107 research outputs found

    Kuliah kerja mahasiswa tematik posdaya berbasis masjid: masjid Miftakhul Anwar dan masjid al Hidayah Sumbermanjing Wetan

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    POSDAYA berbasis masjid dimaksudkan untuk mengembalikan fungsi masjid sebagaimana zaman Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat dahulu, yaitu menjadikan masjid sebagai pusat kegiatan masyarakat. Masjid tidak hanya digunakan untuk ritual ibadah, tetapi juga sebagai tempat untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang ada di masyarakat. Baik sosial, ekonomi, pendidikan, kesehatan ataupun lingkungan hidup.Dalam waktu satu bulan, tepatnya tanggal Juli 2016 sampai dengan 20 Agustus 2016, mahasiswa pengabdian masyarakat POSDAYA berbasis Masjid, Masjid Miftakhul Anwar Desa Argotirto dan masjid Al Hidayah dusun Tlogosari Desa Sumbermanjing Wetan Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan melaksanakan berbagai program kerja dalam rangka mewujudkan kemakmuran masjid sekaligus kesejahteraan keluarg

    Kuliah kerja mahasiswa tematik posdaya berbasis masjid: masjid Miftakhul Anwar dan masjid al Hidayah Sumbermanjing Wetan

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    POSDAYA berbasis masjid dimaksudkan untuk mengembalikan fungsi masjid sebagaimana zaman Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat dahulu, yaitu menjadikan masjid sebagai pusat kegiatan masyarakat. Masjid tidak hanya digunakan untuk ritual ibadah, tetapi juga sebagai tempat untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang ada di masyarakat. Baik sosial, ekonomi, pendidikan, kesehatan ataupun lingkungan hidup.Dalam waktu satu bulan, tepatnya tanggal Juli 2016 sampai dengan 20 Agustus 2016, mahasiswa pengabdian masyarakat POSDAYA berbasis Masjid, Masjid Miftakhul Anwar Desa Argotirto dan masjid Al Hidayah dusun Tlogosari Desa Sumbermanjing Wetan Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan melaksanakan berbagai program kerja dalam rangka mewujudkan kemakmuran masjid sekaligus kesejahteraan keluarg

    Prediksi perilaku pengurangan sampah pekerja wanita di rumah dan di tempat kerja (pendekatan TPB, VBN)

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    Purpose - This study analyzes the waste reduction behavior of female workers at home and at the office by developing the theory of planned behavior (TPB) Value Belief Norm Theory and Contextual Consistency Design / methodology / approach - This study uses 128 samples of female lecturers. The sample in this study used a purposive sampling approach to female lecturers which is the group with the highest awareness of the environment. Purposive sampling criteria in this study are: Female Lecturer at 4 UIN in East Java, has worked for 1 year, with a minimum education of S2. Research analysis using SEM with stats Smart PLS was applied to evaluate the association between attitude toward behavior (ATB), social norm (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), knowledge (KN), Personal norm (PN), proenvironmental identity (PEI), Intention to Reduce Waste Behavior (IRB), and Waste Reduction Behavior (WRB) Findings - Intention to Reduce Waste Behavior (IRWB) is influenced by attitude toward behavior (ATB), personal norm (PN), and pro-environmental identity (PEI), but on the contrary IRWB is not influenced by subjective norm (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), knowledge (KN) and recycling facilities (RF). While the predictor of waste reduction behavior (WRB) is influenced by pro-environmental identity (PEI) and Intention to Reduce Waste Behavior (IRWB) but is not influenced by perceived behavioral control (PBC). Originality / value - The originality of the findings in this study is how to develop a theory of planned behavior (TPB), VBN, and contextual consistency on the waste reduction behavior of female workers, in this case, focused on female lecturers. The results show that women's intention to behave in reducing waste is most influenced by attitude toward behavior with indicators that they think that reducing, reusing, and recycling waste at home is a good idea, while for personal norms with indicators they feel that they should help others by reducing waste in the office, for the pro-environmental identity variable with indicators being environmentally friendly is an important part of who they ar

