6 research outputs found

    A Pixel Read-Out Front-End in 28 nm CMOS with Time and Space Resolution

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    Future high luminosity colliders will require front-end electronics with unprecedented performance, both in space and time resolution (tens of micrometers and tens of picoseconds) and in radiation hardness (tens of megagray). Moreover, the high number of events will generate an enormous quantity of data (some terabits per second), and the limited bandwidth requires to perform data selection as close as possible to the front-end stage, to reduce the amount of data transmitted and stored for off-line analysis.The TimeSpOT (TIME and SPace real-time Operating Tracker) project, funded by INFN, is developing a complete demonstrator of a tracking device including all the features needed for future high luminosity experiments.In this presentation, we describe the first prototype of the readout electronics in 28 nm CMOS technology. The modules of the front-end circuitry have been designed and integrated in a test chip, which will allow us to characterize each block separately, and to connect them in a processing chain to evaluate the overall performance

    Income Taxes and the composition of pay: Evidence from the british household panel survey

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    According to the standard principal-agent model, the optimal composition of pay should balance the provision of incentives with the individual demand for insurance. Do income taxes alter this balance? We show that the relative share of Performance-related pay (PRP), on total pay is reduced by higher average and marginal income taxes. Empirical evidence based on the British Household Panel Survey is consistent with the theoretical predictions of the tax-augmented principal-agent model. Our estimates suggest that a 10% reduction in the marginal income tax rate, holding the average tax rate constant, increases the share of PRP in total pay by 2.25-3.02%, depending on the empirical specification. Similarly, a 10% reduction in the average income tax rate, holding the marginal tax rate constant, increases the share of PRP in total pay by 5.10-5.27%. © 2011 The Authors. Scottish Journal of Political Economy © 2011 Scottish Economic Society

    Income Taxes and the Composition of Pay: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey

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    According to the standard principal-agent model, the optimal composition of pay should balance the provision of incentives with the individual demand for insurance. Do income taxes alter this balance? We show that the relative share of Performance-related pay (PRP), on total pay is reduced by higher average and marginal income taxes. Empirical evidence based on the British Household Panel Survey is consistent with the theoretical predictions of the tax-augmented principal-agent model. Our estimates suggest that a 10% reduction in the marginal income tax rate, holding the average tax rate constant, increases the share of PRP in total pay by 2.25-3.02%, depending on the empirical specification. Similarly, a 10% reduction in the average income tax rate, holding the marginal tax rate constant, increases the share of PRP in total pay by 5.10-5.27%. © 2011 The Authors. Scottish Journal of Political Economy © 2011 Scottish Economic Society

    ll mercato del lavoro

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    Il 28° Rapporto sull’Economia della Sardegna è ultimato in un momento in cui i primi dati del 2021 mostrano l’economia italiana in leggera ripresa, con l’industria che si rafforza e i servizi in stallo. La pandemia ha fatto emergere chiaramente alcune fragilità, come le disparità di genere e quelle tra generazioni, così come le differenze territoriali nella dotazione di infrastrutture digitali e di competenze. In risposta l’Unione Europea ha riconosciuto l’esigenza di un indebitamento comune, stimolando il disegno di politiche nazionali volte ad affrontare tali fragilità. Su questo sfondo si proietta il futuro dello sviluppo dell’Italia e quindi della Sardegna. Nel 28° Rapporto sull’Economia della Sardegna sono raccolti ed elaborati i dati di medio periodo che tracciano le linee tendenziali in atto prima della crisi. Partendo da questi dati è possibile cercare di comprendere in che modo la Sardegna sia attrezzata per sfruttare le opportunità offerte dalle nuove politiche del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, quali siano i suoi punti di forza e soprattutto quali le debolezze. Inoltre, quando disponibili, il Rapporto analizza i dati riferiti all’ultimo anno, per valutare quanto sia stata severa la recessione rispetto al resto del Paese