160 research outputs found

    Равновесие и динамика адсорбции паров воды на металлорганическом каркасе MOF-801

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    В работе представлены результаты исследования равновесия и динамики адсорбции паров воды на металлоорганическом каркасе MOF-801 с целью оценки потенциала его применения в системах адсорбционного охлаждения. Показано, что адсорбция воды на MOF-801 характеризуется S-образными изобарами IV типа по классификации ИЮПАК. В условиях типичного рабочего цикла адсорбционного холодильника (АХ) MOF-801 обменивает 0,21 г/г и может быть регенерирован при 80-85°С, что позволяет использовать источники низкотемпературной теплоты (солнечная энергия). Динамика адсорбции на гранулах MOF-801 в условиях рабочего цикла АХ происходит в режиме, при котором скорость процесса определяется отношением S/m площади поверхности теплопереноса S к массе адсорбента m. Эффективность и удельная мощность АХ с использованием пары "MOF-801-вода" достигают 0,67 и 2 кВт/кг соответственно, что представляет большой практический интерес

    Conjugates of a photoactivated rhodamine with biopolymers for cell staining

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    © 2014 Sergei Yu. Zaitsev et al. Conjugates of the photoactivated rhodamine dyes with biopolymers (proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids) are important tools for microscopic investigation of biological tissue. In this study, a precursor of the photoactivated fluorescent dye (PFD) has been successfully used for staining of numerous mammalian cells lines and for conjugate formation with chitosan ("Chitosan-PFD") and histone H1 ("Histone H1.3-PFD"). The intensive fluorescence has been observed after photoactivation of these conjugates inside cells (A431, HaCaT, HEK239, HBL-100, and MDCK). Developed procedures and obtained data are important for further application of novel precursors of fluorescent dyes ("caged" dyes) for microscopic probing of biological objects. Thus, the synthesized "Chitosan-PFD" and "Histone H1-PFD" have been successfully applied in this study for intracellular transport visualization by fluorescent microscopy

    Influence of the substrate-induced strain and irradiation disorder on the Peierls transition in TTF-TCNQ microdomains

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    The influence of the combined effects of substrate-induced strain, finite size and electron irradiation-induced defects have been studied on individual micron-sized domains of the organic charge transfer compound tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TTF-TCNQ) by temperature-dependent conductivity and current-voltage measurements. The individual domains have been isolated by focused ion beam etching and electrically contacted by focused ion and electron beam induced deposition of metallic contacts. The temperature-dependent conductivity follows a variable range hopping behavior which shows a crossover of the exponent as the Peierls transition is approached. The low temperature behavior is analyzed within the segmented rod model of Fogler, Teber and Shklowskii, as originally developed for a charge-ordered quasi one-dimensional electron crystal. The results are compared with data obtained on as-grown and electron irradiated epitaxial TTF-TCNQ thin films of the two-domain type

    A new charge-transfer complex in UHV co-deposited tetramethoxypyrene and tetracyanoquinodimethane

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    UHV-deposited films of the mixed phase of tetramethoxypyrene and tetracyanoquinodimethane (TMP1-TCNQ1) on gold have been studied using ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), X-ray-diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy and scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS). The formation of an intermolecular charge-transfer (CT) compound is evident from the appearance of new reflexes in XRD (d1= 0.894 nm, d2= 0.677 nm). A softening of the CN stretching vibration (red-shift by 7 cm-1) of TCNQ is visible in the IR spectra, being indicative of a CT of the order of 0.3e from TMP to TCNQ in the complex. Characteristic shifts of the electronic level positions occur in UPS and STS that are in reasonable agreement with the prediction of from DFT calculations (Gaussian03 with hybrid functional B3LYP). STS reveals a HOMO-LUMO gap of the CT complex of about 1.25 eV being much smaller than the gaps (>3.0 eV) of the pure moieties. The electron-injection and hole-injection barriers are 0.3 eV and 0.5 eV, respectively. Systematic differences in the positions of the HOMOs determined by UPS and STS are discussed in terms of the different information content of the two methods.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Generation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Lines with Expression of TESC Gene

