325 research outputs found

    Biological assessment of water pollution: A study of the river Kapila

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    An attempt has been made to assess the feasibility of application of biological data to evaluate and monitor water pollution of the river Kapila, near Nanjangud, Karnataka. Two pollution index factors, one at the generic level and another at species level of the Algae, have been computed. Significant correlation between biological and some physico-chemical factors has been established. The theme that algae serve as tools of pollution and that their index scores at the species level is a more reliable parameter for the evaluation of water quality has been established. © 1984, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved

    Study of seasonal and spatial variation in surface water quality of Cauvery river stretch in Karnataka

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    In this study, multivariate statistical techniques, such as discriminant, factor /principal component and cluster analyses were applied to water quality data set monitored in pre- and post- monsoon for twenty five locations during three years to investigate seasonal and spatial variations in river water quality. The variables were mainly divided into two categories viz., non-conservative – DO, BOD, COD, nitrates and phosphates and conservative parameters – TDS, conductivity, alkalinity, hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and sulfates. Trivial elevated values of all non conservative Characteristics in pre-monsoon and some conservative parameters (SO4, Cl) in post-monsoon period reflected contribution on temporal effect on surface water. Results of principal component analysis evinced that all the parameters equally and significantly contribute to water quality variations in the river basin for both the seasons. Factor 1 and factor 2 analysis revealed the inverse relation of DO, indicating the control of dissolved oxygen on organic load and nutrients in different seasons. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped twenty five stations into three clusters in pre-monsoon and six clusters in post- monsoon with similar water quality features. Third clustered group of former and sixth of latter consisted one station (St.25), exhibiting significant spatial variation in physico-chemical composition

    Study of Seasonal and Spatial Variation in Surface Water Quality of Cauvery River Stretch in Karnataka

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    In this study, multivariate statistical techniques, such as discriminant, factor /principal component and cluster analyses were applied to water quality data set monitored in pre- and post- monsoon for twenty five locations during three years to investigate seasonal and spatial variations in river water quality. The variables were mainly divided into two categories viz., nonconservative – DO, BOD, COD, nitrates and phosphates and conservative parameters – TDS, conductivity, alkalinity, hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and sulfates. Trivial elevated values of all non conservative Characteristics in pre-monsoon and some conservative parameters (SO4, Cl) in post-monsoon period reflected contribution on temporal effect on surface water. Results of principal component analysis evinced that all the parameters equally and significantly contribute to water quality variations in the river basin for both the seasons. Factor 1 and factor 2 analysis revealed the inverse relation of DO, indicating the control of dissolved oxygen on organic load and nutrients in different seasons. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped twenty five stations into three clusters in pre-monsoon and six clusters in post- monsoon with similar water quality features. Third clustered group of former and sixth of latter consisted one station (St.25), exhibiting significant spatial variation in physico-chemical composition

    Spatio-Temporal Variation of Heavy Metals in Cauvery River Basin

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    the present study water, sediment and soil samples of Cauvery basin was undertaken to evaluate the spatio-temporal variations in heavy metal concentrations between 2007 and 2009. The Line diagrams for individual heavy metals of the seasonal samples with standard deviation at p=0.05 were plotted to comprehend the seasonal and spatial fluxes and variations. The seasonal heavy metal concentration in river water was maximum for Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co and Cd during pre-monsoon and Pb, Ni and Cr during post-monsoon season whereas, in the sediment samples higher concentration of Ni, Cr, Mn, Cu, Co and Cd was found during pre-monsoon and Fe Pb and Zn in post-monsoon. In the case of soil samples maximum concentrations of Fe, Pb, Zn, Cr and Co noticed during pre-monsoon, while Ni, Mn, Cu and Cd during post-monsoon. An exponential increasing trend from water to soil and to sediment was evident throughout the river stretch. The mean concentration for all the heavy metals in water was within the limits of BIS and WHO standards. In sediment samples heavy metal concentrations were below the limit of sediment quality guidelines except Ni and Cd. Correlation analysis revealed higher degree of inter-metallic and intra-metallic association among water, sediment and soil samples indicating identical behavior of metals during its transport into the river environment. The spatial trends of heavy metal enrichment in river sediments reflected the sources/activities of the corresponding catchments in the study area. As such the downstream stations of Cauvery are enriched with heavy metals due to the influx of pollutants

    Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Investigation on the River Cauvery of Kollegal Stretch in Karnataka

