241 research outputs found

    The Colonial Coffee Compulsion Marketing Policies in Kilimanjaro Tanzania

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    This is a historical study that utilises primary evidences from Tanzania National Archives (TNA) to examine the compulsion marketing policies of the Wachagga, the small-scale native coffee producers in the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro aimed to fill a knowledge gap in the existing literature which tends to ignore. Importantly, this is a shift from some authors who attempted to document the policy by reliance on the colonial authority’s sources that proved bias and distorting. This therefore, is primarily to contribute to a new knowledge and understanding of the policies. The policies imposed by the Tanzania’s colonial authority under Section 36 of the 1932 co-operative legislation that, the colonial authority, was doubtful to employ and enforce it given the fact the settlers were trapped just the same as the native growers who were compelled to sell their coffee through a native organisation, the Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (KNCU). Instead, in 1934 a new legislation, the Chagga Rule was passed by the Chagga Council which was the Native Authority to compel only native growers to sell coffee on the one hand and to exclude European planters on the other. In 1937 the native growers resisted and rioted against the legislation and demanded to sell their produce in the free market as they established that the legislation was not in their favour due to poor price paid to them. In response,  the colonial authority revoked the Chagga Rule, but increased their grip over native produced coffee through the Native Coffee (Control and Marketing) Ordinance, 1937, which became integral part of the marketing policy and granted the Moshi Native Coffee Board (MNCB) and Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (KNCU) monopoly over the native produced coffee. Keywords: Kilimanjaro, coffee, marketing, Wachagga, co-operative

    Software architecture: styles and representational schemes

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    Software architecture is being widely used today to describe a very high-level design methodology of large software systems. Software architecture represents the overall structure of a system in an abstract, structured manner. A good architectural representation scheme holds the key to the effectiveness of a software architecture description and usage. In this work we look at architectural styles and architectural representation schemes. We propound the idea that the layered architectural model is a suitable candidate for a generalized architectural style and that it can cater to many different problem domains, other than the message-passing systems it has traditionally been used to model. We propose some rules by which the layered architectural style can be improved and modified in order to be able to model a wider problem domain. Then we evaluate different methods of architectural representations that have been used to model software architecture and analyze their strengths and shortcomings. We propose the use of a modified data flow diagram architecture representation scheme. This scheme is called AND-OR DFD method and is introduced and developed in this thesis. The main concept introduced here is a combination of components to form action groups to support multiple workflows and the relationships among them, without significant increase in the architectural complexity. Finally, we look at UML as a prospect for a generalized architecture description language and discuss its merits and demerits with examples

    Pemanfaatan Media Tradisional untuk Diseminasi Informasi Publik

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    Sejak dibubarkannya Departemen Penerangan di awal era reformasi, diseminasi informasi publik dari badan-badan publik mengalami hambatan. Akibatnya, masyarakat kelas bawah, warga perdesaan dan daerah pinggiran yang belum terjangkau jaringan Internet mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi publik. Media tradisional sebenarnya dapat menjadi pilihan untuk diseminasi informasi publik bagi mereka. Namun, keberadaan media tradisional di beberapa wilayah ternyata tidak sama dan cenderung problematik sebagai akibat kuatnya tekanan seni modern yang dihasilkan oleh kekuatan kolaboratif antara kapital dan teknologi. Hasil penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan lokasi di Bali dan Sulawesi Tengah menunjukkan bahwa media tradisional yang mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan kemajuan teknologi dapat tetap eksis dan mempunyai potensi sebagai sarana untuk diseminasi informasi publik. Namun, media tradisional yang tidak mampu bersaing dengan seni modern menunjukkan kecenderungan mengalami pelemahan. Sehubungan dengan itu, pihak-pihak yang akan memanfaatkan media tradisional untuk diseminasi informasi publik sebaiknya melakukan pemetaan eksistensinya terlebih dahulu

    Komunikasi Pembangunan & Perubahan Sosial Perspektif Dominan Kajian Ulang dan Teori Kritis

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    Penulis Buku: H.Rochajat Harun & Elvinaro Ardianto. Cetakan 1: Tahun,2011.. Tebal Buku : 325 halarnan, xvii. Penerbit : PT.Rajagrasido Persada. Alarnat Penerbit : Jl.Janur Kuning I Blok,WF I No:l Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta, 14240 Phone, 021-4520951- 45847329. e-mail: [email protected], http:// www .rajagrafindo.co

