287 research outputs found

    Surface Conductivity of Si(100) and Ge(100) Surfaces Determined from Four-Point Transport Measurements Using an Analytical N-Layer Conductance Model

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    An analytical N-layer model for charge transport close to a surface is derived from the solution of Poisson's equation and used to describe distance-dependent electrical four-point measurements on the microscale. As the N-layer model comprises a surface channel, multiple intermediate layers and a semi-infinite bulk, it can be applied to semiconductors in combination with a calculation of the near-surface band-bending to model very precisely the measured four-point resistance on the surface of a specific sample and to extract a value for the surface conductivity. For describing four-point measurements on sample geometries with mixed 2D-3D conduction channels often a very simple parallel-circuit model has so far been used in the literature, but the application of this model is limited, as there are already significant deviations, when it is compared to the lowest possible case of the N-layer model, i.e. the 3-layer model. Furthermore, the N-layer model is applied to published distance-dependent four-point resistance measurements obtained with a multi-tip scanning tunneling microscope (STM) on Germanium(100) and Silicon(100) with different bulk doping concentrations resulting in the determination of values for the surface conductivities of these materials.Comment: 11 pages, 6 color figure

    Halbach Magnets for Magnetic Resonance

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    This review is a compilation of relevant concepts in designing Halbach multipoles for magnetic resonance applications. The main focus is on providing practical guidelines to plan, design and build such magnets. Therefore, analytical equations are presented for estimating the magnetic field from ideal to realistic systems. Various strategies of homogenizing magnetic fields are discussed together with concepts of opening such magnets without force, or combining them for variable fields. Temperature compensation and other practical aspects are also reviewed. For magnetic resonance two polarities (di- and quadrupole) are of main interest, but higher polarities are also included.Comment: 37 pages, 17 Figure

    Surface and Step Conductivities on Si(111) Surfaces

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    Four-point measurements using a multi-tip scanning tunneling microscope (STM) are carried out in order to determine surface and step conductivities on Si(111) surfaces. In a first step, distance-dependent four-point measurements in the linear configuration are used in combination with an analytical three-layer model for charge transport to disentangle the 2D surface conductivity from non-surface contributions. A termination of the Si(111) surface with either Bi or H results in the two limiting cases of a pure 2D or 3D conductance, respectively. In order to further disentangle the surface conductivity of the step-free surface from the contribution due to atomic steps, a square four-probe configuration is applied as function of the rotation angle. In total this combined approach leads to an atomic step conductivity of σstep=(29±9)\sigma_\mathrm{step} = (29 \pm 9) Ω−1m−1\mathrm{\Omega}^{-1} \mathrm{m}^{-1} and to a step-free surface conductivity of σsurf=(9±2)⋅10−6 Ω−1/□\sigma_\mathrm{surf} = (9 \pm 2) \cdot 10^{-6}\,\mathrm{\Omega}^{-1}/\square for the Si(111)-(7×\times7) surface.Comment: Main paper: 5 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental material: 6 pages, 3 figures. The Supplemental Material contains details on the sample preparation and measurement procedure, additional experimental results for Si(111) samples with different doping levels, and the description of the three-layer conductance mode

    Polynomial Chaos Expansion method as a tool to evaluate and quantify field homogeneities of a novel waveguide RF Wien Filter

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    For the measurement of the electric dipole moment of protons and deuterons, a novel waveguide RF Wien filter has been designed and will soon be integrated at the COoler SYnchrotron at J\"ulich. The device operates at the harmonic frequencies of the spin motion. It is based on a waveguide structure that is capable of fulfilling the Wien filter condition (E⃗⊄B⃗\vec{E} \perp \vec{B}) \textit{by design}. The full-wave calculations demonstrated that the waveguide RF Wien filter is able to generate high-quality RF electric and magnetic fields. In reality, mechanical tolerances and misalignments decrease the simulated field quality, and it is therefore important to consider them in the simulations. In particular, for the electric dipole moment measurement, it is important to quantify the field errors systematically. Since Monte-Carlo simulations are computationally very expensive, we discuss here an efficient surrogate modeling scheme based on the Polynomial Chaos Expansion method to compute the field quality in the presence of tolerances and misalignments and subsequently to perform the sensitivity analysis at zero additional computational cost.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figure

    Ischémie mésentérique étendue associée à la prise excessive de naratriptan et de jus de pamplemousse

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    We reported the case of a 61-year-old woman, who has been hospitalized in ICU because of an extensive mesenteric ischaemia, involving the small bowel, secondary to a naratriptan overuse. This mesenteric ischaemia was complicated by multiple organ failure and was responsible for extensive small bowel resection and left colectomy. A concomitant abundant absorption of grapefruit juice, a well-known P450 inhibitor, may have enhanced this naratriptan toxicity. This case underscore that an abdominal pain occurring in the context of headache treatment may be related to a mesenteric ischaemia

    MHD modeling of a copper slag cleaning process

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    Electromagnetic Simulation and Design of a Novel Waveguide RF Wien Filter for Electric Dipole Moment Measurements of Protons and Deuterons

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    The conventional Wien filter is a device with orthogonal static magnetic and electric fields, often used for velocity separation of charged particles. Here we describe the electromagnetic design calculations for a novel waveguide RF Wien filter that will be employed to solely manipulate the spins of protons or deuterons at frequencies of about 0.1 to 2 MHz at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY at J\"ulich. The device will be used in a future experiment that aims at measuring the proton and deuteron electric dipole moments, which are expected to be very small. Their determination, however, would have a huge impact on our understanding of the universe.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    How cold is the junction of a millikelvin scanning tunnelling microscope?

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    We employ a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) cooled to millikelvin temperatures by an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) to perform scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) on an atomically clean surface of Al(100) in a superconducting state using normal-metal and superconducting STM tips. Varying the ADR temperatures between 30 mK and 1.2 K, we show that the temperature of the STM junction TT is decoupled from the temperature of the surrounding environment TenvT_{\mathrm{env}}. Simulating the STS data with the P(E)P(E) theory, we determine that Tenv≈1.5T_{\mathrm{env}} \approx 1.5 K, while the fitting of the superconducting gap spectrum yields the lowest T=77T=77 mK.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Preparation and Characterization of Protonated Fumaric Acid

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    Fumaric acid was reacted with the binary superacidic systems HF/SbF5 and HF/AsF5. The O,O'‐diprotonated [C4H6O4]2+([MF6]–)2 (M = As, Sb) and the O‐monoprotonated [C4H5O4]+[MF6]– (M = As, Sb) species are formed depending on the stoichiometric ratio of the Lewis acid to fumaric acid. The colorless salts were characterized by low‐temperature vibrational spectroscopy. In case of the hexafluoridoantimonates single‐crystal X‐ray structure analyses were carried out. The [C4H6O4]2+([SbF6]–)2 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with four formula units per unit cell and [C4H5O4]+[SbF6]– crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with one formula unit per unit cell. The protonation of fumaric acid does not cause a notable change of the C=C bond length. The experimental data are discussed together with quantum chemical calculations of the cations [C4H6O4 · 4 HF]2+ and [C4H6O4 · 2 H2CO · 2 HF]2+
