39 research outputs found

    Fatigue, Induced via Repetitive Upper-Limb Motor Tasks, Influences Trunk and Shoulder Kinematics During an Upper Limb Reaching Task in a Virtual Reality Environment

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    Background Efficient shoulder movement depends on the ability of central nervous system to integrate sensory information and to create an appropriate motor command. Various daily encountered factors can potentially compromise the execution of the command, such as fatigue. This study explored how fatigue influences shoulder movements during upper limb reaching. Methods Forty healthy participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups: Control or Fatigue Group. All participants completed an upper limb reaching task at baseline and post-experimental, during which they reached four targets located at 90° of shoulder abduction, 90° external rotation at 90° abduction, 120° scaption, and 120° flexion in a virtual reality environment. Following the baseline phase, the Fatigue Group completed a shoulder fatigue protocol, while Controls took a 10-minute break. Thereafter, the reaching task was repeated. Upper limb kinematic (joint angles and excursions) and spatiotemporal (speed and accuracy) data were collected during the reaching task. Electromyographic activity of the anterior and middle deltoids were also collected to characterize fatigue. Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA were performed to determine the effects of Time, Group and of the interaction between these factors. Results The Fatigue group showed decreased mean median power frequency and increased electromyographic amplitudes of the anterior deltoid (p \u3c 0.05) following the fatigue protocol. Less glenohumeral elevation, increased trunk flexion and rotation and sternoclavicular elevation were also observed in the Fatigue group (Group x Time interaction, p \u3c 0.05). The Control group improved their movement speed and accuracy in post-experimental phase, while the Fatigue group showed a decrease of movement speed and no accuracy improvement (Group x Time interaction, p \u3c 0.05). Conclusion In a fatigued state, changes in movement strategy were observed during the reaching task, including increased trunk and sternoclavicular movements and less glenohumeral movement. Performance was altered as shown by the lack of accuracy improvement over time and a decrease in movement speed in the Fatigue group

    The Impact of Experimental Pain on Shoulder Movement During an Arm Elevated Reaching Task in a Virtual Reality Environment

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    Background: People with chronic shoulder pain have been shown to present with motor adaptations during arm movements. These adaptations may create abnormal physical stress on shoulder tendons and muscles. However, how and why these adaptations develop from the acute stage of pain is still not well-understood. Objective: To investigate motor adaptations following acute experimental shoulder pain during upper limb reaching. Methods: Forty participants were assigned to the Control or Pain group. They completed a task consisting of reaching targets in a virtual reality environment at three time points: (1) baseline (both groups pain-free), (2) experimental phase (Pain group experiencing acute shoulder pain induced by injecting hypertonic saline into subacromial space), and (3) Post experimental phase (both groups pain-free). Electromyographic (EMG) activity, kinematics, and performance data were collected. Results: The Pain group showed altered movement planning and execution as shown by a significant increased delay to reach muscles EMG peak and a loss of accuracy, compared to controls that have decreased their mean delay to reach muscles peak and improved their movement speed through the phases. The Pain group also showed protective kinematic adaptations using less shoulder elevation and elbow flexion, which persisted when they no longer felt the experimental pain. Conclusion: Acute experimental pain altered movement planning and execution, which affected task performance. Kinematic data also suggest that such adaptations may persist over time, which could explain those observed in chronic pain populations

    Agreement and Screening Accuracy Between Physical Therapists Ratings and the Ó¦rebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire in Screening for Risk of Chronic Pain During Musculoskeletal Evaluation

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    Introduction: Identifying patients at risk for chronic musculoskeletal pain can inform evaluation and treatment decisions. The ability of physical therapists to assess patients’ risk for chronic pain without use of validated tools has been questioned. The Ӧrebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire (OMPQ) is used to determine risk for chronic pain. Methods: The aim of this pragmatic study was to prospectively quantify the agreement between physical therapists’ assessment of patients’ risk for chronic symptoms compared to the OMPQ. Patients were asked to complete the OMPQ during the initial visit. Physical therapists, blinded to OMPQ risk classification, carried out their usual patient assessment procedures. The physical therapists rated patients as either high or low risk for chronic pain based on their clinical assessment. Agreement between therapist and OMPQ was determined using Cohen’s Kappa (κ) and screening accuracy compared clinician risk to the OMPQ risk classification (reference standard) by way of contingency table analysis. Results: Ninety-six (96) patients’ risk classifications and 15 corresponding physical therapists’ risk estimates were available for analysis. The OMPQ identified a 47% prevalence for high risk of chronic pain. Agreement (κ and 95% confidence interval) between physical therapist rating and OMPQ was slight, κ = 0.272 (0.033–0.421), p = .026. Therapists’ sensitivity and specificity (95% CI) for determining risk classifications were 60.0% (44.3–74.3) and 62.8% (48.1–75.6), respectively. The positive and negative likelihood ratios (95% CI) were 1.61 (1.05–2.47) and 0.64 (0.42–0.97). Discussion: The use of validated self-report questionnaires are recommended to supplement clinician prognosis for patients at risk of chronic musculoskeletal pain