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    Cauvery River is the major river system of south India was studied for 19 prime physicochemical and 2 bacteriological parameters at six locations of the Kollegal stretch, for a period of Two years (2006–2008) at monthly intervals. Over the years of time, river has been subjected to human interference regularly and water quality was to be getting deteriorated profoundly. Major anthropogenic activities practiced in and around the stretch: agriculture, abstraction of water for irrigation and drinking, washing cloths and utensils, discharging of sewage waste, sand dredging, boating, fishing, open defecation and religious ritual activities along the stretch were generating serious threat to the biota of the river by altering the physicochemical and biological concentration of the river system. The seasonal and yearly trends were discussed to comprehend anthropogenic interferences on the river stretch. Correlation analysis was also been tried in between physico-chemical parameters. The pH, Conductance, Alkalinity and Hardness levels indicate the moderate quality of water. The values of DO, BOD and COD levels indicate the absence of major organic pollution sources. Seasonal and yearly averages of plant nutrients like phosphate, nitrates, potassium and also sulphates at drain out falls and mixing zones, were not showing any significant variation in their concentration indicate no sign of problems like eutrophication, which is generally raise due to agricultural and sewage wastes. The other possibility is that since there are no major industries in the project area, the major source of organic pollutants is only the domestic source. Population density spread over sparsely located villages like Dasanapura and Harle certainly contributes towards total and fecal coliforms as excreta of the villagers due to lack of toilets in their houses. Thus present study concludes that river water was not polluted; all results are within permissible limit when compared with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and National River water quality standards. DOI: 10.3126/kuset.v6i1.3310 Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Vol.6(1) 2010, pp50-5

    Bacteriological assessment of groundwater in Arkavathi and Vrishabhavathi basins, Bangalore, Karnataka

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    In the newly developed and old parts of Bangalore city, municipal, domestic and industrial effluents are channelized into an open sewerage system. Most of the wells situated within 2 km radius of this open sewerage networks were found to be profoundly loaded with total and facal coliform. The average counts of total and facal coliform from the lake samples were 227 and 79 CFU/100 ml, 82 and 14 CFU/100 ml from the open wells and 63 and 34 CFU/100 ml from the bore wells respectively. The level of contamination is beyond the permissible limit for indicator organisms in groundwater during winter season, which can render the consumer more vulnerable to health risks

    Anti-diabetic drugs prescription pattern by postgraduate students among type 2 diabetes patients attending a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The pattern of prescribing anti-diabetic drugs varies among different medical professionals due to the availability of numerous anti-diabetic drugs and demographic and have increasingly favoured for tighter control of glycemic index. Even with the available multiple therapies many patients are not in control. The reasons may be multi factorial and the one important factor is the drugs prescribed.Methods: This cross-sectional study involving 140 type 2 adult diabetes patients was done to assess the pattern of anti-diabetic drugs prescribed by the postgraduate students in a tertiary health care center using a specially designed questionnaire.Results: Oral medications were predominantly prescribed. Metformin and Glimepiride combination was prescribed in majority. Among insulin, combination of short and intermediate acting insulin was prescribed more and the number of insulin prescription increased with the duration of diabetes. Interestingly no newer classes of drugs are prescribed.Conclusions: There is a rational prescription pattern of antidiabetic drugs but newer antidiabetic drugs are not prescribed and life style changes are not discussed with the patients. There is a need to include life style changes as a part of prescription to all the patients.

    Investigation of Heavy Metals in Crystalline Aquifer Groundwater from Different Valleys of Bangalore, Karnataka

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    Fifty-one groundwater samples were collected during South-west monsoon 2009 from Challaghatta, Vrishabhavathi, Kormangala and Hebbal valleys, Bangalore, which is an unconfined/crystalline aquifer to investigate Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni concentrations and other parameters like temperature, pH, electric conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solid (TDS). The TDS and EC variation confirmed light- salty nature of groundwater found to be contaminated by Salty water intrusion, which is attributed to over-extraction. Comparison between presence, abundance and frequencies of trace elements in groundwater samples is in the order of Fe (84) > Zn (72) > Mn (68) >Pb (45) >Cu (41) >Cr (35) >Ni (33) >Cd (21), indicating that Fe in groundwater is in origin. The TDS, Pb, Fe, Mn and Cd concentrations in groundwater samples are beyond the permissible limit prescribed by World Health Organization (WHO)