    Investigasi religious value terhadap green purchase attitude dan green purchase intention (studi empiris milenial muslim)

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    Purpose - this study aims to test the green purchase attitude as mediating variable towards green purchase intention including five determinants: Religious Value (RGV), Natural Environmental Orientation (NEO), Environmental Knowledge (EK), Environmental Concern (EC) among Muslim millennial. Design / methodology / approach - This study uses 369 samples, consist of millennial from Islamic university students in Indonesia Partial least square was applied to evaluate the association between Religious Value (RGV) and Natural Environmental Orientation (NEO), Environmental Concern (EC), Green Purchase Attitude (GPA), Green Purchase Intention (GPI) Findings - The higher the religious value of the millennial generation, the higher their compliance with the orientation of natural environment. The higher the religious value of the millennial generation, the stronger concern regarding ecological issues (EC). The higher the religious value of the millennial generation, the more positive they will have towards Green Purchase Attitude (GPA). The higher the religious value of the millennial generation, the stronger intention to Green Product Intention (GPI). Millennial consumers with strong adherence to Natural Environment Orientation (NEO) will have more knowledge about environmental concern (EC). Millennial consumers with strong adherence to natural environmental orientation (NEO) will have stronger concern with respect to environmental concern (EC). Millennial consumers who know more about the environmental knowledge (EK) will have more positive attitude towards Green Purchase Attitude (GPA).Consumers with positive Environmental Concern (EC) will have a more positive attitude towards green purchase attitude (GPA). Consumers who have positive attitude towards green purchase attitude (GPA) will have stronger Green Purchase Intention (GPI). Originality / value - Although some existing research has established the relationship between religion and consumer behavior, further research is needed to better understand the impact of religious value on many other aspects of consumer behavior, therefore this study was conducted to build empirical framework regarding the effects of religious value on green purchase attitude and green purchase intentio

    Pemanfaatan potensi sumberdaya melalui pembuatan rempeyek daun beluntas sebagai gerakan sehat dan mandiri ekonomi

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    Pandemi Covid-19 memaksa semua elemen masyarakat untuk tetap bertahan dan menyeimbangkan antara ekonomi dan kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk menjembatani kondisi tersebut. Dengan memanfaatkan potensi Dusun Barek Desa Ngadiluhur Kabupaten Bojonegro berupa tanaman daun beluntas yang keberadaannya cukup melimpah di daerah tersebut. Dengan Menggunakan metode ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) pengabdian ini dilakukan melalui observasi dan interview kepada masyarakat, merumuskan dan merancang impian, merencanakan tindakan, melakukan tindakan yang berbasis pada hal-hal yang diapresiasi.. Dengan membuat olahan rumahan berupa rempeyek daun beluntas. Selain itu dilanjutkan dengan tahapan pengemasan dan pelabelan produk tersebut dan diperkuat dengan promosi menggunakan media sosial. Dari kegiatan pengabdian ini masyarakat dusun Barek merasakan adanya value added dari sumberdaya yang selama ini mereka abaikan kemanfaatannya untuk ekonomi dan kesehatan

    How attitude toward behavior, perceived behavioral control, personal norm, and pro-environmental identity affect waste reduction behavior among female workers

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    This study aims to determine the Waste Reduction Behavior (WRB) of female workers by developing a theory of planned behavior with Attitude toward Behavior (AtB) and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) variables, value belief norm theory with Personal Norm (PN) variable, and contextual consistency theory with Pro-environmental Identity (PEI) variable. The population in this study are female lecturers at universities around Malang Raya. It employs a purposive sampling with the criteria of female lecturers and a minimum master's degree with at least one year of work. The study is participated by 128 respondents. The results show that AtB and PBC do not bring about any effect on IRB, but PBC affects WRB. PN and PEI affect IRB, but PEI does not affect WRB. Meanwhile, IRB affects WRB. The study results imply that the identity of pro-environmental behavior by waste reduction among women workers has not reached the stage of factual behavior yet, in contrast to their perceived behavioral control in the form of difficulties and conveniences that directly affect their waste reduction behavior

