129 research outputs found

    Harald Saller, Ein neues Editionskonzept für die Schriften Notkers des Deutschen anhand von De interpretatione. 2003

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    In der vorliegenden Studie, einer sorgfältig ausgearbeiteten Dissertation aus der Schule von Ernst Hellgardt (München), wird ein zuerst im Jahr 2001 programmatisch vorgestelltes Editionskonzept am Beispiel der lateinisch-althochdeutschen Schrift De interpretatione des Aristoteles/Boethius in der übersetzend-kommentierenden Bearbeitung des frühmittelalterlichen St. Galler Klosterlehrers und Fachschriftstellers Notker III. Labeo oder Teutonicus (um 950-1022) verwirklicht. Das Buch ist, nach einem Vorwort, in zwei Hauptabschnitte "II Herleitung des Editionskonzepts" (S. 3-68) und "III Textbeispiel" (S. 69-240) gegliedert; es folgen eine zusammenfassende Schlußbetrachtung ("IV Schluß", S. 241-244) sowie "V Siglen und Literaturverzeichnis", Register und Anhang (Kapitel-Konkordanz zu De interpretatione

    Thermal behaviour of Norway spruce and European beech in and between the principal anatomical directions

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    Thermal conductivity (ThCond), thermal diffusivity and heat capacity of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) have been determined for all principal directions - radial (R), tangential (T) and longitudinal (L) - depending on the moisture content (MC) and ThCond was additionally measured in 15° steps between these directions. The ThCond was determined in a guarded hot plate apparatus. For determining thermal diffusivity and heat capacity, the same apparatus was supplemented with thermocouples and the temperature evolution was evaluated numerically by a partial differential equation. The results show expectedly that ThCond increases with increasing MC, whereby the highest increment was observed in T and the lowest in L direction. ThCond is higher for beech than for spruce in all anatomical directions and the conductivity for both species is more than twice as high in L direction than perpendicular to grain. The highest ThCond is found for beech at a grain angle of approximately 15°. The lowest ThCond shows spruce at an angle of approximately 60° between T and R direction. Thermal diffusivity is similar for both species and decreases with increasing MC. Its differences with regard to the anatomical directions correlate with those of the ThCond values. Heat capacity is lower for beech than for spruce and shows a clear increase with increasing M

    Moisture dependent physical-mechanical properties from beech wood in the main directions

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    Hardwood is increasingly trying to get established in the building industry in order to realise a larger material output and to take advantage of the superior mechanical properties of hardwood in comparison to softwood for structural applications. For calculations of stress and strain in boards and glued-laminated timbers it is essential to know the specific values of wood in the main directions: longitudinal, radial and tangential. Therefore, the specific values of Young’s modulus, shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, the specific values of strength and also these of mass and heat flux (diffusion coefficient, thermal conductivity) were determined on European beech

