1,011 research outputs found

    Action and Function of Neutrophils in Crohn`s Disease

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    The precise mechanisms underlying the development of Crohn’s disease (CD) remain controversial, but sufficient data have been collected to suggest that an uncontrolled immune response within the intestinal mucosa leads to inflammation in a genetically susceptible host. Although lack of mucosal regulatory T cells causes colitis in humans and experimental rodents, patients with CD have more rather than less regulatory activity in the intestine, apparently excluding defects in tolerance as the cause of CD. Genome‐wide association studies have identified many gene variants that confer susceptibility and which seem associated to diminished functioning of especially innate immunity. In apparent agreement, CD patients are impaired with respect

    Reliability Estimation Model for Software Components Using CEP

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    This paper presents a graphical complexity measure based approach with an illustration for estimating the reliability of software component. This paper also elucidates how the graph-theory concepts are applied in the field of software programming. The control graphs of several actual software components are described and the correlation between intuitive complexity and the graph-theoretic complexity are illustrated. Several properties of the graph theoretic complexity are presented which shows that the software component complexity depends only on the decision structure. A symbolic reliability model for component based software systems from the execution path of software components connected in series, parallel or mixed configuration network structure is presented with a crisp narration of the factors which influence computation of the overall reliability of component based software systems. In this paper, reliability estimation model for software components using Component Execution Paths (CEP) based on graph theory is elucidated

    A probabilistic approach for modelling the joint action of drugs

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    An understanding of the joint action of drugs is becoming increasingly important in a variety of scientific disciplines, ranging from pharmacology and toxicology on the one hand to industrial hygiene and environmental protection on the other. The action of even a single drug upon a biological organism involves a complex sequence of processes and if more than one drug is present, the situation is further complicated The role of mathematical models in this context is now widely recognized (Plackett & Hewlett 1952, Hewlett and Plackett, 1959, 1979, Ashford and Cobby 1974, Ashford 7981

    Pair difference cordial labeling of some union of graphs

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    Let G = (V, E) be a (p, q) graph. Define ρ = {p/2 if p is even p−1/2 if p is odd and L = {±1, ±2, ±3, · · · , ±ρ} called the set of labels. Consider a mapping f : V → L by assigning different labels in L to the different elements of V when p is even and different labels in L to p-1 elements of V and repeating a label for the remaining one vertex when p is odd. The labeling as defined above is said to be a pair difference cordial labeling if for each edge uv of G there exists a labeling |f(u) − f(v)| such that ∆f1 − ∆fc1 ≤ 1, where ∆f1 and ∆fc1respectively denote the number of edges labeled with 1 and number of edges not labeled with 1. A graph G for which there exists a pair difference cordial labeling is called a pair difference cordial graph. In this paper we investigate the pair difference cordial labeling behavior of the union of some graphs like path, cycle, star and bistar graph.Publisher's Versio


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    Banana owing to its large size and rapid growth rate require relatively large amount of nutrients for higher yield of quality fruits and it is estimated that 50 tonnes of banana in one hectare removes 320kg N, 32kg P2O5 and 925 kg K2O every year (Lahav and Turner, 1983). Application of inorganic fertilizers though increases the yield substantially but could not able to sustain the fertility status of the soil (Bharadwaj and Omanwar, 1994) and have caused several undesirable consequences in the fragile soil eco-system, leading to gradual decline in productivity. Considering the present situation of soil quality and environmental security, it is necessary to go for an integrated nutrient management, involving various sources of organic manures, organic cakes and bio-fertilizers besides using chemical fertilizers in banana. In today’s cultivation many commercial organic manures are being used because of their application in lesser volume and also enriched with nutrients. One such commercial organic manure used in the study is Wellgro. Wellgro organic manure is a unique product with a blend of neem and non-timber forest produce and a rich source of nutrients. Hence, this study was under taken to find out the influence of ecofriendly nutrient management practices on yield and quality parameters of banana under irrigated conditions

    Leaf anatomical changes in peanut plants in relation to drought stress with or without paclobutrazol and ABA

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                Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. TVM-2) was grown in field under drought stress in comination with paclobutrazol (PBZ) and abscisic acid (ABA) in order to study their individual and combined effects on leaf anatomical characteristics. The thickness of the leaf, upper and lower epidermis and the number of cells per unit area in the palisade and spongy regions were very much reduced under drought stress. The palisade and spongy layers of mesophylls were well differentiated and the cells are wider and longer as compared to shorter palisade and spongy parenchyma of control. The number of palisade and spongy cells increased per unit area with all treatments as compared with drought stressed and unstressed plants. The vascular bundles of the paclobutrazol treated plants were narrow and dense when compared to control. The xylem vessels of PBZ and ABA treated leaves were much narrow when compared to control plants. Among the treatments the present findings revealed that the growth regulator treatments to the drought stressed plants have great impact on the anatomy of Arachis hypogaea plants

    Photosynthetic pigment content alterations in Arachis hypogaea L. in relation to varied irrigation levels with growth hormone and triazoles

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                Field experiments were conducted to identify the variation of photosynthetic pigment contents in peanut under drought stress, paclobutrazol (PBZ) and abscisic acid (ABA) and their combination. The pigment contents of the groundnut leaves increased with age in control and treatments. Drought stress decreased the chlorophyll, carotenoid, xanthophyll and anthocyanin contents. PBZ and ABA to the drought stressed plants increased the chlorophyll, carotenoid, xanthophyll and anthocyanin contents when compared to stressed and unstressed plants

    Empirical Analysis on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP): Puberty and Menstrual Hygiene

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    Puberty and menstruation bring major physical and mental changes in a girl’s life; they mark the beginning of procreation. In many countries lackof knowledge and poor hygienic practices during menstruation lead to serious illness ranging from genital tract infections and urinary tract infections to bad odor. This study on Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) aims to understand the awareness level of menstrual health and hygiene among adolescent girls, and the study also focuses on identifying the average age of attaining menarche among early adolescent girls and the problems associated with menstruation. To meet the above objective, a sample of 187 responses was collected by using questionnaires. The various statistical tools that have been used are Reliability Test, Correlation, Chi-square, and Linear Regression analysis. According to the study, most early adolescent girls attain menarche at an early age, and so it is necessary to educate school children about health and hygiene practices during menstruation. Mothers and teachers should educate adolescent girls about hygienic practices and remove the social stigma surrounding menstruation. This paper also covers the feminist view on menstruation which affects women, girls, and non-binary and transgender people across the world. It is an issue that intersects with race, class, culture, and religion and therefore has the power to engage us in a global effort towards equality