Adaptation of a project of teaching innovation in the subject of statistics in the degree of aerospace engineering in times of COVID-19


[EN] The rapid spread of the SARSCoV-2 virus (COVID-19) in Spain caused a general lockdown of the population at home for 44 days. Due to this, lecturers had to design new learning strategies, adapted to the general lockdown, to deliver content and learning materials. The goal of this work is to describe and analyze the adaptation carried out in a teaching innovation project at the Statistics course at BSc. in Aerospace Engineering. The project involves students participating in project-based learning. The adaptation of the project-based learning activity aimed to tackle the obstacles and particularities of the lockdown period. A total of 118 students participated in the activities, with all of them positively evaluating the experience and adaptation carried out. 92.6% of the students considered that, after participating in the project, they improved their critical thinking and creativity. In addition, 88.8% suggested that their innovation skills improved. Overall, the students showed a high degree of engagement and motivation.The authors would like to thank the Universitat Politècnica de València and their support by funding this article with Education Improvement and Innovation Project (PIME-185).Sempere-Ferre, F.; Trull, O.; Soler Torro, JM.; Conchado Peiró, A. (2021). Adaptation of a project of teaching innovation in the subject of statistics in the degree of aerospace engineering in times of COVID-19. IATED Academy. 11553-11557.

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