    Wnt-signaling in early human trophoblast invasion

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    In der menschlichen Plazentation rückt ein Zelltyp in den Vordergrund, der Trophoblast, denn ihm fallen in diesem Prozess die wichtigsten Aufgaben zu. Der Trophoblast kann während seiner Entwicklung zwischen zwei Pfaden wählen, er kann sich in einen villösen Trophoblast verwandeln, verantwortlich für die Hormonproduktion, die Nährstoffversorgung des Fötus und den Gasaustausch, oder er kann sich zu einem extravillösen Trophoblasten entwickeln, ins mütterliche Gewebe einwandern und für die immunologische sowie die Blutgefäßanpassung sorgen. Und hier sind, trotz vieler Bemühungen der letzten Zeit, viele Fragen offen. Während meiner Dissertation lag mein Hauptaugenmerk auf Signalkaskaden, die im Zusammenhang mit trophoblastärer Differenzierung und Invasion stehen oder stehen könnten. Zwei dieser Signalwege interessierten mich am meisten: der Wnt-Signalweg, mit wichtigen Funktionen in der Embryogenese, in physiologischen Prozessen und in der Karzinogenese, und der Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT Signalweg, bestehend aus einer Vielzahl von Signaltransduktions-Enzymen, die beim Zellwachstum, der Motilität und bei Apoptose-hemmenden Kaskaden eine Rolle spielen. Als erstes untersuchte ich das Expressionsmuster der humanen Wnt Liganden und deren FZD Rezeptoren in unterschiedlichen Plazentageweben, vom ersten bis zum dritten Trimester und in Trophoblastmodellsystemen. Ich konnte zeigen, dass 14 von 19 Wnt Liganden und 8 von 10 FZD Rezeptoren in der Plazenta exprimiert werden, und dass sich das Expressionsmuster der Liganden und Rezeptoren, abhängig vom Gestationsalter, in den unterschiedlichen trophoblastären Subtypen änderte. Des Weiteren konnte ich antagonistische Effekte zwischen kanonischen und nicht-kanonischen Wnt Signalwegen in der trophoblastären Zelllinie SGHPL-5 nachweisen. Diese Beobachtungen ließen den Schluss zu, dass die Wnt Signalkaskade eine Rolle in der Morphogenese und Invasion spielen könnte. Neueste Studien zeigen einen Brückenschlag zwischen dem Wnt und PI3K/AKT Signalweg, und mich interessiert ob dieser cross-talk auch in der Plazenta stattfindet. Um Einflüsse auf transkriptioneller Ebene und/oder auf die Mobilät zu untersuchen, stimulierte ich Trophoblastenzellen mit dem rekombinanten Liganden Wnt-3A. Mit Hilfe von Blockierungsstudien nach erfolgter Stimulierung konnte keine direkte Einflussnahme auf den jeweils anderen Signalweg festgestellt werden. DKK1, ein rekombinanter Wnt Inhibitor, konnte die Phosphorylierung von AKT nicht verhindern. Und umgekehrt führte die Blockierung des PI3K/AKT Signalweges mit einem chemischen Inhibitor zu keiner Abnahme der Translokation von β-catenin in den Kern. Dennoch begünstigten beide Signalwege die Wnt-abhängige Zellmotilität und beide regulierten die Ausschüttung der Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), welche als neues Zielprotein der Wnt-Kaskade im Trophoblasten identifiziert wurde. Die Liganden des Wnt Signalwegs sind jedoch nicht die einzigen Faktoren, die zu einer höheren Mobilität von Trophoblastenzellen führen. Es konnte ebenfalls gezeigt werden, dass das Schwangerschaftshormon Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), welches während der Implantation, der Dezidualisierung und der Plazentation eine sehr wichtige Rolle spielt, die Migration und Invasion von Trophoblasten durch die Signalwege PI3K/AKT und Extracellular Regulated Kinase (ERK) steuern kann.During human placentation an alterable cell type emerges, the human trophoblast, fulfilling a wide range of tasks. The trophoblast can choose between two pathways, becoming a villous trophoblast responsible for hormone production, nutrition of the fetus and gas exchange, or pursue the path of becoming an extravillous trophoblast, invading the maternal tissue for immunological adaptation, mechanic anchorage and vascular remodelling. For all research of the latter the main mechanisms controlling the differentiation pathways regulating trophoblast invasion abide poorly understood. During my thesis I investigated the involvement of signaling pathways in trophoblast invasion and migration: on one hand the Wnt (Wingless) pathway, a complex network of signaling cascades best known for their roles in embryogenesis, normal physiological and pathological processes and on the other hand the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT pathway consisting of a wide variety of intracellular signal transducer enzymes liable for the promotion of cell growth, motility and inhibition of apoptotic cascades. First, I investigated the expression pattern of human Wnt ligands and their frizzled (FZD) receptors in different trophoblast model systems and in human placental tissue from first to third trimester. 14 out of 19 Wnt ligands and 8 out of 10 FZD receptors were expressed plus the pattern of ligands and receptors varied with gestational age and different trophoblast subtypes. These data suggested cell-specific functions in morphogenesis and motility. Moreover, an antagonizing effect of canonical and non-canonical signaling could be observed in the SGHPL-5 trophoblast cell line. Recent studies link PI3K/AKT signaling to active Wnt signaling. Therefore I explored the potential cross-talk between these two signaling cascades. For mimicking active Wnt signaling, I stimulated trophoblast cells with recombinant Wnt-3A and was interested in the outcome on the transcriptional level and the influence on motility. Blocking of Wnt-3A activated signaling with recombinant Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1) showed no alteration of the phosphorylation status of PI3K/AKT components and inhibition with a chemical inhibitor (LY294002) of PI3K/AKT had no influence on nuclear β-catenin levels, respectively. However, both pathways promoted Wnt-dependent migration and the release of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), which has been identified as novel Wnt target in invasive trophoblasts. Nevertheless, Wnt ligands are not the only factors which could promote trophoblast motility. The human pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which controls implantation, decidualization, and placental development, was also shown to regulate invasion and migration in villous explant cultures and SGHPL-5 cells through activation of signaling cascades like PI3K/AKT and extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) signaling

    Non-destructive determination and quantification of diffusion processes in wood by means of neutron imaging

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    Diffusion processes in samples of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were determined and quantified by means of neutron imaging (NI). The experiments were carried out at the neutron imaging facility NEUTRA at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen (Switzerland) using a thermal neutron spectrum. NI is a non-destructive and non-invasive testing method with a very high sensitivity for hydrogen and thus water. Within the scope of this study, diffusion processes in the longitudinal direction were ascertained for solid wood samples exposed to a differentiating climate (dry side/wet side). With NI it was possible to determine the local distribution and consequently the total amount of water absorbed by the samples. The calculated values scarcely differ from those ascertained by weighing (≤3%). The method yields profiles of the water content over the whole sample, thus allowing the local and temporal resolution of diffusion processes within the sample in the main transport direction (longitudinal). On the basis of these profiles, it was possible to calculate the diffusion coefficients along the fibre direction according to Fick's second la

