4 research outputs found

    Adaptation of a project of teaching innovation in the subject of statistics in the degree of aerospace engineering in times of COVID-19

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    [EN] The rapid spread of the SARSCoV-2 virus (COVID-19) in Spain caused a general lockdown of the population at home for 44 days. Due to this, lecturers had to design new learning strategies, adapted to the general lockdown, to deliver content and learning materials. The goal of this work is to describe and analyze the adaptation carried out in a teaching innovation project at the Statistics course at BSc. in Aerospace Engineering. The project involves students participating in project-based learning. The adaptation of the project-based learning activity aimed to tackle the obstacles and particularities of the lockdown period. A total of 118 students participated in the activities, with all of them positively evaluating the experience and adaptation carried out. 92.6% of the students considered that, after participating in the project, they improved their critical thinking and creativity. In addition, 88.8% suggested that their innovation skills improved. Overall, the students showed a high degree of engagement and motivation.The authors would like to thank the Universitat Politècnica de València and their support by funding this article with Education Improvement and Innovation Project (PIME-185).Sempere-Ferre, F.; Trull, O.; Soler Torro, JM.; Conchado Peiró, A. (2021). Adaptation of a project of teaching innovation in the subject of statistics in the degree of aerospace engineering in times of COVID-19. IATED Academy. 11553-11557. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.2418S115531155

    Theory of change implemented in the program to promote physical activity "La Ribera Camina"

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    [EN] Objective: To develop a theory of change of a program to promote physical activity in eleven health districts, in order to improve its design and plan its evaluation. Method: Four focus groups were carried out, to develop a participatory theory of change, to identify the expected changes (long, medium and short term) of "La Ribera Camina" program, according to the following stakeholders: primary healthcare professionals, local government representatives and community members. A thematic analysis was used to identify the actions to be taken to achieve these changes, as well as the difficulties and facilitators to enhance the sustainability of the program. Results: The identified changes were classified into four themes: 1) changes in physical and social health (improved physical condition, healthy habits, self-esteem and perceived well being); 2) organizational and relational changes (better coordination between institutions); 3) specific changes to the program (incorporation of more "assets" and local associations, especially male participants, more trails and schedules); and 4) changes in the environment (improved trails' infrastructures and safety). Conclusions: The theory of change allows to identify and classify the changes that are expected, the actions to be carried out and the links between elements of the program. This will serve as the basis for its evaluation. This methodology could be applied to other programs interested in incorporating intersectorality and community engagement in their design and evaluation. (C) 2022 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.[ES] Objetivo: Aplicar la teoría del cambio al diseño y la evaluación de un programa para promover la actividad física en 11 zonas básicas de salud. Método: Realización de cuatro grupos focales siguiendo la metodología de la teoría del cambio. Se identifican los cambios (a largo, medio y corto plazo) que se pretende alcanzar con el programa «La Ribera Camina» según la opinión de los agentes de interés: profesionales de atención primaria, concejalas/es y personal técnico municipal deportivo, y ciudadanía participante. A través de un análisis temático se identifican las acciones que se deben realizar para alcanzar estos cambios, y las dificultades y los facilitadores para la sostenibilidad del programa. Resultados: Los cambios identificados se clasificaron en cuatro apartados: 1) cambios en la salud física y social (mejoría en la condición física, hábitos saludables, autoestima y sensación de bienestar); 2) cambios organizativos y relacionales (mejor coordinación entre instituciones); 3) cambios específicos del programa (incorporación de más «activos» y asociaciones, sobre todo de hombres, y ampliación de rutas y horarios); y 4) cambios en el entorno (mejora de infraestructuras y seguridad de las rutas). Conclusiones: La teoría del cambio permite identificar y clasificar los cambios que se esperan, las acciones que deben realizarse y los vínculos entre elementos del programa. Esto servirá de base para la evaluación del programa. Dicha metodología podría aplicarse en otros programas que deseen incorporar la intersectorialidad y la participación comunitaria en su diseño y evaluación.El proyecto fue financiado en la convocatoria de ayudas del programa FISAP 2019 "I Convocatoria de ayudas para la realización de proyecto de I+D+i en el ámbito de la Atención Primaria" de la fundación FISABIO (Fundació per al Foment de la Investigació Sanitària i Biomèdica de la Comunitat Valenciana) de 2019, y se desarrolló entre 2020 y 2021.Egea-Ronda, A.; Niclos-Esteve, M.; Ródenas, A.; Verdeguer, M.; Cassetti, V.; Herrero, C.; Soler Torro, JM.... (2022). Teoría del cambio aplicada al programa de promoción de la actividad física "La Ribera Camina". Gaceta Sanitaria. 36(6):546-552. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2022.02.01254655236

    Estudio comparativo del desarrollo del vuelo y del sistema radicular en diferentes especies del género Quercus mediante cultivo hidropónico

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    Muchas especies mediterráneas no tienen un apreciable desarrollo de la parte aérea en los primeros años de su vida, sin embargo el desarrollo del sistema radicular es considerable. Escasas publicaciones tratan este tema, de ahí la gran importancia del presente estudio. Durante 5 meses se mantienen en medio hidropónico aireado y con solución de Hoagland tres especies del género Quercus. Mensualmente se realiza un control del crecimiento radicular y del vuelo de 25 individuos por especie (Q. coccifer L., Q. iles subsp. iles L. y Q. faginea Lam.). Los resultados mostraron diferencias en el crecimiento radicualr frente al aéreo.Burguera Aguilar, E.; Sanchís Duato, EJ.; Soler Torro, JM. (2015). Estudio comparativo del desarrollo del vuelo y del sistema radicular en diferentes especies del género Quercus mediante cultivo hidropónico. Montes. (119):11-16. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78803S111611

    Higher reproducibility of phase derived metrics from electrocardiographic imaging during atrial fibrillation in patients remaining in sinus rhythm after pulmonary vein isolation

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    [EN] Background: Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) allows evaluating the complexity of the reentrant activity of atrial fibrillation (AF) patients. In this study, we evaluated the ability of ECGI metrics to predict the success of pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) to treat AF. Methods: ECGI of 24 AF patients (6 males, 13 paroxysmal, 61.8 +/- 14 years) was recorded prior to PVI. Patients were distributed into two groups based on their PVI outcome 6 months after ablation (sinus vs. arrhythmia recurrence). Metrics derived from phase analysis of ECGI signals were computed for two different temporal segments before ablation. Correlation analysis and variability over time were studied between the two recorded segments and were compared between patient groups. Results: Temporal variability of both rotor duration and spatial entropy of the rotor histogram presented statistical differences between groups with different PVI outcome (p 0.8) in patients with good outcome rather than arrhythmia recurrence patients (R-2 < 0.62). Prediction of PVI success based on ECGI temporal variability metrics allows for an increased specificity over the classification into paroxysmal or persistent (0.85 vs. 0.64). Conclusions: Patients with favorable PVI outcome present ECGI metrics more reproducible over time than patients with AF recurrence. These results suggest that ECGI derived metrics may allow selecting which patients would benefit from ablation therapies.This work was supported by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (supported by FEDER Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PI17/01106 and RYC2018- 024346B-750), EIT Health (Activity code 19600, EIT Health is supported by EIT, a body of the European Union) and Generalitat Valenciana Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport (ACIF/2020/265).Molero-Alabau, R.; Soler Torro, JM.; Martínez Alzamora, MN.; Climent, AM.; Guillem Sánchez, MS. (2021). Higher reproducibility of phase derived metrics from electrocardiographic imaging during atrial fibrillation in patients remaining in sinus rhythm after pulmonary vein isolation. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 139:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104934S1713