16 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pelayanan Sarana Dan Prasarana Proteksi Kebakaran Pada Permukiman Perkotaan

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    The incidence of fires in the city of Sidoarjo in the last 5 years has increased. The main causes of the majority of fires were settlement activities and weeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of fire protection facilities and infrastructure services in the urban settlements of Sidoarjo City based on Minister of Public Works Regulation No.20 / PRT / M / 2009 concerning Technical Guidelines for Fire Protection Management. The study area consisted of Sidoarjo District, Candi District and Buduran District. The research approach used is descriptive evaluative research. The results showed that the level of fire protection facilities and infrastructure services in the city of Sidoarjo was still 48%, it needed an increase in the aspects of the completeness of the Fire Extinguishers building, the availability of fire stations and hydrants as well as increasing community participation


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    Jaringan jalan merupakan salah satu penunjang kegiatan perekonomian yang bermuara pada peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat. Kabupaten Tana Toraja memiliki 166 ruas jalan kabupaten dengan total panjang 1,252 km yang sebagian besar (74.24%) berada dalam kondisi rusak. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya kebijakan pendanaan karena keterbatasan anggaran, akibatnya semua ruas jalan tidak dapat tertangani seluruhnya, sehingga membutuhkan prioritas jaringan jalan yang perlu ditangani untuk pengembangan wilayahnya ke depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis skalogram untuk mengidentifikasi wilayah-wilayah yang menjadi pusat pelayanan dan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk mendapatkan persepsi stakeholder terhadap faktor yang menjadi prioritas dalam memilih jaringan jalan yang akan ditangani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 2 kecamatan merupakan pusat pelayanan (Hirarki I), 5 kecamatan merupakan subpusat pelayanan (Hirarki II), dan 12 kecamatan merupakan wilayah hinterland (Hirarki III). Dari analisis AHP diperoleh pilihan prioritas jaringan jalan berdasarkan potensi obyek wisata. Sehingga jaringan jalan yang dapat diprioritaskan adalah: 1). Alternatif I, terdiri atas: (i) Jalan lingkar wisata, (ii) Kokkang – Buakayu, (iii) Pasobo – Kondodewata, (iv) Tetebassi – Kondoran, (v) Batupapan – Rantekurra; 2). Alternatif II, terdiri atas: (i) Jalan lingkar wisata, (ii) Kokkang – Buakayu, (iii) Pasobo – Kondodewata, (iv) Tetebassi – Kondoran, (v) Batupapan – Rantekurra, (vi) Makale – Kaduaja


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    Tangerang sebagai kota penyangga Jakarta memiliki pertumbuhan penduduk yang cukup pesat, sekitar 3 % per tahun. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk, jumlah sampah yang harus ditangani oleh pemerintah akan meningkat juga. Sebagai sumber sampah terbesar, sampah domestik dari permukiman perlu dikelola sebaik-baiknya. Dengan semangat pengelolaan sampah yang berkelanjutan perlu direncanakan jenis sarana persampahan di setiap jenis permukiman berdasarkan karakter atau perilaku orang dalam penanganan sampah rumah tangga mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi tipologi permukiman di Kota Tangerang menurut karakteristik perumahan dan masyarakatnya dalam penanganan limbah domestik serta menentukan kebutuhan sarana persampahan berdasarkan prioritas pada setiap tipologinya. Dalam mengidentifikasi tipologi perumahan digunakan analisis spasial untuk menentukan karakteristik fisik dan dikombinasikan dengan analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui karakteristik masyarakat, sedangkan untuk menentukan kebutuhan sarana persampahan yang sesuai di setiap jenis perumahan berdasarkan prioritasnya digunakan analisis AHP dan MCDM-TOPSIS. Kombinasi antara karakteristik fisik dan karakteristik masyarakat menghasilkan 12 (dua belas) tipologi permukiman, sedangkan hasil dari analisis AHP dan MCDM-TOPSIS menghasilkan 6 kelompok permukiman yang mempunyai prioritas kebutuhan sarana persampahan yang berbeda-beda berdasarkan pedoman umum 3R di kawasan permukima


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    The South Bogor District which is a conservation area who has a function and the role of conservation area and land that can provide portection for the area of his men, and is the settlement with congestion low. But the development of the settlement within 10 years, from the 2007-2016 has resulted in the change in the use of the land in this area of 481,91 Ha or an average of 48.19 Ha/year. The purpose of this research is composed a strategy that needs to be done to control the develop housing area, so that the existence of a conservation are stay awake. Methods used is method superimpose and scoring then do the factors that most influential on the aberration of utilization of land. From the analysis of the level of threat is conservation areas, most of the area included in the middle classification with an area of 938.58 Ha (46.55 %), a high threat level of 283.30 Ha (14.05%), while low threat level with an area reaching 794.26 Ha (39.40%). In addition, from the overlay of the spatial pattern map contained in the RTRW with the existing conditions, it shows existence land use mismatches specified in the spatial plan an area of 1,662.40 Ha or 59.77%. The factors that cause the change in land use in this conservation area are population development, socio-economic conditions, accessibility, supervision of settlement construction, and licensing problems. Output the study of internal factors and external factors is conducted then a strategy can be done improve the supervision of development involving with communities by cracking down on violations of the utilization of space in the area that are not in accordance with the spatial plans, as well as maintain and preserve conservation areas through the housing development that environmentally

    Penentuan Pusat-pusat Kegiatan Baru sebagai Alternatif untuk Mengurangi Kemacetan Kota Bogor

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    Bogor city is facing very serious congestion problems. Rearrangement of the spatial structure of the urban growth centers could improve the city's transportation system. This study aims to map the density of traffic, analyze the hierarchy of growth centers, analyze the spatial interactions and formulate alternative arrangement of the centers of the new activities. The study was conducted through descriptive analysis, Schallogram method, the Spatial Gravitation Model and TOPSIS. Schallogram analysis is used to analyze the hierarchy level of service. The Gravity Model is used to analyze the interaction between the regions. TOPSIS analysis is used to identify priority areas and new growth centers. This study analyzed data on the volume of vehicles, facilities area, population, road length, road network maps, and spatial plan (RTRW). The areas in the city center had the highest traffic density and the highest hierarchical. While suburban areas tend to have the lowest hierarchy. Based on the results of gravity model analysis, the areas with the highest attraction located in the city center and extends along the corridor to the north and the south. While the production area spread around the suburbs. Based on the analysis TOPSIS recommend new growth centers, namely Margajaya, Cimahpar, and Bojongkerta


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    The big potential of Cirebon Regency with good transportation access and demography bonus is able to promote its regional development. Not all of the potential has been optimized to invite investment in Cirebon Regency. One of the causes is some of the lands haven't been registered, so that obstructs investment that requires land. We explore the spatial relationship between the regional development level and land transaction pattern. We calculate the entropy diversification index to see the level of regional development. We also interpolate the land transaction to see the spatial pattern. The natural neighbor interpolation method was used to show spatial patterns of land transactions. Then, we overlay the map of the entropy index and land transaction pattern map to see the relationship spatially. Land transactions in Cirebon Regency gathered in a very developed and developing region. Districts of Palimanan, Depok, Plumbon, Weru, and Plered that are categorized very developed have more quantity of transactions and land transaction value than the undeveloped area. Pasaleman district has Kecamatan Depok, has the smallest entropy index, and categorized as undeveloped has a lower number and value of land transactions. We found a similar spatial pattern between the regional level of development and land transaction interpolation

    Ada Apa Dengan Ulama ? : Pergulatan Antara Dogma Akal Kalbu & Sains

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