    Quantitative determination of bound water diffusion in multilayer boards by means of neutron imaging

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    Diffusion processes into multilayered samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) exposed to a differentiating climate (dry side/wet side) were determined and quantified by means of neutron imaging (NI). The experiments were carried out at the neutron imaging facility NEUTRA at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen (Switzerland). With NI the influence of different adhesives (polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), urea formaldehyde resin (UF), epoxy resin (EP), one-component polyurethane (1C PUR)) on the diffusion process could be determined by varying the layer number and the thickness of adhesive joints of the samples. Thereby, neutron transmission images were used to measure time dependent water profiles in the diffusion direction. Using Fick's second law, diffusion coefficients for radial and tangential water transport in spruce wood and in the adhesive joints were calculated depending on moisture content (MC). It was found that the diffusion coefficients of the adhesives (1C PUR, EP at high MC) were up to three orders of magnitude lower than those of spruce wood. PVAc and UF had a smaller barrier effect compared to wood, which in contrast to 1C PUR and EP, clearly depends on the M

    Digitale Transformation der Hochschullehre: Augmentationsstrategien für den Einsatz von Data Analytics und Künstlicher Intelligenz

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    Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten führen technologische Entwicklungen zu einer Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und somit auch der Hochschulen. Die zweite Welle der Digitalisierung, insbesondere durch Data Analytics und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) getrieben, bringt grundlegende Veränderungen und neue Mensch-Maschinen-Interaktionen mit sich. Das Verständnis einer gelungenen Partnerschaft von Mensch-Maschine, die auf Synergie durch komplementäre Kompetenzen ab­zielt, steht bei der Augmentation im Vordergrund. Mit diesem Beitrag wird ein Schwerpunkt auf Augmentationsstrategien gelegt, um damit den nutzenbringenden Einsatz von Data Analytics und KI für die Hochschullehre und somit die wirksame Kompetenzentwicklung von Studierenden aufzuzeigen. Das Fallbeispiel ‚Entwick­lungsszenarien für Schreibkompetenzen‘ zeigt auf, wie die Augmentations­strategien in der Hochschulpraxis umgesetzt werden können

    Thermal conductivity of Norway spruce and European beech in the anatomical directions 1)

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    Abstract: Thermal conductivity of Norway spruce and European beech in the anatomical directions. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and heat capacity of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were determined for all principal directions (radial, tangential and longitudinal) depending on the moisture content (MC). Further, between the three principal directions, the thermal conductivity was determined in 15° steps. The results show that thermal conductivity increases with increasing MC and shows the highest increase in the tangential and the lowest in the longitudinal direction. Thermal conductivity is higher for beech than for spruce in all anatomical directions and the conductivity for both species is more than twice as high in the longitudinal direction than perpendicular to the grain. The highest thermal conductivity is found for beech at a grain angle of about 15°. The lowest thermal conductivity shows spruce at an angle of about 60° between the tangential and the radial direction

    Interleukin 11 regulates endometrial cancer cell adhesion and migration via STAT3

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    Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynaecological malignancy. There is however a lack of curative therapies, especially for patients diagnosed with late stage, recurrent or aggressive disease, who have a poor prognosis. Interleukin (IL) 11 is a pleiotropic cytokine that has a role in a number of cancers including colon and breast cancer. IL11 was recently found to be upregulated in endometrial cancers, however the function of IL11 in endometrial cancer is not known. This study aimed to determine the effects of IL11 on endometrial cancer cell proliferation, adhesion and migration. Three endometrial cancer cell lines, Ishikawa, HEC-1A and AN3CA (derived from endometrial cancers grade 1,11 and 111, respectively), were used to determine the effect of IL11 on endometrial cancer cell function. Cell proliferation and viability were assessed by BrdU and Wst-1 assays. Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin, collagen I and IV, vitronectin and laminin was assessed. Modified boyden chambers were utilized to access IL11 action on migration and invasion, respectively. The specific effect of IL11 action on these processes was determined using a unique IL11 inhibitor. IL11 phosphorylated (p)-STAT3 protein abundance in all 3 cell lines but had no effect on pERK and pAKT abundance. Similarly, IL11 had no effect on cell proliferation and viability but increased adhesion of ANC3A cells to fibronectin while having no effect on the other extracellular matrix proteins. IL11 did not alter the adhesive properties of the Ishikawa and NEC-1A cells. In the AN3CA cells, IL11 treatment resulted in a 50% increase in migration and co-treatment with the specific IL11 inhibitor or a STAT3 inhibitor abolished the effect. This study shows a role for IL11 in endometrial cancer and suggests IL11 may be involved in endometrial cancer development and thus may be useful as a therapeutic target