    The Post-War Co-operative Development in colonial Tanzania

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    This paper has extensively utilised primary evidences obtained from Tanzania National Archives (TNA) to provide examine the post-war policies on the co-operative development and its implementation in Tanzania. Historically, the growth and development of the co-operative movement footprint among the natives in Tanzania before the outbreak of WWII was confined within some few geographical areas. This was so owing to the colonial hesitancy policy in promoting the policy based on political and personal interest. A policy shift was evident in the post-war years due to the intervention from the United Nation Organisation, ILO and Fabian Colonial Bureau that prompted the British colonial power to expand of co-operative movement footprint in Tanzania largely for its own economic and political interests. The intervention of the British colonial power in promoting the co-operative movement was based on the modernisation policy. However, the co-operative movement was top-down demonstrating a desire to control not only the co-operatives but also agricultural exports. Keywords: Tanzania, colonial authority, co-operative movement, intervention, developmen

    Makna “Nasionalisme Negara- Bangsa” Melalui Teks Media

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    Nationalism has a strategic role in maintaining identity of nation-state. Although it is disputable. This article describes and analyses it from some perspectives. The results are: (a) From economic perspective, it emerges a pragmatic need to achieve dominan economic growth. It\u27s expected to contribute to public welfare, economic stability for nationalism, nation-state; (b). From economic, social politic perspective, globalization and local community strengthenment which is caracterized by regional authonomy. If there is mismanagement, it wil be an obstruction for nationalism; (c). From cultural perspective, there is an indication that culture tends to unravel nationalism, nation-state. Therefore, “glocalisation” of culture in local community should not be viewed as counternationalism againts nation-state, on the contrary, it strengthens nationalism, in the context of nation-state. Media contents is able to frame and articulate representation & nationalism concept. Nation-state is not only in the cognitif level, but also in the level nationalism ideology, nation-state. Hence, nationalism spirit of nation-state must be bolstered, although only by construction on media text

    Informasi Bencana & Budaya Komunikasi Lokal Kasus Bukit Duri Jakarta Selatan

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    This article is a part of the study Effectiveness of Information Dissemination for Disaster area, and conducted by Research and Development APTEL SKDI years 2009. The area of South Jakarta Bukit Duri in this case study because it is unique. Residents location of Bukit Duri on the banks of ci/iwung rivers. Despite living near in the middle of metropolis almost no information as expected. The level of awareness of hygiene and environmental regulation is relatively low. The results of this study indicate that the information flood is still required, is considered important as a guide to the locals' knowledge. They understand not only formally, but also read symbols and natural phenomena. While the most dominant search and distribute information on flood disaster is television. In addition to interpersonal media are also personal because it has a closeness with the people of Bukit Duri

    The perceptions, experiences and expectations of educators about their own professional development in schools

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    Educational dispensation has brought about radical changes in schools, particularly with reference to curriculum changes and delivery, not only internationally but specifically in South Africa. With a move towards the introduction of new curricular in schools, the concept Continuous Professional Development has been revisited and thus has propagated further review on new approaches of teaching and learning, which leads to the need for establishment of school-based professional development of educators to meet the new challenges of curriculum changes. The school based training of educators should not be seen as short courses or workshops done for the educators, only to be left without a continuous support and guidance. It should be noted that school based educators are part of the community of learners with the shared purpose of ensuring quality learning experiences of all learners, every day, without exception and this is reinforced by the following goals: -- Providing of all school personnel with opportunity of further developing, and enriching their professional skills and knowledge. -- Challenging all school personnel to examine their attitudes and beliefs regarding the capacity of all students at high level, as well as their accountability for continuous improvement in student performance (Fer, 2005:2). The problem is how to cultivate the culture of school based continuous training and participation of all educators in the programmes. The Employment of Educators Act offers enormous possibilities for educators’ professional development. The principal is tasked with the responsibility of establishing staff development progammes, both school based, school focused and externally directed (Personnel Administrative Measures (PAM) of 1998, as determined by the Minister of Education in terms of the Employment of Educators Act, 1998). It also stress that curriculum delivery is the basic of training in order to effect changes. This study draws a distinction between short courses and workshops, and continuous professional development. Short courses is about training educators for about three to five days and leave the on their own. Continuous professional development means training educators on regular bases with follow ups after thereafter. Finally, principals and School Management Teams should ensure that there school based professional development programmes are established at schools and all educators should participate to ensure appropriate curriculum delivery.Dissertation (MEd (Leadership))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Education Management and Policy StudiesMEdunrestricte
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