15 research outputs found

    Enumerasi Graf Sederhana dengan Enam Simpul Menggunakan Teorema Polya

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    Salah satu dari dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam matematika adalah masalah enumerasi atau pencacahan objek dari suatu pengaturan. Seperti diketahui, dari beberapa permasalahan matematika yang rumit terkait pada masalah enumerasi tersebut. Hal ini lebih dikarenakan permasalahan konspetual yaitu ketika objek berbeda dapat dipandang sama (isomorfis). Selain grup permutasi, penyelesaian permasalahan enumerasi juga melibatkan Teorema Polya I dan Teorema Polya II. Teorema Polya I digunakan untuk menentukan banyaknya objek yang tidak isomorfis sedangkan Teorema Polya II digunakan untuk menentukan bentuk-bentuk objek yang tidak isomorfis tersebut. Beberapa tahun terakhir dilakukan penelitian terkait permasalahan enumerasi pada graf sederhana. Lebih detailnya, permasalahan mengenai banyaknya graf sederhana dengan empat (lima) simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil sebelas (tiga puluh lima) graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis. Pada Penelitian ini diselidiki banyaknya graf sederhana dengan enam simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil seratus lima puluh enam graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Disiplin Kerja, dan Komunikasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Sekretariat Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    This research indicated to determine and influence mengnalisis leadership, work discipline, and communication on the performance of employees of the Secretariat of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of West Java Province The method used in this research is the analysis of the path, because this study in addition to want to get a picture of the employees performance associated with leadership, work discipline, and communication for employees, also wanted to get a picture of the pattern of relationships and the influence of variables that have been defined research . Based on the results of the study, found that the leadership of the Secretariat of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of West Java Province has been on a good level. Then work discipline also in good position, and communication is on a good level.In general, leadership, work discipline, and communication affect the performance of employees at the Secretariat of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of West Java Province, and leadership are the most significant influence on employee performance. Partial effect on employee performance leadership variable is equal to 0.419 or 41.90%, variable labor discipline of the employees performance is equal to 0.83, or 18.30%, and the communication variables on the performance of employees is equal to 0.234 or 23.40%. Simultaneous influence of leadership, discipline and communication work on the performance of employees is equal to 0.836 or 83.60%, while the 0.164 or 16.40% influenced by other variables not examined in this study. From the results of research conducted, then the variable leadership, work discipline, and communication when combined would have a significant effect on the performance of employees of the Secretariat of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of West Java Province. Keywords: leadership; discipline work; communication; performance office


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    AbstrackThe background of this research was to found out the value of patriotism in Kidung dari Negeri Apung Novel by Arsyad Salam. The method in this research was descriptive method in qualitative approach. The approach conducted in this research was literature sociology approach that focused on text sociology. The result in this result were: (1) the loyalty value to homewotn, including not forgetting about hometown, choose to back to hometown, developing physical and psychological, applied the developed things; (2) the courage element to save the hometown, including participated in build harmony and unity, implemented rights and obligations, carried the values; (3) the sacrificing element for hometown, including ready to sacrifice with whole body and soul, contributed in the development of prosperity, believe that the sacrifice is not meaningless; (4) the love element for hometown including know and understand about the circumstances, save and conserve the tradition, culture, and values, gave contribution through the improvement and prosperity for hometown. (5) an implementation plan had been developed about the value of patriotism in the novel for Indonesia language learning at Grade XII on High School.Key words: value, patriotism, nove


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    Personal hygiene adalah suatu tindakan untuk memelihara kebersihan dan kesehatan seseorang untuk kesejahteraan, baik fisik maupun psikisnya. Penduduk Indonesia usia remaja cukup banyak. Jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada kelompok umur 10-24 tahun (remaja) sekitar 27,6% atau kurang lebih 64 juta jiwa,dari total penduduk Indonesia berdasarkan Sensus Penduduk 2010. Jumlah yang banyak ini memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam pembinaannya dari semua pihak, terutama di bidang kesehatan reproduksinya. Karena remaja ini lah generasi penerus bangsa. Oleh karena itu sangat diperlukannya pemeliharaan sedini mungkin, guna meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya pemeliharan kesehatan atau yang biasa disebut dengan personal hygiene. Kegiatan penyuluhan bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai cara menjaga kesehatan. Melalui penyuluhan berupa presentasi dan praktik mengenai tata cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar. Hasil dari kegiatan ini peserta dapat mengaplikasikan materi presentasi melalui praktik yang dilakukan dengan baik dan benar. Membuktikan bahwa penyuluhan telah berhasil dilakukan

    Исследование методом сетевой фармакологии и молекулярного докинга для выявления потенциальной противораковой активности морских цитотоксинов — осциллатоксинов D, E, и F

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    Oscillatoxins (OTXs) are cytotoxins produced by some marine cyanobacteria. Their unique structures show a great potency as an anticancer agent. The limited availability of OTX derivatives in nature provides little information about their biological activity. Some of OTX activities have been tested in the in vitro or in vivo studies toward cancer cell lines, but their exact mechanism of action on the target is unclear. In this study, we used the network pharmacology analysis method to predict the target and mechanism of action of oscillatoxin D (OTX-D), 30 methyl oscillatoxin D (30-methyl-OTX-D), oscillatoxin E (OTX-E), and oscillatoxin F (OTX-F). There are 20 possible targets of the four compounds toward cancer, and the main targets of them are PIK3CA, CDK1, and MTOR. This was also followed by the molecular docking study to understand the interaction between the four compounds and their targets. Molecular docking showed that the four compounds interacted well with the key targets. In this study, four derivatives of OTXs and their three key targets for the anticancer action were revealed suggesting multiple signaling pathways, including PD-L1 expression and PD‑1 checkpoint pathway in cancer, proteoglycans in cancer, and pathways in cancer, establishing a theoretical framework for the further experimental study.Осциллатоксины (OTXs) —  это цитотоксины, продуцируемые некоторыми морскими цианобактериями. Их уникальные структуры показывают высокую эффективность в качестве противораковых средств. Ограниченная доступность производных OTXs в природе дает мало информации об их биологической активности. Было тестировано несколько активностей OTXs в исследованиях in vitro или in vivo в отношении линий раковых клеток, но их точный механизм действия на мишень не ясен. В данном исследовании мы использовали метод сетевой фармакологии для прогнозирования мишеней и механизмов действия осциллатоксина D (OTX-D), 30 метил-осциллатоксина D (30-метил-OTX-D), осциллатоксина E (OTX-E), и осциллатоксина F (OTX-F). Существуют 20 возможных мишеней четырех соединений против рака и их основными мишенями являются PIK3CA, CDK1 и MTOR. Затем было проведено исследование методом молекулярного докинга для понимания взаимодействия между 4 соединениями и их мишенями. Молекулярный докинг показал, что 4 соединения хорошо взаимодействовали с ключевыми мишенями. В данной работе было выявлено 4 производных OTXs и 3 ключевых мишени для противоракового действия, указывая на множественные сигнальные пути, включая путь экспрессии PD-L1 и контрольной точки PD-1 при раке, протеогликаны при раке и пути при раке, устанавливая теоретические рамки для дальнейшего экспериментального исследования

    Smart Wounc Care Sebagai Perangkat Monitoring Wound Healing Pada Luka Bakarberdasarkan Citra Luka

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    Di Indonesia,luka bakar masih menjadi masalah besar dalam penanganannya