8 research outputs found


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    Measurement of surface irregularities, forming in aggregate its relief, belongs to linear-angular measurements. Their main feature is the smallness of the measured values. Measurements at production are subject to values: the heights of inequalities  of 0.025 μm and steps  – starting from 2 μm. A quantitative approach in analysis allows us to identify the optimal surface structure, which most closely meets the conditions of service material. It is worth noting that it is roughness, which has the strongest impact on the performance of engines of machines, as well as parts and components of various equipment. In case of roughness, as a rule, the parameter of the arithmetic mean deviation of the profile  is used. Consideration of the mathematical aspects of data processing profilograms aimed at increasing the adequacy of the results. In the work the well-known formulas for determining the roughness of the surface of metals and alloys are analyzed, additional criteria for estimating microgeometry of surfaces are determined based on the methods of approximate integration, and the proposed correction of the formula for determining the mean arithmetic deviation of the investigated profile is determined. It is proposed to use the corrected formula, using the form factor k for practical calculations , where  – amplitude values of deviations from the middle line of the profilogram,  = 0,5 ... 0,67 – is chosen depending on the predominant form of the protrusions and depressions on the profilogram (triangles or curvilinear trapezes). The facts confirming the correctness of the correction of the calculation formula  using  are the relation between and . The process of determining the roughness of parts surfaces in the analysis of work profilograms based on the use of approximate integration, the application of the coefficient of form  for projections and concaves on the profilogram in the formula  for increasing the adequacy of determining the surface roughness by values  and in a range of nominal values is investigated.Measurement of surface irregularities, forming in aggregate its relief, belongs to linear-angular measurements. Their main feature is the smallness of the measured values. Measurements at production are subject to values: the heights of inequalities  of 0.025 μm and steps  – starting from 2 μm. A quantitative approach in analysis allows us to identify the optimal surface structure, which most closely meets the conditions of service material. It is worth noting that it is roughness, which has the strongest impact on the performance of engines of machines, as well as parts and components of various equipment. In case of roughness, as a rule, the parameter of the arithmetic mean deviation of the profile  is used. Consideration of the mathematical aspects of data processing profilograms aimed at increasing the adequacy of the results. In the work the well-known formulas for determining the roughness of the surface of metals and alloys are analyzed, additional criteria for estimating microgeometry of surfaces are determined based on the methods of approximate integration, and the proposed correction of the formula for determining the mean arithmetic deviation of the investigated profile is determined. It is proposed to use the corrected formula, using the form factor k for practical calculations , where  – amplitude values of deviations from the middle line of the profilogram,  = 0,5 ... 0,67 – is chosen depending on the predominant form of the protrusions and depressions on the profilogram (triangles or curvilinear trapezes). The facts confirming the correctness of the correction of the calculation formula  using  are the relation between and . The process of determining the roughness of parts surfaces in the analysis of work profilograms based on the use of approximate integration, the application of the coefficient of form  for projections and concaves on the profilogram in the formula  for increasing the adequacy of determining the surface roughness by values  and in a range of nominal values is investigated


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    Measurement of surface irregularities, forming in aggregate its relief, belongs to linear-angular measurements. Their main feature is the smallness of the measured values. Measurements at production are subject to values: the heights of inequalities  of 0.025 μm and steps  – starting from 2 μm. A quantitative approach in analysis allows us to identify the optimal surface structure, which most closely meets the conditions of service material. It is worth noting that it is roughness, which has the strongest impact on the performance of engines of machines, as well as parts and components of various equipment. In case of roughness, as a rule, the parameter of the arithmetic mean deviation of the profile  is used. Consideration of the mathematical aspects of data processing profilograms aimed at increasing the adequacy of the results. In the work the well-known formulas for determining the roughness of the surface of metals and alloys are analyzed, additional criteria for estimating microgeometry of surfaces are determined based on the methods of approximate integration, and the proposed correction of the formula for determining the mean arithmetic deviation of the investigated profile is determined. It is proposed to use the corrected formula, using the form factor k for practical calculations , where  – amplitude values of deviations from the middle line of the profilogram,  = 0,5 ... 0,67 – is chosen depending on the predominant form of the protrusions and depressions on the profilogram (triangles or curvilinear trapezes). The facts confirming the correctness of the correction of the calculation formula  using  are the relation between and . The process of determining the roughness of parts surfaces in the analysis of work profilograms based on the use of approximate integration, the application of the coefficient of form  for projections and concaves on the profilogram in the formula  for increasing the adequacy of determining the surface roughness by values  and in a range of nominal values is investigated.Measurement of surface irregularities, forming in aggregate its relief, belongs to linear-angular measurements. Their main feature is the smallness of the measured values. Measurements at production are subject to values: the heights of inequalities  of 0.025 μm and steps  – starting from 2 μm. A quantitative approach in analysis allows us to identify the optimal surface structure, which most closely meets the conditions of service material. It is worth noting that it is roughness, which has the strongest impact on the performance of engines of machines, as well as parts and components of various equipment. In case of roughness, as a rule, the parameter of the arithmetic mean deviation of the profile  is used. Consideration of the mathematical aspects of data processing profilograms aimed at increasing the adequacy of the results. In the work the well-known formulas for determining the roughness of the surface of metals and alloys are analyzed, additional criteria for estimating microgeometry of surfaces are determined based on the methods of approximate integration, and the proposed correction of the formula for determining the mean arithmetic deviation of the investigated profile is determined. It is proposed to use the corrected formula, using the form factor k for practical calculations , where  – amplitude values of deviations from the middle line of the profilogram,  = 0,5 ... 0,67 – is chosen depending on the predominant form of the protrusions and depressions on the profilogram (triangles or curvilinear trapezes). The facts confirming the correctness of the correction of the calculation formula  using  are the relation between and . The process of determining the roughness of parts surfaces in the analysis of work profilograms based on the use of approximate integration, the application of the coefficient of form  for projections and concaves on the profilogram in the formula  for increasing the adequacy of determining the surface roughness by values  and in a range of nominal values is investigated

