411 research outputs found

    Comment on ``Phase and Phase Diffusion of a Split Bose-Einstein Condensate''

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    Recently Javanainen and Wilkens [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4675 (1997)] have analysed an experiment in which an interacting Bose condensate, after being allowed to form in a single potential well, is "cut" by splitting the well adiabatically with a very high potential barrier, and estimate the rate at which, following the cut, the two halves of the condensate lose the "memory" of their relative phase. We argue that, by neglecting the effect of interactions in the initial state before the separation, they have overestimated the rate of phase randomization by a numerical factor which grows with the interaction strength and with the slowness of the separation process.Comment: 2 pages, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Supercurrent flow through an effective double barrier structure

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    Supercurrent flow is studied in a structure that in the Ginzburg-Landau regime can be described in terms of an effective double barrier potential. In the limit of strongly reflecting barriers, the passage of Cooper pairs through such a structure may be viewed as a realization of resonant tunneling with a rigid wave function. For interbarrier distances smaller than d0=πξ(T)d_0=\pi\xi(T) no current-carrying solutions exist. For distances between d0d_0 and 2d02d_0, four solutions exist. The two symmetric solutions obey a current-phase relation of sin(Δφ/2)\sin(\Delta\varphi/2), while the two asymmetric solutions satisfy Δφ=π\Delta\varphi=\pi for all allowed values of the current. As the distance exceeds nd0nd_0, a new group of four solutions appears, each contaning (n1)(n-1) soliton-type oscillations between the barriers. We prove the inexistence of a continuous crossover between the physical solutions of the nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation and those of the corresponding linearized Schr\"odinger equation. We also show that under certain conditions a repulsive delta function barrier may quantitatively describe a SNS structure. We are thus able to predict that the critical current of a SNSNS structure vanishes as TcT\sqrt{T'_c-T}, where TcT'_c is lower than the bulk critical temperature.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, 6 figures on request at [email protected]

    Tunneling, self-trapping and manipulation of higher modes of a BEC in a double well

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    We consider an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a symmetric one-dimensional double well potential in the four-mode approximation and show that the semiclassical dynamics of the two ground state modes can be strongly influenced by a macroscopic occupation of the two excited modes. In particular, the addition of the two excited modes already unveils features related to the effect of dissipation on the condensate. In general, we find a rich dynamics that includes Rabi oscillations, a mixed Josephson-Rabi regime, self-trapping, chaotic behavior, and the existence of fixed points. We investigate how the dynamics of the atoms in the excited modes can be manipulated by controlling the atomic populations of the ground states.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Genuine phase diffusion of a Bose-Einstein condensate in the microcanonical ensemble: A classical field study

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    Within the classical field model, we find that the phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate undergoes a true diffusive motion in the microcanonical ensemble, the variance of the condensate phase change between time zero and time tt growing linearly in tt. The phase diffusion coefficient obeys a simple scaling law in the double thermodynamic and Bogoliubov limit. We construct an approximate calculation of the diffusion coefficient, in fair agreement with the numerical results over the considered temperature range, and we extend this approximate calculation to the quantum field.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Dissipation-driven quantum phase transitions in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid electrostatically coupled to a metallic gate

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    The dissipation induced by a metallic gate on the low-energy properties of interacting 1D electron liquids is studied. As function of the distance to the gate, or the electron density in the wire, the system undergoes a quantum phase transition from the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid state to two kinds of dissipative phases, one of them with a finite spatial correlation length. We also define a dual model, which describes an attractive one dimensional metal with a Josephson coupling to a dirty metallic lead.Comment: 5 pages, 2 EPS figures; v2: improved figure for phase diagram, added discussion, corrected typo

    Expansion of matter waves in static and driven periodic potentials

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    We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of cold atoms held in an optical lattice potential. The expansion of an initially confined atom cloud occurs in two phases: an initial quadratic expansion followed by a ballistic behaviour at long times. Accounting for this gives a good description of recent experimental results, and provides a robust method to extract the effective intersite tunneling from time-of-flight measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Coulomb blockade in graphene nanoribbons

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    We propose that recent transport experiments revealing the existence of an energy gap in graphene nanoribbons may be understood in terms of Coulomb blockade. Electron interactions play a decisive role at the quantum dots which form due to the presence of necks arising from the roughness of the graphene edge. With the average transmission as the only fitting parameter, our theory shows good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Andreev reflection in bosonic condensates

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    We study the bosonic analog of Andreev reflection at a normal-superfluid interface where the superfluid is a boson condensate. We model the normal region as a zone where nonlinear effects can be neglected. Against the background of a decaying condensate, we identify a novel contribution to the current of reflected atoms. The group velocity of this Andreev reflected component differs from that of the normally reflected one. For a three-dimensional planar or two-dimensional linear interface Andreev reflection is neither specular nor conjugate.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Text revise

    Split vortices in optically coupled Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study a rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in which an optically induced Josephson coupling allows for population transfer between the two species. In a regime where separation of species is favored, the ground state of the rotating system displays domain walls with velocity fields normal to them. Such a configuration looks like a vortex split into two halves, with atoms circulating around the vortex and changing their internal state in a continuous way.Comment: 4 EPS pictures, 4 pages; Some errata have been corrected and thep resentation has been slightly revise

    Absence of charge backscattering in the nonequilibrium current of normal-superconductor structures

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    We study the nonequilibrium transport properties of a normal-superconductor-normal structure, focussing on the effect of adding an impurity in the superconducting region. Current conservation requires the superfluid velocity to be nonzero, causing a distortion of the quasiparticle dispersion relation within the superconductor. For weakly reflecting interfaces we find a regime of intermediate voltages in which Andreev transmission is the only permitted mechanism for quasiparticles to enter the superconductor. Impurities in the superconductor can only cause Andreev reflection of these quasiparticles and thus cannot degrade the current. At higher voltages, a state of gapless superconductivity develops which is sensitive to the presence of impurities.Comment: Latex file, 11 pages, 2 figures available upon request [email protected], to be published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte