1,374 research outputs found

    Productivity analysis in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation region: A multi-country translog comparative analysis, 1965-97

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    We employ the total factor productivity (TFP) index in growth accounting as a proxy for productivity growth to compare patterns and sources of output growth for a group of proximate countries in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation region. The estimates indicate that output growth has benefited from both TFP and factor input contributions albeit with differing magnitudes. Whereas TFP and capital are the dominant contributors to output growth in Japan and the tiger economies, capital and labour emerge as the dominant contributors in the baby tiger economies. In addition, Japanese productivity has on the average been growing over the past decade. It also emerges that foreign direct investment may be playing a prominent role of promoting the contribution of TFP.

    Analytical models of disequilibrium growth and macrodynamics.

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    Disequilibrium analysis, particularly in the context of explicit dynamic economic models, is an area of considerable interest. Disequilibrium is important when markets fail to clear and dynamic adjustments are required. Three essential strands of the literature seem the most important: non market-clearing temporary equilibria; long term growth theory which allows for the possibility of unemployment of labour and underutilisation of capital stock; medium term dynamics where aggregate demand fails to match up to potential output. This thesis presents a number of theoretical and analytical models which analyse various aspects of the last two issues. Even though we use some concepts from short-run rationing models of temporary equilibria, the central focus is exclusively on long run growth and more shorter-term dynamic systems, where capital stock is exogenous. The work is also emphatically macroeconomic in nature, emphasising aggregative structures which conform to stylised facts and have interesting policy conclusions. The first part of the thesis discusses growth models. Given the lack of a unified theoretical structure in the area itself, we concentrate on specific issues: income-expenditure models with independent investment functions leading on to capital formation and (possible) movement towards steady states; unemployment of labour, and capital; monetary growth and asset structure; open economy considerations when markets may fail to clear. The second part analyses macrodynamics, assuming fixed capital, and is concerned with medium term adjustments of variables such as output, price and exchange rate under disequilibrium and rigidities. The purpose of the research is to present a diversity of concepts and conclusions. The objective is not to present a comprehensive 'general' or 'meta' theory; it is not clear whether encompassing concepts will necessarily be more insightful; in any case the current state of the arts preclude such a schema. The chapters that follow deal with a wide range of possible topics; model specifications are adapted to tackle the specific problem at hand. The conclusions clearly demonstrate that specification of regime, Keynesian or Classical, is vital to the understanding of how the economy will behave under disequilibrium. Even if the steady state depends on exogenous parameters (such as the natural rate or potential output) the paths that approach it are essentially different in characteristics, depending on what sort of disequilibrium regime the economy is in. This, of course, has important policy relevance. Discretionary policies, as well as policy rules, must carefully study the underlying structural features of the economy if they are to have significance

    A Deep Learning Approach to Detect Lean Blowout in Combustion Systems

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    Lean combustion is environment friendly with low NOx emissions and also provides better fuel efficiency in a combustion system. However, approaching towards lean combustion can make engines more susceptible to lean blowout. Lean blowout (LBO) is an undesirable phenomenon that can cause sudden flame extinction leading to sudden loss of power. During the design stage, it is quite challenging for the scientists to accurately determine the optimal operating limits to avoid sudden LBO occurrence. Therefore, it is crucial to develop accurate and computationally tractable frameworks for online LBO detection in low NOx emission engines. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, we propose a deep learning approach to detect lean blowout in combustion systems. In this work, we utilize a laboratory-scale combustor to collect data for different protocols. We start far from LBO for each protocol and gradually move towards the LBO regime, capturing a quasi-static time series dataset at each condition. Using one of the protocols in our dataset as the reference protocol and with conditions annotated by domain experts, we find a transition state metric for our trained deep learning model to detect LBO in the other test protocols. We find that our proposed approach is more accurate and computationally faster than other baseline models to detect the transitions to LBO. Therefore, we recommend this method for real-time performance monitoring in lean combustion engines

    A study of nutritional assessment of newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients in a tertiary care hospital of Tripura, India

