2,069 research outputs found

    On the magnitude of spheres, surfaces and other homogeneous spaces

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    In this paper we define the magnitude of metric spaces using measures rather than finite subsets as had been done previously and show that this agrees with earlier work with Leinster in arXiv:0908.1582. An explicit formula for the magnitude of an n-sphere with its intrinsic metric is given. For an arbitrary homogeneous Riemannian manifold the leading terms of the asymptotic expansion of the magnitude are calculated and expressed in terms of the volume and total scalar curvature of the manifold. In the particular case of a homogeneous surface the form of the asymptotics can be given exactly up to vanishing terms and this involves just the area and Euler characteristic in the way conjectured for subsets of Euclidean space in previous work.Comment: 21 pages. Main change from v1: details added to proof of Theorem

    DNET: A communications facility for distributed heterogeneous computing

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    This document describes DNET, a heterogeneous data communications networking facility. DNET allows programs operating on hosts on dissimilar networks to communicate with one another without concern for computer hardware, network protocol, or operating system differences. The overall DNET network is defined as the collection of host machines/networks on which the DNET software is operating. Each underlying network is considered a DNET 'domain'. Data communications service is provided between any two processes on any two hosts on any of the networks (domains) that may be reached via DNET. DNET provides protocol transparent, reliable, streaming data transmission between hosts (restricted, initially to DECnet and TCP/IP networks). DNET also provides variable length datagram service with optional return receipts

    Hierarchical Re-estimation of Topic Models for Measuring Topical Diversity

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    A high degree of topical diversity is often considered to be an important characteristic of interesting text documents. A recent proposal for measuring topical diversity identifies three elements for assessing diversity: words, topics, and documents as collections of words. Topic models play a central role in this approach. Using standard topic models for measuring diversity of documents is suboptimal due to generality and impurity. General topics only include common information from a background corpus and are assigned to most of the documents in the collection. Impure topics contain words that are not related to the topic; impurity lowers the interpretability of topic models and impure topics are likely to get assigned to documents erroneously. We propose a hierarchical re-estimation approach for topic models to combat generality and impurity; the proposed approach operates at three levels: words, topics, and documents. Our re-estimation approach for measuring documents' topical diversity outperforms the state of the art on PubMed dataset which is commonly used for diversity experiments.Comment: Proceedings of the 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR2017

    On alpha stable distribution of wind driven water surface wave slope

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    We propose a new formulation of the probability distribution function of wind driven water surface slope with an α\alpha-stable distribution probability. The mathematical formulation of the probability distribution function is given under an integral formulation. Application to represent the probability of time slope data from laboratory experiments is carried out with satisfactory results. We compare also the α\alpha-stable model of the water surface slopes with the Gram-Charlier development and the non-Gaussian model of Liu et al\cite{Liu}. Discussions and conclusions are conducted on the basis of the data fit results and the model analysis comparison.Comment: final version of the manuscript: 25 page

    The fundamental problem of command : plan and compliance in a partially centralised economy

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    When a principal gives an order to an agent and advances resources for its implementation, the temptations for the agent to shirk or steal from the principal rather than comply constitute the fundamental problem of command. Historically, partially centralised command economies enforced compliance in various ways, assisted by nesting the fundamental problem of exchange within that of command. The Soviet economy provides some relevant data. The Soviet command system combined several enforcement mechanisms in an equilibrium that shifted as agents learned and each mechanism's comparative costs and benefits changed. When the conditions for an equilibrium disappeared, the system collapsed.Comparative Economic Studies (2005) 47, 296–314. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ces.810011

    Sagittal jaw position in relation to body posture in adult humans – a rasterstereographic study

