1,002 research outputs found


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    The article presents anti-crisis measures to support small and medium-sized businesses implemented by the  Government of the Russian Federation in the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper reviewed also the foreign experience  of using measures to support small and medium-sized businesses in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection and proposed measures to improve the effectiveness of anti-crisis programs to support small and medium-sized businesses during the spread of coronavirus infection. The authors used in this article the following research methods: analysis and generalization of Russian and foreign anti-crisis measures. The study proposed, based on this analysis, measures to improve the effectiveness of anti-crisis programs to support small  and medium-sized businesses during the spread of coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation

    Formation of healthy saving competence of students of high schools in the context of their cross-cultural formation

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    Рассматриваются организационные и содержательные аспекты формирования здоровьесберегающей компетентности студентов вузов в контексте их общекультурного становленияThe article considers the organizational and content aspects of the formation of health-saving competence of university students in the context of their general cultural developmen

    Genetic mechanisms of the influence of light and phototransduction on Drosophila melanogaster lifespan

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    The light of the visible spectrum (with wavelengths of 380-780 nm) is one of the fundamental abiotic factors to which organisms have been adapting since the start of biological evolution on the Earth. Numerous literature sources establish a connection between the duration of exposure to daylight, carcinogenesis and longevity, convincingly showing a significant reduction in the incidence of cancer in blind people, as well as in animal models. On the other hand, the stimulating nature of the effect of continuous illumination on reproductive function was noted, in particular, the effects of increasing the fecundity of females of various species are known. Increase in motor activity and, as a result, in metabolic rate and thermogenesis during permanent exposure to light also reduces the body's energy reserves and lifespan. In principle, in the context of aging, not only the exposure time, but also the age at the onset of exposure to constant illumination matter, the reverse effects are valid for the maintenance of experimental animals in the constant darkness. Over the long period of the evolution of light signal transduction systems, many mechanisms have emerged that allow to form an adequate response of the organism to illumination, modulating the highly conservative signaling cascades, including those associated with aging and lifespan (FOXO, SIRT1, NF-kB, mTOR/S6k, PPARa, etc). In this review, we consider the relationship between lifespan, photoregimens, and also the expression of the genes encoding the phototransduction cascade and the circadian oscillator elements of animal cells. In the present paper, basic transducers of light and other signals, such as the family of TRP receptors, G proteins, phospholipase C, and others, are considered in the context of aging and longevity. A relationship between the mechanisms of thermoreception, the temperature synchronization of the circadian oscillator and the life span is established in the review. Analysis of experimental data obtained from the Drosophila melano-gaster model allowed us to formulate the hypothesis of age-dependent photoresistance - a gradual decrease in the expression of genes associated with phototransduction and circadian oscillators, leading to deterioration in the ability to adapt to the photoregimen and to the increase in the rate of aging

    Electrophoretic deposition of YSZ layers on pyrolytic graphite and a porous anode substrate based on NiO-YSZ

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    Solid oxide fuel cells are promising hydrogen energy devices. The goal of this research was to create ceramic layers for SOFCs based on yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and to investigate their parameters. YSZ ceramic layers with a thickness of 5.14 μm on a porous NiO–YSZ substrate and 7 μm on pyrolytic graphite were obtained by electrophoretic deposition. X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy were used to determine the composition, structure, and morphological features of ceramic layers. The effects of the substrate's nature, the degree of dispersion of the initial YSZ powder, and the heat treatment conditions on the properties of the ceramic layer YSZ were considered

    On Nonperturbative Calculations in Quantum Electrodynamics

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    A new approach to nonperturbative calculations in quantum electrodynamics is proposed. The approach is based on a regular iteration scheme for solution of Schwinger-Dyson equations for generating functional of Green functions. The approach allows one to take into account the gauge invariance conditions (Ward identities) and to perform the renormalization program. The iteration scheme can be realized in two versions. The first one ("perturbative vacuum") corresponds to chain summation in the diagram language. In this version in four-dimensional theory the non-physical singularity (Landau pole) arises which leads to the triviality of the renormalized theory. The second version ("nonperturbative vacuum") corresponds to ladder summation and permits one to make non-perturbative calculations of physical quantities in spite of the triviality problem. For chiral-symmetrical leading approximation two terms of the expansion of the first-step vertex function over photon momentum are calculated. A formula for anomalous magnetic moment is obtained. A problem of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) is considered, the calculations are performed for renormalized theory in Minkowsky space. In the strong coupling region DCSB-solutions arise. For the renormalized theory a DCSB-solution is also possible in the weak coupling region but with a subsidiary condition on the value of α\alpha.Comment: 31 pages, Plain LaTex, no figures. Journal version: some discussion and refs. are adde

    Features of the intestinal microbiome in patients with thyroid diseases

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    Introduction. Today the search and development of new methods for diagnosing organic or functional pathology of the thyroid gland with an asymptomatic or clinically nonspecific course is an urgent task of endocrinology and therapy. The functioning of the thyroid gland and the state of the human intestinal microbiome are dynamically interrelated. One of the considered promising methods is mass spectrometry of microbial markers of the human intestinal microbiota.The purpose of the study. To study the microbial spectrum and characteristics of the biotic environment of the intestine in patients with thyroid diseases.Materials and methods. 21 patients were examined (8 men and 13 women, median age 40.5 [31.75; 54] years, respectively; 15 with thyroid disease, 6 without thyroid disease). In addition to the standard clinical and laboratory-instrumental examination, patients, colon contents were examined by chromatography-mass spectrometry of microbial materials. The work used descriptive non-parametric statistics with subsequent interpretation. Mean values of indicators and their variance are presented as median, upper and lower quartiles. In relation to representatives of the fecal microbiota, in addition to absolute values, the frequency of occurrence of the microorganism within the reference range, moderate or pronounced deviations was taken into account. The determination of the statistical significance of differences in the relative frequency value was carried out using Fisher’s exact test. The presentation of the results is implemented in the form of range diagrams, compactly depicting a one-dimensional probability distribution, tables. Results. Differences in the composition of the microbiota of the control group and the experimental group for Alcaligenes spp., Staphylococcus spp., Megamonas hypermegale, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius were revealed.Conclusions. The development of thyroid gland pathology is accompanied by significant deviations in the composition of the fecal microbiota, determined by mass spectrometry of microbial markers. In persons with thyroid pathology, in the absence of clinically significant external influences on the intestinal microbiome, a pronounced decrease in the level of Alcaligenes spp., Staphylococcus spp., is detected, a tendency to a decrease in the level of Megamonas hypermegale, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius is determined. Further differentiated study of the composition of the intestinal microbiome in patients with thyroid diseases is required, depending on the nosological affiliation and the nature of the endocrine dysfunction