    Penguatan branding dan packadging produk industri rumahan gatot dan tiwul instan melalui sosial media di Desa Pagak Kecamatan Pagak

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    Branding dan Packadging untuk industry rumahan gatot dan tiwul instan di desa Pagak merupakan hal yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk industry UKM. Dengan potensi masyarakat yang sudah familiar dengan media sosial, maka yang dibutuhkan adalah memanfaatkan peluang tersebut dengan pelatihan penggunaan media social untuk memperkuat branding produk gatot dan tiwul instan yang mereka produksi dengan mempromosikannya dalam bentuk vlog, whatsup, facebook, Instagram ataupun Web. Selain itu diperlukan penguatan packadging dengan membuat logo unik dan pengemasan yang menarik dengan berbagai varian ukuran berat bersihnya

    Prediksi perilaku pengurangan sampah pekerja wanita di rumah dan di tempat kerja (pendekatan TPB, VBN)

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    Purpose - This study analyzes the waste reduction behavior of female workers at home and at the office by developing the theory of planned behavior (TPB) Value Belief Norm Theory and Contextual Consistency Design / methodology / approach - This study uses 128 samples of female lecturers. The sample in this study used a purposive sampling approach to female lecturers which is the group with the highest awareness of the environment. Purposive sampling criteria in this study are: Female Lecturer at 4 UIN in East Java, has worked for 1 year, with a minimum education of S2. Research analysis using SEM with stats Smart PLS was applied to evaluate the association between attitude toward behavior (ATB), social norm (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), knowledge (KN), Personal norm (PN), proenvironmental identity (PEI), Intention to Reduce Waste Behavior (IRB), and Waste Reduction Behavior (WRB) Findings - Intention to Reduce Waste Behavior (IRWB) is influenced by attitude toward behavior (ATB), personal norm (PN), and pro-environmental identity (PEI), but on the contrary IRWB is not influenced by subjective norm (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), knowledge (KN) and recycling facilities (RF). While the predictor of waste reduction behavior (WRB) is influenced by pro-environmental identity (PEI) and Intention to Reduce Waste Behavior (IRWB) but is not influenced by perceived behavioral control (PBC). Originality / value - The originality of the findings in this study is how to develop a theory of planned behavior (TPB), VBN, and contextual consistency on the waste reduction behavior of female workers, in this case, focused on female lecturers. The results show that women's intention to behave in reducing waste is most influenced by attitude toward behavior with indicators that they think that reducing, reusing, and recycling waste at home is a good idea, while for personal norms with indicators they feel that they should help others by reducing waste in the office, for the pro-environmental identity variable with indicators being environmentally friendly is an important part of who they ar

    Pengaruh produk green banking dan citra green corporate terhadap loyalitas green customer melalui kepuasan green customer perbankan syariah

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    Banking has a high potential as a role model for other industries in applying the principles of Sustainable Development. Islamic banking is a bank that has a potential bank business model by implementing green banking, as well as provisions of Bank Indonesia as the Central Bank which has included Green Banking as a concept to be implemented in its business practices. This study developed a research framework to explore the relationship between green banking products, green corporate image, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty for Syariah Banking. Analysis technique used to analyze the data analysis Path (Path analysis). The results showed that for green banking products and green corporate image effect directly on green customer satisfaction but green banking product has not affect directly to customers satisfaction, opposite green corporate image that affect directly to green customers loyality

    Investigasi hubungan green marketing tools, religiusitas, environmental attitude dan green purchase behaviour pada generasi milenial

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    Green issues have become increasingly important to corporate decision makers as firm’s faces some sensitivity issues. Although environment issues influence all human activities a few disciplines have integrated green issues into their literature. Human being are becoming more concerned about environment issues , even the corporate start modifying their business strategies. There are not many reviews of literature about the practical green marketing models suppose green marketing tools,religiosity and environmental attitude that affecting actual purchase behaviour. This study will fill this gap. As a result, what this study proposes is the scarce and the new and original constructs respectively- The green purchasing Behaviour among millennials generation and also provides frame work for the study which makes it possible to explore the relation between green marketing tools, religiusity,environmental attitude dan green purchase behaviou
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