256 research outputs found

    Perceptions of climate change: the role of art and the media

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    This repository item contains a single issue of Issues in Brief, a series of policy briefs that began publishing in 2008 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.The public perception of climate change is strongly influenced by what people read and see in the popular press and, increasingly, in the work of artists. Based largely on discussions that occurred at an October 2010 symposium held at Boston University titled Transatlantic Perceptions of Climate Change: The Role of the Arts and Media, supported by the Goethe-Institut Boston and the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities Essen (KWI). Reflecting on the conversations at that symposium, this paper explores the role that the media and the arts play in shaping whether and how people view climate change as an issue of concern for society

    Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America

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    In Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America academics from various fields such as anthropology, art history, cultural studies, environmental science, history, political science, and sociology explore society–nature interactions in – culturally as well as ecologically – one of the most diverse regions of the world.; Readership: All interested in the cultural dimensions of climate change, and anyone concerned with environmental history, environmental sociology as well as environmental policy in North America

    Externalisation, Globalised Value Chains and the Invisible Consequences of Social Actions

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    Recently, advanced political economies have been described as externalisation societies whose relatively well-off majorities live off the resources, labour forces, and life chances of others. This paper illustrates social processes of externalisation by referring to the example of globalised value chains for the production of common consumer goods, in particular, cars and clothing. Drawing on Norbert Elias’s figurational sociology, globalised value chains can be described as chains of interdependence. Elias identifies the growing length and complexity of chains of interdependence as one of the central social preconditions that contribute to the civilising of behaviour and emotions, including increased foresight and growing empathy with people independent of their group affiliation. Zygmunt Bauman provides an alternative perspective to theorise externalisation processes related to the current formation of value chains: Due to the length and complexity of functional dependencies, significant consequences of social actions recede from the sight of actors. Conceptualised this way, globalised value chains are no social prerequisites for an increased foresight and scope of mutual identification, but - on the contrary - undermine these processes. The paper critically discusses both theoretical perspectives on the behavioural and emotional implications of the globalisation of value chains

    Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America

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    In Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America academics from various fields such as anthropology, art history, cultural studies, environmental science, history, political science, and sociology explore society–nature interactions in – culturally as well as ecologically – one of the most diverse regions of the world.; Readership: All interested in the cultural dimensions of climate change, and anyone concerned with environmental history, environmental sociology as well as environmental policy in North America

    Alternative splicing of AMPA receptor subunits: regulation in clonal cell lines

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    AbstractAlternative splicing of AMPA receptors was investigated in rat PC12 and human SH-SY5Y cells. PC12 cells predominantly expressed GluR-B flip mRNA before and after differentiation. In SH-SY5Y cells, each AMPA-receptor subunit showed a distinct splice variant expression profile throughout differentiation. GluR-B mRNA was comparable in expression levels for flip and flop splice variants. In the other AMPA-receptor subunit transcripts the flip form was the more prominent splice variant. After three days post induction a transient elevation of GluR-B and -D flop mRNA expression could be observed

    Pramipexole Extended Release: A Novel Treatment Option in Parkinson's Disease

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    Pramipexole, the most commonly prescribed dopamine agonist worldwide, meanwhile serves as a reference substance for evaluation of new drugs. Based on numerous clinical data and vast experiences, efficacy and safety profiles of this non-ergoline dopamine agonist are well characterized. Since October 2009, an extended-release formulation of pramipexole has been available for symptomatic treatment of Parkinson's disease. Pramipexole administration can be cut down from three times to once a day due to the newly developed extended-release formulation. This is considerable progress in regard to minimizing pill burden and enhancing compliance. Moreover, the 24 h continuous drug release of the once-daily extended-release formulation results in fewer fluctuations in plasma concentrations over time compared to immediate-release pramipexole, given three times daily. The present study summarizes pharmacokinetics and all essential pharmacological and clinical characteristics of the extended-release formulation. In addition, it provides all study data, available so far, with regard to transition and de-novo administration of extended-release formulation for patients with Parkinson's disease. It further compares efficacy and safety data of immediate-release pramipexole with the extended-release formulation of pramipexole

    Subglobale Allianzen in der internationalen Klimapolitik

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    Die Vermeidung eines ungebremsten Klimawandels bedarf universeller Kooperation. Das gegebene multilaterale Klimaregime leistet dies gegenwärtig nur unzureichend. Subglobale Allianzen ambitionierter Klimapioniere könnten den unhaltbaren Status quo der internationalen Klimapolitik überwinden

    Rechtspopulismus, das Klima und die Umwelt

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    Die Ablehnung von Klimaschutz ist eine weitverbreitete Position im Rechtspopulismus. Diese Ablehnung wird häufig durch ein Narrativ von einem anständigen Volk und einer korrupten Elite begründet. Welche Zusammenhänge stehen hinter dieser Argumentation und einem nationalistischen Denken

    Kein richtiges Leben im falschen? Wachstumsneutrale Unternehmen in der Wachstumswirtschaft

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    In der Minima Moralia formulierte Theodor W. Adornos sein berühmtes Diktum „Es gibt kein richtiges Leben im falschen”. Damit wies Adorno auf die Schwierigkeit hin, sich in einer Welt, die durch nicht zu legitimierende Herrschaft bzw. nicht kontrollierte Systemzwängen gekennzeichnet ist, als Einzelner „richtig“ zu verhalten. Während dieses Problem bislang vor allem aus theoretischer Perspektive bzw. als ethische Frage diskutiert worden ist, soll anhand der Erfahrungen von sogenannten wachstumsneutralen Unternehmen in der Wachstumswirtschaft empirisch untersucht werden, welche Handlungsspielräume und -barrieren für Akteurinnen und Akteure bestehen, die mit dominierenden gesellschaftlichen Strukturen und Institutionen in Konflikt geraten. Dazu wird auf Interviews mit Unternehmensvertretern/-innen zurückgegriffen, die unter den gegebenen Bedingungen nachhaltig wirtschaften und dabei auch den Wachstumsimperativ moderner Volkswirtschaften in Frage stellen. Bei den Akteuren ist häufig ein Brechen mit der für moderne Gesellschaften typischen Differenzierung in verschiedene Systeme und Funktionen zu beobachten, wobei insbesondere die Grenzen zwischen gewerblich und nicht-gewerblich verschwimmen. Aus diesen Entdifferenzierungstendenzen können für die Initiativen spezifische Probleme resultieren, die mitunter den Fortbestand ihrer Aktivitäten gefährden