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    BACKGROUND: The correlations between the sagittal jaw position and the cranio – cervical inclination are described in literature. Only few studies focus on the sagittal jaw position and the body posture using valid and objective orthopaedic examination methods. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that patients with malocclusions reveal significant differences in body posture compared to those without (upper thoracic inclination, kyphotic angle, lordotic angle and lower lumbar inclination). METHODS: Eighty-four healthy adult patients (with a mean age = 25.6 years and ranging from 16.1 to 55.8 years) were examined with informed consent. The orthodontic examination horizontal overjet (distance between upper and lower incisors) was determined by using an orthodontic digital sliding calliper. The subjects were subdivided in respect of the overjet with the following results: 18 revealed a normal overjet (Class I), 38 had an increased overjet (Class II) and 28 had an reversed overjet (Class III). Rasterstereography was used to carry out a three – dimensional back shape analysis. This method is based on photogrammetry. A three-dimensional shape was produced by analysing the distortion of parallel horizontal white light lines projected on the patient's back, followed by mathematical modelling. On the basis of the sagittal profile the upper thoracic inclination, the thoracic angle, the lordotic angle and the pelvic inclination were determined with a reported accuracy of 2.8° and the correlations to the sagittal jaw position were calculated by means of ANOVA, Scheffé and Kruskal-Wallis procedures. RESULTS: Between the different overjet groups, no statistically significant differences or correlations regarding the analysed back shape parameters could be obtained. However, comparing males and females there were statistically significant differences in view of the parameters 'lordotic angle' and 'pelvic inclination'. CONCLUSION: No correlations between overjet and variables of the thoracic, lordotic or the pelvic inclination could be observed

    Substitutes or complements? Relationship between natural resources and physical capital–a few stylised facts

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    This paper considers the complementarity and substitutability of natural resources and physical capital. Unlike existing empirical research, concentrated on the estimation of the elasticity of substitution between energy and capital, the author focuses on macro data and the growth theory approach. The author considers the standard economic long-run growth models with substitutability or complementarity among natural resource use and physical capital in the production process. He derives from these models empirically verifiable theoretical relationships between their rates of growth. The author also uses cross-country long-run data to obtain an empirical correlation between these growth rates and finds evidence in favour of gross complementarity between the examined factors of production on the macro level in the long ru

    Sustainability, innovation, and efficiency:A key relationship

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    Sustainability has become the emerging goal for countries, companies, and people. Sustainability usually refers to the need to develop models necessary for both human beings and our planet to survive. However, sustainability is not a short-term problem; it is above all a long-term issue, posing intergenerational equity problems. Moreover, sustainability needs efficiency. The efficient use of energy, natural, material, and informational resources is vital for sustainability and sustainable development, which should be the major goal of every country, as established in Rio in 1992, and reaffirmed at Rio+ 20 in 2012. But any strategy aiming at sustainability and efficient use of resources must focus on innovation and technological progress. Consequently, innovation is fundamental to making sustainability possible and improving efficiency. Yet, innovation for sustainability must be environmentally friendly (e.g., green technologies). The principle behind such a strategy is better instead of more. This paper aims at highlighting the key relationship among sustainability, innovation, and efficiency. First, it examines the concept of sustainability, looking at the neoclassical literature on sustainability and its relationship with innovation. Then, it analyzes different theoretical approaches and discusses the policy issues for sustainability where innovation, natural capital, human capital, population, and institutions are fundamental factors

    The Elusive Rentier Rich: Piketty's Data Battles and the Power of Absent Evidence

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    The popularity of Thomas Piketty?s research on wealth inequality has drawn attention to a curious question: why was widening wealth inequality largely neglected by mainstream economists in recent decades? To explore and explain that neglect, I draw on the writing of the early neoclassical economist John Bates Clark, who introduced the notion of the marginal productivity of income distribution at the end of the nineteenth century. I then turn to Piketty?s Capital in order to analyze the salience of marginal productivity theories of income today. I suggest that most of the criticism and praise for Piketty?s research is focused on data that are accessible and measurable, obscuring attention to questions over whether current methods for measuring economic capital are defensible or not. My overarching aim is to explore how ?absent? data in economics as a whole help to reinforce blind spots within mainstream economic theory
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