and P stoichiometry in different organs of bluegrass (Poa L.) at different growth stages

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    IntroductionThe application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer can promote photosynthesis in forage grasses and accelerate their establishment.MethodsTo improve the utilization efficiency of P fertilizer for bluegrass (Poa L.) in alpine regions, the effects of P fertilizer on their growth, and carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and P distribution in their different organs of them are tested at six P fertilization levels (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 g·m−2).Results(1) The nutrient content in each organ of bluegrass varies during different growth stages, with the lowest nutrient content occurring in the wilt stage. (2) The response of the nutrient content and ratio of each organ of bluegrass to different P fertilization levels varies. When the P application rate was 15 g·m−2, the contents of N and P in roots were the highest, and their C/N and C/P ratios were the lowest. When the P application rate was 12 g·m−2, the contents of N and P in the stems were the highest, and their C/N and C/P ratios were the lowest. When the P application rate was 9 g·m−2, the contents of N and P in leaves were the highest, and their C/N and C/P ratios were the lowest. When the P application rate was 6 g·m−2 the contents of N and P in the panicle were the highest, and their C/N and C/P ratios were the lowest.DiscussionThese results provide a better understanding of the effect of P fertilization in the nutrient partitioning pattern of perennial forage plant organs in alpine regions. The information from this study can support a more reasonable P fertilization for the establishment of early grassland. For example, in artificial forage grassland, the application of low-concentration P fertilizer (6~9 g·m−2) can promote the nutrient content in spikes and stems of forage grass; for ecological management, the application of high-concentration P fertilizer (15 g·m−2) can promote the nutrient content in roots and enhance the ecological benefits of forage grassland

    Wzorce wpływu między Chinami a Stanami Zjednoczonymi w kontekście wojny opinii publicznej w okresie prezydentury Xi Jinpinga

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    Różne aspekty walki o wpływy między Chinami a Stanami Zjednoczonymi w sferze opinii publicznej podkreślają zmieniającą się dynamikę w erze informacyjnej. Niniejsza praca dyplomowa bada kontekst historyczny ekspansjonizmu amerykańskiego oraz strategie stosowane przez Stany Zjednoczone w celu utrzymania swojej hegemonii, wykorzystując podważanie, podburzanie i dominację ideologiczną jako narzędzia kształtujące globalne postrzeganie.Znaczenie wojny opinii publicznej podkreśla jej niski koszt i wpływ w kształtowaniu międzynarodowego krajobrazu. Przy uwzględnieniu wszechstronnych wysiłków Stanów Zjednoczonych mających na celu powstrzymanie i osłabienie Chin w różnych obszarach, takich jak ideologia, handel i kwestie regionalne, niniejsza praca dyplomowa bierze również pod uwagę kontratak Chin w dziedzinie opinii publicznej, który ma na celu jednoczenie myśli w kraju i obalanie negatywnych narracji za pomocą racjonalnych argumentów i dowodów.Zarówno Stany Zjednoczone, jak i Chiny stoją przed wyzwaniem zwalczania kampanii oszczerstw i demonizacji, co podkreśla znaczenie wzmacniania międzynarodowej komunikacji Chin w celu zyskania zrozumienia i uznania ze strony społeczności międzynarodowej, skutecznego przeciwdziałania negatywnym wpływom oraz ochrony interesów narodowych.Opierając się na doświadczeniach Stanów Zjednoczonych w zakresie strategii opinii publicznej po atakach z 11 września, zwłaszcza po wojnie w Iraku, niniejsze badanie porównuje czynniki przyczyniające się do zwycięstwa Stanów Zjednoczonych w opinii publicznej z aktualnymi wysiłkami Chin na tym polu. Amerykańska hegemonia kulturowa i ideologiczna leży u podstaw i podważa jej miękką siłę, podczas gdy obecne niekorzystne warunki dla Chin oraz niedawne postępy w zarządzaniu opinią publiczną są oczywiste i narażone na kontrofensywę.Podsumowując, niniejsza praca dyplomowa przedstawia idee dotyczące złożonej dynamiki walki o wpływy między Chinami a Stanami Zjednoczonymi w erze informacyjnej. Podkreśla znaczenie opinii publicznej i konieczność wzmocnienia międzynarodowej komunikacji Chin. Przez krytyczną analizę amerykańskiej hegemonii i identyfikację obszarów do doskonalenia, praca ta ma na celu zgłębienie spostrzeżeń i strategii, które pozwolą Chinom skutecznie poruszać się w sferze opinii publicznej.Different aspects in the power struggle between China and the United States in the realm of public opinion highlight the changing dynamics in the information era. This thesis explores the historical context of American expansionism and the strategies employed by the United States to maintain its hegemony, due to its military, economic, and diplomatic advantages, while utilizing subversion, incitement, and ideological dominance as tools to shape global perceptions.The significance of public opinion warfare emphasizes its low-cost and influential nature in shaping the international landscape. While acknowledging the comprehensive efforts of the United States to contain and suppress China across various domains, such as ideology, trade, and regional issues, this thesis also considers China's counterattack in public opinion, which aims to unify domestic thoughts and refute negative narratives through reason and evidence.Both the United States and China face a challenge in countering the smear campaign and demonization, which highlights the importance of enhancing China's international communication capacity to gain understanding and recognition from the international community, counter malicious influences effectively, and safeguard national interests.Drawing upon the experience of the United States' post-9/11 public opinion strategies, particularly in the aftermath of the Iraq war, the study compares the factors that contributed to the US prevailing in public opinion with China's ongoing efforts to catch up. American cultural and ideological hegemony underlie and undermine its soft power, while China's current disadvantages and recent developments in public opinion management is obvious and on a risk of counteractions.In conclusion, this thesis shares ideas on the complex dynamics of the China-US power struggle in the information era. It emphasizes the importance of public opinion and the need for China to enhance its international communication capacity. By critically analyzing American hegemony and identifying areas for improvement, this thesis aims to investigate insights and strategies for China to navigate the realm of public opinion effectively

    Structure and electrochemical properties of copper wires with seamless 1D nanostructures

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    A seamless Cu nanowire array grown on Cu wire is prepared by combining thermal oxidation method and electrochemical reduction. The data set described in this paper includes the structure of the Cu nanowires electrode, electrocatalytic active surface area, linear sweep voltammetry and amperometry measurement for nitrate sensing. The electrochemical data show that Cu nanowire arrays exhibited a linear response to nitrate ions over a concentration range from 50 μM to 600 μM (R2 = 0.9974) with a sensitivity of 0.357 μA μM−1 cm−1 and detection limit of 12.2 μM at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, respectively

    Paper-Based Microfluidic Chips for Food Hazard Factor Detection: Fabrication, Modification, and Application

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    Food safety and quality are paramount concerns for ensuring the preservation of human life and well-being. As the field of food processing continues to advance, there is a growing interest in the development of fast, instant, cost-effective, and convenient methods for detecting food safety issues. In this context, the utilization of paper-based microfluidic chips has emerged as a promising platform for enabling rapid detection, owing to their compact size, high throughput capabilities, affordability, and low resource consumption, among other advantages. To shed light on this topic, this review article focuses on the functionalization of paper-based microfluidic surfaces and provides an overview of the latest research and applications to colorimetric analysis, fluorescence analysis, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, as well as their integration with paper-based microfluidic platforms for achieving swift and reliable food safety detection. Lastly, the article deliberates on the challenges these analytical methods and presents insights into their future development prospects in facilitating rapid food safety assessment