5 research outputs found

    América del Norte

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    Ecological Restoration Institute forest restoration training survey

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    The Ecological Restoration Institute (ERl) at Northern Arizona University commissioned the Social Research Laboratory (SRL) to create and administer a telephone survey of land managers in the Southwest, primarily in Arizona and New Mexico. The purpose of the study was to gauge the demand for training and education of land managers in ecological restoration of forested lands in the region. The SRL and the ERl collaboratively designed a survey instrument. In addition to determining the level of interest in further ecological restoration education, the survey also investigated preferred types of education, delivery methods (web-based, classroom or field-based), the access respondents have to technology, the best timing for educational programs, the preferred location for classroom-based workshops or field-based sessions, the preferred length of workshops, perceived employer support for the programs, and levels of interest in particular subject areas for future ecological restoration education and training

    Decir verdades acalladas y rebatir invisibilidades subalternas: investigación académica en casos legales

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    Este texto compara las experiencias de dos investigadores que trabajaron en casos legales: Roddy Brett en un proceso contra antiguos miembros del alto comando del ejército de Guatemala acusados de genocidio, crímenes de guerra y crímenes contra la humanidad, y Frederic Solop en una serie de casos que involucran cuestiones de discriminación racial en Arizona. El artículo examina igualmente los dilemas del investigador como investigador de caso legal en un contexto en el cual es probable que la investigación sea atacada y el investigador pueda de hecho encontrar serias tensiones y límites en lo personal y en lo profesional