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Tescalcin plays an important role in the proliferation and differentiation of certain cell types. It is involved in the regulation of expression of Ets family transcription factors through PMA-induced ERK pathway. This pathway is known to regulate the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Research and development of cell therapy applications using human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs) is important for regenerative medicine, since the hADSCs are easy to obtain and have high proliferative and differentiation potential. It is of particular interest to create stable MSC lines with continuous and controlled expression of tescalcin to assess the potential role of the protein in differentiation of stem cells. Recombinant lentiviruses are often used for genetic modification of cells since it allows long-term expression of transgene due to integration of the provirus into the genome of host cell, relatively large size of transgenic insert and ease of manipulation. Here, we report generation of stable hADSC cell lines with ectopic expression of tescalcin using lentiviral transduction


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    The article proves for the first time that the key factors of success in psychological counseling are the resources of both the client and the psychologist, which are not always and not fully realized by them. The article describes the qualities of resource thinking of the participants of the consultative process, the actualization and implementation of which enable the client to work productively on their problems.В статье впервые обосновано, что ключевыми факторами успеха в психологическом консультировании являются ресурсы как клиента, так и психолога, которые не всегда и не полностью осознаются ими. Описаны качества ресурсного мышления участников консультативного процесса, актуализация и реализация которых позволяет клиенту продуктивно работать над своими проблемами.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 22-28-00602, https://rscf.ru/project/22-28-00602/

    Manifestation of systemic toxicity in rats after a short-time inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticles

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    Outbred female rats were exposed to inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticle aerosol produced right then and there at a concentration of 1.30 ± 0.10 mg/m3 during 5 days for 4 h a day in a nose-only setup. A control group of rats were sham-exposed in parallel under similar conditions. Even this short-time exposure of a relatively low level was associated with nanoparticles retention demonstrable by transmission electron microscopy in the lungs and the olfactory brain. Some impairments were found in the organism’s status in the exposed group, some of which might be considered lead-specific toxicological outcomes (in particular, increase in reticulocytes proportion, in δ-aminolevulinic acid (δ-ALA) urine excretion, and the arterial hypertension’s development). © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was funded by the budget of the Ekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers

    Сomparative analysis of wild and cultivated Lathyrus L. spp. according to their primary and secondary metabolite contents

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    Species of the genus  Lathyrus L. are known as forage and medicinal plants, widely used in traditional medicine  and homeopathy. The content of protein,  essential  amino  acids and  carotene in their green  biomass  is higher  than  in other  annual  leguminous plants  traditionally  cultivated  in Russia. Until now, the requirements for the crop’s quality were reduced to a high content of protein  and dry matter in seeds  and herbage. In-depth biochemical  analysis of accessions  from the collection of plant genetic resources  will significantly improve  selection  of source materials  for breeding. Such tasks can be solved  using  gas chromatography with mass spectrometry in plant  diversity studies. In view of the above,  our goal was to analyze organic  acids, free amino  acids and secondary metabolites in green biomass  of Lathyrus to facilitate comprehensive assessment of its forage  and  pharmacological value. We analyzed 32 accessions  of Lathyrus sativus L., L. tuberosus L., L. sylvestris L., L. vernus (L.) Bernh., L. latifolius L. and  L. linifolius (Reichard) Bassler from the collection of the Vavilov Institute (VIR). The studied Lathyrus accessions had significant interspecific and intraspecific variability both in the composition (presence)  and number of the identified compounds. The analysis of plants across different years confirmed that biochemical parameters depended on weather conditions. The colder and drier conditions of 2012 contributed to the accumulation of organic acids (mean: 890 mg/100 g), free amino acids (mean: 201.59 mg/100 g), and secondary metabolites (mean: 84.14 mg/100 g). The range of variability for organic acids ranged from 140 to 2140, for free amino acids from 11.8 to 610, and for secondary metabolites from 4.4 to 224.6 mg/100  g. Grass pea accessions  with high organic acid, free amino acid and secondary metabolite contents were identified: k-900 (Colombia) for organic acids (2140, 610 and 178 mg/100  g); k-51 (Georgia) and k-959 (Afghanistan) for free amino acids (401.29 and 540.63 mg/100 g); k-893 (Eritrea) for secondary metabolites (199.39 mg/100 g), etc. They can serve as source material for the development of cultivars for different uses (forage and medicinal)