133 research outputs found

    Biomass residue valorisation into activated charcoal - Efficiency tests on bacteria and pesticides

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    Le développement des activités de recherche sur les charbons actifs en Afrique, entre dans le cadre de la valorisation de la biomasse pour produire de nouveaux matériaux, et permet d’accompagner scientifiquement les processus de dépollution et le développement industriel. Les charbons actifs (CA) sont des matériaux carbonés obtenus suite à des étapes de pyrolyse et d’activation qui leur confèrent de bonnes capacités d’adsorption sur des polluants. Le développement et la vulgarisation des CA utilisés seuls ou en complément, dans une chaîne de dépollution des eaux est une piste prometteuse pour l’Afrique qui les a jusqu’ici peu exploités malgré la disponibilité de matières premières nécessaires à leur fabrication. Cet examen présente dans une première étape, la méthode développée au Laboratoire Biomasse Energie et Biocarburants (LBEB) pour synthétiser de nouveaux CA issus de résidus de biomasse comme les coques d’arachide et les coques de coco. Dans une deuxième étape, l’article présente les protocoles mis en place pour caractériser et analyser les porosités et les surfaces spécifiques des CA, à l’origine de l’adsorption des polluants. Enfin, des résultats d’essais sur des dérivés proches des pesticides et des bactéries de type E. coli sont effectués pour tester l’efficacité des charbons actifs synthétisés

    Role of seasonal importation and genetic drift on selection for drug-resistant genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum in high-transmission settings

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    Historically Plasmodium falciparum has followed a pattern of drug resistance first appearing in low-transmission settings before spreading to high-transmission settings. Several features of low-transmission regions are hypothesized as explanations: higher chance of symptoms and treatment seeking, better treatment access, less within-host competition among clones and lower rates of recombination. Here, we test whether importation of drug-resistant parasites is more likely to lead to successful emergence and establishment in low-transmission or high-transmission periods of the same epidemiological setting, using a spatial, individual-based stochastic model of malaria and drug-resistance evolution calibrated for Burkina Faso. Upon controlling for the timing of importation of drug-resistant genotypes and examination of key model variables, we found that drug-resistant genotypes imported during the low-transmission season were (i) more susceptible to stochastic extinction due to the action of genetic drift, and (ii) more likely to lead to establishment of drug resistance when parasites are able to survive early stochastic loss due to drift. This implies that rare importation events are more likely to lead to establishment if they occur during a high-transmission season, but that constant importation (e.g. neighbouring countries with high levels of resistance) may produce a greater risk during low-transmission periods

    Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Yatenga – Tougou, Burkina Faso

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    The village baseline study of Kononga village in the CCAFS site Yatenga-Tougou in Burkina Faso took place from 19th to 21st July 2011. Focus group discussions were conducted separately for men and women. Male and female participants believe that the natural resources in the village are deteriorating due to population increase and labour shortages related to the exodus of young people to gold mining sites. The village’s vision of the future includes more productive and fertile farmland, a denser forest, deeper and wider water reservoirs, and more boreholes. The men identified 21 organisations in the village, including 9 operating at the community level, while women identified 17 organisations, 10 of which operate at the community level. Men are considered the most important personal source of information in the village. The regional directorate for agriculture, hydrology and fishery resources (DRAHRA) is the single most relevant institutional source of climate and weather information for both male and female participants. Men and women gather information from outside the village via radio broadcasting and particularly Radio “Voix du paysan” (Voice of the Farmer). The market is the most important channel of information access for women. Women have a substantial role in agriculture and livestock production, as well as natural resource management but they have limited access to land or to improved technology or equipment, and few training opportunities

