904 research outputs found

    Status and overview of development of the Silicon Pixel Detector for the PHENIX experiment at the BNL RHIC

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    We have developed a silicon pixel detector to enhance the physics capabilities of the PHENIX experiment. This detector, consisting of two layers of sensors, will be installed around the beam pipe at the collision point and covers a pseudo-rapidity of | \eta | < 1.2 and an azimuth angle of | \phi | ~ 2{\pi}. The detector uses 200 um thick silicon sensors and readout chips developed for the ALICE experiment. In order to meet the PHENIX DAQ readout requirements, it is necessary to read out 4 readout chips in parallel. The physics goals of PHENIX require that radiation thickness of the detector be minimized. To meet these criteria, the detector has been designed and developed. In this paper, we report the current status of the development, especially the development of the low-mass readout bus and the front-end readout electronics.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures and 1 table in DOCX (Word 2007); PIXEL 2008 workshop proceedings, will be published in the Proceedings Section of JINST(Journal of Instrumentation

    Parton energy loss limits and shadowing in Drell-Yan dimuon production

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    A precise measurement of the ratios of the Drell-Yan cross section per nucleon for an 800 GeV/c proton beam incident on Be, Fe and W targets is reported. The behavior of the Drell-Yan ratios at small target parton momentum fraction is well described by an existing fit to the shadowing observed in deep-inelastic scattering. The cross section ratios as a function of the incident parton momentum fraction set tight limits on the energy loss of quarks passing through a cold nucleus

    Large CSC chamber for the PHENIX muon detector with ultra thin cathode foils

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    The muon tracking system for the PHENIX detector at RHIC uses cathode strip chambers (CSC) for the tracking detectors. These detectors must provide 100 ÎŒm resolution per measurement plane to give satisfactory mass resolution of the vector mesons. The intermediate station (station 2) must have a very small radiation length, and large acceptance. We have prototyped a full scale CSC chamber to test the use of 25 micron metalized mylar foils for the cathode strips at station 2. The full scale prototype detector is a trapezoid 2.3 meters high and 2.3 meters wide. The foil and wire planes are mounted on thin 3,2 mm thick by 7.5 cm wide laminated frames and the tension of the planes is maintained by the two large 7.5 cm widex3.0 cm thick aluminum support frames. The total radiation length of the active region is 8.5x104

    Measurement of Angular Distributions of Drell-Yan Dimuons in p+pp + p Interactions at 800 GeV/c

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    We report a measurement of the angular distributions of Drell-Yan dimuons produced using an 800 GeV/c proton beam on a hydrogen target. The polar and azimuthal angular distribution parameters have been extracted over the kinematic range 4.5<mΌΌ<154.5 < m_{\mu \mu} < 15 GeV/c2^2 (excluding the ΄\Upsilon resonance region), 0<pT<40 < p_T < 4 GeV/c, and 0<xF<0.80 < x_F < 0.8. The p+pp+p angular distributions are similar to those of p+dp+d, and both data sets are compared with models which attribute the cos⁥2ϕ\cos 2 \phi distribution either to the presence of the transverse-momentum-dependent Boer-Mulders structure function h1⊄h_1^\perp or to QCD effects. The data indicate the presence of both mechanisms. The validity of the Lam-Tung relation in p+pp+p Drell-Yan is also tested.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of Angular Distributions of Drell-Yan Dimuons in p + d Interaction at 800 GeV/c

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    We report a measurement of the angular distributions of Drell-Yan dimuons produced using an 800 GeV/c proton beam on a deuterium target. The muon angular distributions in polar angle Ξ\theta and azimuthal angle ϕ\phi have been measured over the kinematic range 4.5<mΌΌ<154.5 < m_{\mu \mu} < 15 GeV/c2^2, 0<pT<40 < p_T < 4 GeV/c, and 0<xF<0.80 < x_F < 0.8. No significant cos2ϕ2\phi dependence is found in these proton-induced Drell-Yan data, in contrast to the situation for pion-induced Drell-Yan. The data are compared with expectations from models which attribute the cos2ϕ2\phi distribution to a QCD vacuum effect or to the presence of the transverse-momentum-dependent Boer-Mulders structure function h1⊄h_1^\perp. Constraints on the magnitude of the sea-quark h1⊄h_1^\perp structure functions are obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Determination of the Axial-Vector Weak Coupling Constant with Ultracold Neutrons

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    A precise measurement of the neutron decay ÎČ\beta-asymmetry A0A_0 has been carried out using polarized ultracold neutrons (UCN) from the pulsed spallation UCN source at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE). Combining data obtained in 2008 and 2009, we report A0=−0.11966±0.00089−0.00140+0.00123A_0 = -0.11966 \pm 0.00089_{-0.00140}^{+0.00123}, from which we determine the ratio of the axial-vector to vector weak coupling of the nucleon gA/gV=−1.27590−0.00445+0.00409g_A/g_V = -1.27590_{-0.00445}^{+0.00409}.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    First direct constraints on Fierz interference in free neutron ÎČ\beta decay

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    Precision measurements of free neutron ÎČ\beta-decay have been used to precisely constrain our understanding of the weak interaction. However the neutron Fierz interference term bnb_n, which is particularly sensitive to Beyond-Standard-Model tensor currents at the TeV scale, has thus far eluded measurement. Here we report the first direct constraints on this term, finding bn=0.067±0.005stat−0.061+0.090sysb_n = 0.067 \pm 0.005_{\text{stat}} {}^{+0.090}_{- 0.061}{}_{\text{sys}}, consistent with the Standard Model. The uncertainty is dominated by absolute energy reconstruction and the linearity of the beta spectrometer energy response