    Electromyographic response of shoulder muscles to acute experimental subacromial pain

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    a b s t r a c t This study investigated effects of experimentally-induced subacromial pain, induced via hypertonic saline injection, on shoulder muscles activity. Electromyographic activity of 20 healthy participants was assessed for humeral elevation and descent for the control and experimental pain conditions, using fine wire electrodes for subscapularis and supraspinatus and surface electrodes for middle deltoid, upper trapezius, lower trapezius, infraspinatus, and serratus anterior. Normalized mean amplitudes were analyzed for each muscle for four phases for elevation and descent, respectively. Repeated measures analysis of variances (ANOVAs) were used to determine differences between muscle activity in the control and experimental condition for the four phases of elevation and descent. Differences for mean normalized amplitudes were not significant during humeral elevation. Increased activity was found for the pain condition for serratus anterior and middle deltoid during the first (120e90 ) and third (60e30 ) parts and decreased activity for infraspinatus in the second half of descent (60e0 ). No significant differences were found during descent for upper and lower trapezius, subscapularis and supraspinatus. While increased serratus anterior activity during 60e30 of descent may be protective, increased middle deltoid and decreased infraspinatus activity during the same range may threaten subacromial tissues in that range. Overall the changes in muscle activation were individual specific, particularly during the concentric elevation phase

    Electromyographic Response of Shoulder Muscles to Acute Experimental Subacromial Pain

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    This study investigated effects of experimentally-induced subacromial pain, induced via hypertonic saline injection, on shoulder muscles activity. Electromyographic activity of 20 healthy participants was assessed for humeral elevation and descent for the control and experimental pain conditions, using fine wire electrodes for subscapularis and supraspinatus and surface electrodes for middle deltoid, upper trapezius, lower trapezius, infraspinatus, and serratus anterior. Normalized mean amplitudes were analyzed for each muscle for four phases for elevation and descent, respectively. Repeated measures analysis of variances (ANOVAs) were used to determine differences between muscle activity in the control and experimental condition for the four phases of elevation and descent. Differences for mean normalized amplitudes were not significant during humeral elevation. Increased activity was found for the pain condition for serratus anterior and middle deltoid during the first (120-90°) and third (60-30°) parts and decreased activity for infraspinatus in the second half of descent (60-0°). No significant differences were found during descent for upper and lower trapezius, subscapularis and supraspinatus. While increased serratus anterior activity during 60-30° of descent may be protective, increased middle deltoid and decreased infraspinatus activity during the same range may threaten subacromial tissues in that range. Overall the changes in muscle activation were individual specific, particularly during the concentric elevation phase

    The Effect of Experimentally-Induced Subacromial Pain on Proprioception

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    Shoulder injuries may be associated with proprioceptive deficits, however, it is unknown whether these changes are due to the experience of pain, tissue damage, or a combination of these. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of experimentally-induced sub-acromial pain on proprioceptive variables. Sub-acromial pain was induced via hypertonic saline injection in 20 healthy participants. Passive joint replication (PJR) and threshold to detection of movement direction (TTDMD) were assessed with a Biodex System 3 Pro isokinetic dynamometer for baseline control, experimental pain and recovery control conditions with a starting position of 60° shoulder abduction. The target angle for PJR was 60° external rotation, starting from 40°. TTDMD was tested from a position of 20° external rotation. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to determine differences between PJR absolute and variable errors and TTDMD for the control and experimental conditions. Pain was elicited with a median 7 on the Numeric Pain Rating Scale. TTDMD was significantly decreased for the experimental pain condition compared to baseline and recovery conditions (≈30%, P=0.003). No significant differences were found for absolute (P=0.152) and variable (P=0.514) error for PJR. Movement sense was enhanced for the experimental sub-acromial pain condition, which may reflect protective effects of the central nervous system in response to the pain. Where decreased passive proprioception is observed in shoulders with injuries, these may be due to a combination of peripheral tissue injury and neural adaptations that differ from those due to acute pain

    Clinical Measurement of Scapular Upward Rotation in Response to Acute Subacromial Pain

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    STUDY DESIGN: Block-counterbalanced, repeated-measures crossover study. OBJECTIVES: To assess scapular upward rotation positional adaptations to experimentally induced subacromial pain. BACKGROUND: Existing subacromial pathology is often related to altered scapular kinematics during humeral elevation, such as decreased upward rotation and posterior tilting. These changes have the potential to limit subacromial space and mechanically impinge subacromial structures. Yet, it is unknown whether these changes are the cause or result of injury and what the acute effects of subacromial pain on scapular upward rotation may be. METHODS: Subacromial pain was induced via hypertonic saline injection in 20 participants, aged 18 to 31 years. Scapular upward rotation was measured with a digital inclinometer at rest and at 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° of humeral elevation during a painful condition and a pain-free condition. Repeated-measures analyses of variance were conducted for scapular upward rotation position, based on condition (pain or control) and humeral position. Post hoc testing was conducted with paired t tests as appropriate. RESULTS: Scapular upward rotation during the pain condition was significantly increased (range of average increase, 3.5°-7.7°) compared to the control condition at all angles of humeral elevation tested. CONCLUSION: Acute subacromial pain elicited an increase in scapular upward rotation at all angles of humeral elevation tested. This adaptation to acute experimental pain may provide protective compensation to subacromial structures during humeral elevation