    HRP2 and pLDH-Based Rapid Diagnostic Tests, Expert Microscopy, and PCR for Detection of Malaria Infection during Pregnancy and at Delivery in Areas of Varied Transmission: A Prospective Cohort Study in Burkina Faso and Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Intermittent screening and treatment (IST) of malaria during pregnancy has been proposed as an alternative to intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp), where IPTp is failing due to drug resistance. However, the antenatal parasitaemias are frequently very low, and the most appropriate screening test for IST has not been defined. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a multi-center prospective study of 990 HIV-uninfected women attending ANC in two different malaria transmission settings at Tororo District Hospital, eastern Uganda and Colsama Health Center in western Burkina Faso. Women were enrolled in the study in the second or third trimester of pregnancy and followed to delivery, generating 2,597 blood samples for analysis. Screening tests included rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) targeting histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2) and parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) and microscopy, compared to nPCR as a reference standard. At enrolment, the proportion of pregnant women who were positive for P. falciparum by HRP2/pan pLDH RDT, Pf pLDH/pan pLDH RDT, microscopy and PCR was 38%, 29%, 36% and 44% in Uganda and 21%, 16%, 15% and 35% in Burkina Faso, respectively. All test positivity rates declined during follow-up. In comparison to PCR, the sensitivity of the HRP2/pan pLDH RDT, Pf pLDH/pan pLDH RDT and microscopy was 75.7%, 60.1% and 69.7% in Uganda, 55.8%, 42.6% and 55.8% in Burkina Faso respectively for all antenatal visits. Specificity was greater than 96% for all three tests. Comparison of accuracy using generalized estimating equation revealed that the HRP2- detecting RDT was the most accurate test in both settings. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The study suggests that HRP2-based RDTs are the most appropriate point-of-care test currently available for use during pregnancy especially for symptomatic women, but will still miss some PCR-positive women. The clinical significance of these very low density infections needs to be better defined


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    Les principaux rabageurs de la culture cotonnière du C-4; Suivi des ravageurs dans l'écosystème et prise de décision; Méthodes de lutte intégrée; Lutte variétale; Contrôle chimique et techniques d'application; Techiques d'appliction des produits.bitstream/item/142479/1/Entomologie.pdfCOTON-4. Idioma: Francês e Português

    Polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter and multidrug resistance 1 genes: parasite risk factors that affect treatment outcomes for P. falciparum malaria after artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine.

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    Adequate clinical and parasitologic cure by artemisinin combination therapies relies on the artemisinin component and the partner drug. Polymorphisms in the Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (pfcrt) and P. falciparum multidrug resistance 1 (pfmdr1) genes are associated with decreased sensitivity to amodiaquine and lumefantrine, but effects of these polymorphisms on therapeutic responses to artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) have not been clearly defined. Individual patient data from 31 clinical trials were harmonized and pooled by using standardized methods from the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network. Data for more than 7,000 patients were analyzed to assess relationships between parasite polymorphisms in pfcrt and pfmdr1 and clinically relevant outcomes after treatment with AL or ASAQ. Presence of the pfmdr1 gene N86 (adjusted hazards ratio = 4.74, 95% confidence interval = 2.29 - 9.78, P < 0.001) and increased pfmdr1 copy number (adjusted hazards ratio = 6.52, 95% confidence interval = 2.36-17.97, P < 0.001 : were significant independent risk factors for recrudescence in patients treated with AL. AL and ASAQ exerted opposing selective effects on single-nucleotide polymorphisms in pfcrt and pfmdr1. Monitoring selection and responding to emerging signs of drug resistance are critical tools for preserving efficacy of artemisinin combination therapies; determination of the prevalence of at least pfcrt K76T and pfmdr1 N86Y should now be routine

    Performance of food–feed maize and cowpea cultivars under monoculture and intercropping systems: Grain yield, fodder biomass, and nutritive value

