894 research outputs found

    The interpretation of crustal dynamics data in terms of plate motions and regional deformation near plate boundaries

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    The focus was in two broad areas during the most recent 6-month period: (1) the nature and dynamics of time dependent deformation and stress along major seismic zones; and (2) the nature of long-wavelength oceanic geoid anomalies in terms of lateral variations in upper mantle temperature and composition. The principle findings are described in the accompanying appendices

    Radio-controlled, sound-operated switch

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    Switch presently provides remote control switching, by radio signals, or pollution sampling devices. Can be used for remote weather station interrogation, firing of pyrotechnics, control of dangerous equipment, or control of device in location where it is impractical to run metallic conductors because of time limitations, distance, or terrain

    Constraints on crustal rheology and age of deformation from models of gravitational spreading in Ishtar Terra, Venus

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    Gravitational spreading is expected to lead to rapid relaxation of high relief due to the high surface temperature and associated weak crust on Venus. In this study, we use new Magellan radar and altimetry data to determine the extent of gravitational relaxation in Ishtar Terra, which contains the highest relief on Venus as well as areas of extremely high topographic slope. Within Ishtar Terra the only mountain belts found on Venus, Akna, Danu, Freyja, and Maxwell Montes, nearly encircle the smooth, high (3-4 km) plateau of Lakshmi Planum. Finite-element models of this process give expected timescales for relaxation of relief and failure at the surface. From these modeling results we attempt to constrain the strength of the crust and timescales of deformation in Ishtar Terra. Below we discuss observational evidence for gravitational spreading in Ishtar Terra, results from the finite-element modeling, independent age constraints, and implications for the rheology and timing of deformation

    Improving Recommendation Novelty Based on Topic Taxonomy

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    Clustering has been a widely applied approach to improve the computation efficiency of collaborative filtering based recommendation systems. Many techniques have been suggested to discover the item-to-item, user-to- user, and item-to-user associations within user clusters. However, there are few systems utilize the cluster based topic-to-topic associations to make recommendations. This paper suggests a taxonomy-based recommender system that utilizes cluster based topic-to-topic associations to improve its recommendation quality and novelty

    Wind tunnel investigation of rotor lift and propulsive force at high speed: Data analysis

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    The basic test data obtained during the lift-propulsive force limit wind tunnel test conducted on a scale model CH-47b rotor are analyzed. Included are the rotor control positions, blade loads and six components of rotor force and moment, corrected for hub tares. Performance and blade loads are presented as the rotor lift limit is approached at fixed levels of rotor propulsive force coefficients and rotor tip speeds. Performance and blade load trends are documented for fixed levels of rotor lift coefficient as propulsive force is increased to the maximum obtainable by the model rotor. Test data is also included that defines the effect of stall proximity on rotor control power. The basic test data plots are presented in volumes 2 and 3