    Effect of footwear on the external knee adduction moment - A systematic review

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    Footwear modifications have been investigated as conservative interventions to decrease peak external knee adduction moment (EKAM) and pain associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA).; To evaluate the literature on the effect of different footwear and orthotics on the peak EKAM during walking and/or running.; A systematic search of databases resulted in 348 articles of which 33 studies were included.; Seventeen studies included healthy individuals and 19 studies included subjects with medial knee OA. Quality assessment (modified Downs and Black quality index) showed an (average±SD) of 73.1±10.1%. The most commonly used orthotic was the lateral wedge, with three studies on the medial wedge. Lateral wedging was associated with decreased peak EKAM in healthy participants and participants with medial knee OA while there is evidence for increased peak EKAM with the use of medial wedges. Modern footwear (subjects' own shoe, "stability" and "mobility" shoes, clogs) were likely to increase the EKAM compared to barefoot walking in individuals with medial knee OA. Walking in innovative shoes ("variable stiffness") decreased the EKAM compared to control shoes. Similarly, shoes with higher heels, sneakers and dress shoes increased EKAM in healthy individuals compared to barefoot walking.; Further development may be needed toward optimal footwear for patients with medial knee OA with the aim of obtaining similar knee moments to barefoot walking

    The Role of Experimentally-Induced Subacromial Pain on Shoulder Strength and Throwing Accuracy

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    Shoulder injuries often comprise two separate yet related components, structural tissue damage and pain. The role of each of these components on shoulder function is difficult to ascertain. Experimental pain models allow the assessment of consequences of localized pain when applied to healthy individuals. By understanding the role of pain on shoulder function, clinicians will be able to more efficiently assess and treat shoulder injuries. The objective of the study was to evaluate the role of experimentally-induced sub-acromial pain on shoulder isokinetic rotational strength and throwing accuracy. This was a block counterbalanced, crossover, repeated measures study design utilizing 20 individuals without self-reported shoulder or cervical pathology. Shoulder function was measured with and without experimental pain injection (2 mL of 5% hypertonic saline) in the sub-acromial space. Functional tasks consisted of shoulder rotational strength utilizing isokinetic testing and throwing accuracy via the functional throwing performance index. The hypertonic saline induced moderate pain levels in all participants (4.3-5.1/10). Normalized shoulder internal (t = 3.76, p = 0.001) and external (t = 3.12, p = 0.006) rotation strength were both diminished in the painful condition compared to the pain free condition. Throwing accuracy was also reduced while the participants experienced pain (t = 3.99, p = 0.001). Moderate levels of experimental shoulder pain were sufficient to negatively influence shoulder strength and throwing accuracy in participants without shoulder pathology

    Extremity Aerobic Exercise as a Treatment for Shoulder Pain

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    BACKGROUND: Shoulder girdle pain is a common disabling complaint with a high lifetime prevalence. Interventions aimed at decreasing shoulder pain without stressing shoulder girdle structures have the potential to improve participation in multimodal shoulder rehabilitation programs. HYPOTHESIS/PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine the acute effects of moderate intensity lower extremity exercise on mechanically induced shoulder pain in individuals without shoulder injury. It was hypothesized that participants would exhibit less shoulder pain, as indicated by increased pain thresholds, following lower extremity exercise. STUDY DESIGN: Repeated measures study. METHODS: Thirty (30) healthy participants were recruited to participate in this study. Pain pressure algometry was used to mechanically induce shoulder pain over the infraspinatus muscle belly. This was performed on the dominant shoulder before and immediately after performing 10 minutes of moderate intensity lower extremity exercise using a recumbent exercise machine. Heart rate and rate of perceived exertion were measured following exercise. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare pain pressure threshold scores between the baseline and post-exercise time points. Significance was set at p ≤ 0.05 . Effect size (ES) was calculated using Glass\u27s Δ. RESULTS: Moderate intensity lower extremity aerobic exercise led to significantly (F = 8.471, p = 0.003) decreased evoked shoulder pain in healthy adults with moderate effect sizes (0.30-0.43). CONCLUSIONS: Lower extremity aerobic exercise significantly decreased pain of the infraspinatus in this sample of young healthy participants. Utilization of lower extremity exercise may be of benefit for younger patients to decreased acute shoulder pain. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 2b: individual cohort study