    Корреляционный анализ метрических показателей паренхиматозных компонентов поднижнечелюстных желез крыс после действия этанола

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    The effect of ethanol on the salivary glands is manifested by changes in morphometric parameters of both the final departments and excretory ducts. But taking into account that the obtained large number of morphometric indicators is rather complicated, then there is a need for a correlation analysis, where the presence of dependencies between morphometric indicators was determined using the Bravais – Pearson coefficient. It was established that diagnostic criteria for assessing the functional state of rat submandibular glands after ethanol is manifested by the dependence of the outer diameter, lumen diameter and epithelial cell height on day 12 in all parenchymal components, which corresponds to the formation of chronic alcohol dependence in rats.Вплив етанолу на слинні залози проявляється змінами морфометричних показників як кінцевих відділів так і вивідних проток. Але з огляду на те, що отримана велика кількість морфометричних показників є досить складною, то виникає необхідність проведення кореляційного аналізу, де наявність залежностей між морфометричними показниками визначали за допомогою коефіцієнту Браве- Пирсона Встановлено що діагностичними критеріями для оцінки функціонального стану піднижньощелепних залоз щурів після дії етанолу є залежність зовнішнього діаметру, діаметру просвіту та висоти епітеліоцитів на 12 добу у всіх паренхіматозних компонентах що відповідає формуванню хронічної алкогольної залежності у щурів.Влияние этанола на слюнные железы проявляется изменениями морфометрических показателей как конечных отделов так и выводных протоков. Но учитывая то, что полученное большое количество морфометрических показателей есть достаточно сложным, то возникает необходимость проведения корреляционного анализа, где наличие зависимостей между морфометрическими показателям определяли с помощью коэффициента Браве –Пирсона. Установлено что диагностическими критериями для оценки функционального состояния поднижнечелюстных желез крыс после действия этанола проявляется зависимостью внешнего диаметра, диаметра просвета и высоты эпителиоцитов на 12 сутки во всех паренхиматозных компонентах, что соответствует формированию хронической алкогольной зависимости у крыс

    Informe técnico final del proyecto “Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro - MAREMEX”

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    Resumen en inglés incluidoEl proyecto “Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro” - también conocido como MAREMEX-Mantaro -, se inició en febrero del año 2009, y con una duración de 36 meses tuvo por objetivo principal el de fortalecer la capacidad en el manejo del riesgo ante eventos meteorológicos extremos por parte tanto de la población como de las instituciones que tienen el manejo de los recursos naturales a su cargo, a fin de disminuir la vulnerabilidad de la población urbana y rural en el valle del Mantaro. El desarrollo del proyecto consideró la alta vulnerabilidad del valle del río Mantaro, - localizado en los Andes Centrales Peruanos -, a eventos meteorológicos extremos relacionados con la variabilidad climática, así como los estimados de que dicha vulnerabilidad se incrementaría en los siguientes años debido al cambio climático (IGP, 2005). Debido a la amplitud de la zona de estudio se priorizaron 3 subcuencas de estudio (Shullcas, Cunas y Achamayo), las que se escogieron tomando en cuenta varios factores: representatividad de ecosistemas, vulnerabilidad a la ocurrencia de los eventos meteorológicos identificados, accesibilidad, existencia de zonas urbanas de importancia, interés e intención de participar, etc. Entre los objetivos específicos se buscó fortalecer y profundizar los estudios sobre causas, ocurrencia e impactos de heladas, sequías y fenómenos de lluvias intensas en la región; identificar los actores claves involucrados y evaluar las actuales capacidades de los pobladores del valle del Mantaro en el manejo del riesgo de desastres ante la ocurrencia de eventos meteorológicos extremos; elaborar un plan integrado de manejo de riesgo y estrategias de adaptación frente a heladas, sequías y lluvias intensas en el valle del Mantaro (con la participación de autoridades locales, gobiernos regionales, comunidades, ONG y otros actores relevantes); y promover el fortalecimiento institucional y difusión de los resultados del proyecto a la población, instituciones y medios científicos, a través de la creación o fortalecimiento de capacidades de investigación de entidades e investigadores locales en temas de adaptación al cambio climático..