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    Livestock feeding in Burkina Faso is characterized by a recurrent deficit in both the quality and the quantity of fodder during the dry season, which affects animal performance. To overcome this, quality fodder/forage production is an alternative. Therefore, this study evaluated food- and feed-improved cultivars of maize and cowpea in intercropping trials using the “mother and baby trials” approach with crop–livestock farmers. The mother trial comprised a randomized block design with eight treatments and four replicates: two cowpea (KVx745-11P and Tiligré) and two maize cultivars (Barka and Espoir), and grown under two cropping systems (monoculture and intercropping). Baby trials were established on-farm and involved 30 farmers during two seasons (2019 and 2020) in four villages in the South Sudan zone of Burkina Faso. Data were collected on (1) weed density and biomass, (2) grain yield and fodder biomass, (3) intercropping efficiency, and (4) fodder nutritive value. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and the least significant difference (LSD) means separation at a 5% threshold. The results revealed that maize and cowpea intercropping significantly reduced weed biomass (p ≤ 0.05). In monoculture, the maize cultivar Barka produced a greater grain yield (4980 kg/ha) and fodder biomass [6259 kg dry matter (DM)/ha] than the cultivar Espoir, which produced a grain yield of 2581 kg/ha and fodder biomass of 4952 kg DM/ha. The cowpea cultivars, KVx745-11P and Tiligré, were similar (p ≥ 0.05) in terms of fodder biomass (2435–2820 kg DM/ha) and grain yield (1152–1163 kg/ha). For the intercropping system, land equivalent ratios for fodder biomass (1.18:1.41) and grain yield (1.02:1.44) were greater than 1; intercropping also had better productivity system indexes than the monoculture cropping system. The crude protein concentration of fodder was greater for Barka maize (9.5%–9.8%) than for Espoir maize (8.5%–8.7%). The crude protein concentration was greater for cowpea KVx745-11P (19%–21.8%) than for cowpea Tiligré (15%–17%). Intercropping both Barka maize and cowpea KVx745-11P was the most productive cropping system for maximizing grain and fodder production for crop–livestock farmers in the South Sudan zone of Burkina Faso

    Optimal dosing of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for seasonal malaria chemoprevention in young children.

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    Young children are the population most severely affected by Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) with amodiaquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine provides substantial benefit to this vulnerable population, but resistance to the drugs will develop. Here, we evaluate the use of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as an alternative regimen in 179 children (aged 2.33-58.1 months). Allometrically scaled body weight on pharmacokinetic parameters of piperaquine result in lower drug exposures in small children after a standard mg per kg dosage. A covariate-free sigmoidal EMAX-model describes the interval to malaria re-infections satisfactorily. Population-based simulations suggest that small children would benefit from a higher dosage according to the WHO 2015 guideline. Increasing the dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine dosage and extending the dose schedule to four monthly doses result in a predicted relative reduction in malaria incidence of up to 58% during the high transmission season. The higher and extended dosing schedule to cover the high transmission period for SMC could improve the preventive efficacy substantially

    Markets and climate are driving rapid change in farming practices in Savannah West Africa

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    Agricultural practices have constantly changed in West Africa, and understanding the factors that have driven the changes may help guide strategies to promote sustainable agriculture in the region. To contribute to such efforts, this paper analyzes drivers of change in farming practices in the region using data obtained from surveys of 700 farming households in five countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Senegal). The results showed that farmers have adopted various practices in response to the challenges they have faced during the last decade. A series of logit models showed that most changes farmers made to their practices are undertaken for multiple reasons. Land use and management changes including expanding farmed areas and using mineral fertilization and manure are positively related to perceived changes in the climate, such as more erratic rainfall. Planting new varieties, introducing new crops, crop rotation, expanding farmed area and using pesticides are positively associated with new market opportunities. Farm practices that require relatively high financial investment such as use of pesticides, drought-tolerant varieties and improved seeds were positively associated with the provision of technical and financial support for farmers through development projects and policies. Changes in markets and climate are both helping to promote needed changes in farming practices in West Africa. Therefore, policies that foster the development of markets for agricultural products, and improved weather- and climate-related information linked to knowledge of appropriate agricultural innovations in different environments are needed
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