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    Background: Tuberculosis kills more than any infection in India. TB is a serious public health problem in India. Tuberculosis causes immense morbidity. The mortality rate of this disease is also very high. Tuberculosis causes a great distress to the patients. To control this infection is a challenge to the health care facility of India. A lot of steps are being taken at various levels to end this disease. Still a huge number of patients are dying everyday from these deadly diseases. Out of so many recognised risk factors, malnutrition is considered to be as one of the most important among them. The immunity of a malnourished patient is suppressed. When the patient’s immunity is ineffective, the conversion of latent tuberculosis to diseases happens. Malnutrition invites tuberculosis and tuberculosis again causes morbidity, so there is a complex relation between this two. Malnutrition and tuberculosis are both problems of considerable magnitude in most of the underdeveloped regions of the world.Methods: In this cross sectional hospital based study involving 400 newly diagnosed Tuberculosis cases were taken. Their nutritional status was measured by BMI.Results: It was found that 66% of the study population is having malnutrition (BMI <18.5kg/m2). Malnutrition was more in females (71%). Mean BMI is 17.9Kg/m2. Mean height of the population is 1.53 meters.Conclusions: Nutritional supplementation may represent a novel approach for fast recovery in tuberculosis patients. In addition, raising nutritional status of population may prove to be an effective measure to control tuberculosis in underdeveloped areas of world. This study has demonstrated that half of newly diagnosed adult TB patients were malnourished at the time of starting treatment, with more than a quarter having moderate to severe malnutrition

    Knowledge, attitudes and practice of adverse drug reaction monitoring among physicians in India

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    Background: Underreporting of ADRs still remains a major obstacle in the complete success of pharmacovigilance programs. In order to improve ADR monitoring, it is thus imperative to assess the current knowledge, attitude, and practices of doctors. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of the healthcare professionals about pharmacovigilance in various tertiary care government teaching hospital vis-a-vis private clinics in West Bengal.Methods: A cross sectional, questionnaire based survey was conducted among healthcare practitioners in several tertiary care government set-ups and private set-ups in the state of West Bengal (India). The study instrument was a pre-validated structured questionnaire designed to obtain information on the knowledge of the ADRs reporting, the attitudes towards the reporting, and the factors that in practice could hinder the reporting among the doctors.Results: About 89.62% public practitioners correctly spotted the WHO definition for pharmacovigilance, while 77.5% of the private practitioners did the same. Only 19.81% of the public practitioners documented a suspected ADR in any surveillance form, while there were only 3.75% private practitioners who documented it. About 59.43% of the physicians in government hospitals published an ADR case report in any medical journal, while 81.25% private practitioners did no.Conclusions: Study revealed lack of time, incentive less extra work load being major factors responsible for ADR underreporting. In order to improve ADR reporting, continuous medical education, training and proper sensitization of healthcare professionals can help combating the existing scenario and promising an improved tomorrow. The PvPI should be widely publicized in the visual and print media to make health professionals, as well as the general population at large aware of its presence and scope. Pharmacovigilance should be integrated in undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses

    Migrant Workers’ Remittances and Economic Growth: The Role of Financial Development

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    Although the growing importance of workers’ remittance in international capital flow is indubitable, it is apparent that some countries can take full advantage from this cash flow while the others cannot attain any significant benefit from it. Financial development, which may facilitate the conversion of workers’ remittance into a productive investment and thereby economic growth, can be considered to be one of the influential factors. However, there is no consensus in existing literature about the impact of workers’ remittance on economic growth in the presence of financial development. This study therefore examines whether financial development catalyses the transmission channel from workers’ remittance to economic growth. The system GMM and the fixed effects estimators are used for panel data analysis. Our analysis indicates that methods matter in studying the effect of workers’ remittance and financial development on growth. Estimates based on system GMM indicate that the workers’ remittance through financial development significantly accelerate economic growth. We also find that in the face of financial liberalization and trade openness the workers’ remittance significantly fosters economic growth

    Loss of Snf5 Induces Formation of an Aberrant SWI/SNF Complex.

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    The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex is highly conserved from yeast to human, and aberrant SWI/SNF complexes contribute to human disease. The Snf5/SMARCB1/INI1 subunit of SWI/SNF is a tumor suppressor frequently lost in pediatric rhabdoid cancers. We examined the effects of Snf5 loss on the composition, nucleosome binding, recruitment, and remodeling activities of yeast SWI/SNF. The Snf5 subunit is shown by crosslinking-mass spectrometry (CX-MS) and subunit deletion analysis to interact with the ATPase domain of Snf2 and to form a submodule consisting of Snf5, Swp82, and Taf14. Snf5 promotes binding of the Snf2 ATPase domain to nucleosomal DNA and enhances the catalytic and nucleosome remodeling activities of SWI/SNF. Snf5 is also required for SWI/SNF recruitment by acidic transcription factors. RNA-seq analysis suggests that both the recruitment and remodeling functions of Snf5 are required in vivo for SWI/SNF regulation of gene expression. Thus, loss of SNF5 alters the structure and function of SWI/SNF
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