180 research outputs found

    Direct detection of neutralino dark mattter in non-standard cosmologies

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    We compute the neutralino direct detection rate in non-standard cosmological scenarios where neutralinos account for the dark matter of the Universe. Significant differences are found when such rates are compared with those predicted by the standard cosmological model. For bino-like neutralinos, the main feature is the presence of additional light (m_\chi\lesssim 40\gev) and heavy (m_\chi\gtrsim 600\gev) neutralinos with detection rates within the sensitivity of future dark matter experiments. For higgsino- and wino-like neutralinos lighter than m_\chi \sim 1\tev, enhancements of more than two orders of magnitude in the largest detection rates are observed. Thus, if dark matter is made up of neutralinos, the prospects for their direct detection are in general more promising than in the standard cosmology.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Climate Model Sensitivity with Respect to Parameters and External Forcing

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    Mathematical modelling is one of the most powerful methods for the study and understanding of the Earth’s climate system and its components. Modern climate models used in variety of applications are derived from a set of multi-dimensional non-linear differential equations in partial derivatives, which describe dynamical, physical and chemical processes and cycles in the climate system. Climate models are mostly deterministic with a large-phase space dimension containing a vast number of parameters that have various meanings. Most of them are not well-known a priori and, hence, are not well defined. Parameter errors and their time and space variabilities generate parametric uncertainty. Some model parameters describe external forcing that can strongly influence the climate model behaviour. It is, therefore, very important to estimate the influence of variations in parameters on the model behaviour and results of simulations. Questions like these can be answered by performing sensitivity analysis. This chapter considers various methods of sensitivity analysis that can be used: first, to estimate the influence of model parameter variations on its behaviour; second, to identify parameters of climate models and third, to study the model response to external forcing

    Зарубежные подходы к проведению аудита эффективности транспортной системы на региональном уровне

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    The article is devoted to consideration of foreign instruments for performance audit in the transport sector and to assessment of possibility of applying the methods and procedures of performance audit by Russian regional control and accounting bodies. The objective of the study is to comprehensively analyse the international experience of regulation and organisation of performance audit in the transport sector based on the practices of the Auditor General of Scotland (Great Britain) and the Auditor General of Manitoba (Canada).Considering the traditionally high share of regional budget expenditures spent on development of the transport system, it is noted that assessment of the economy, productivity and efficiency of the use of public resources is important not only for regional authorities, but also for the population and business entities.Based on the analysis of the best practices of regional government audit bodies of Great Britain and Canada in terms of performance audits in the transport sector, advanced methods and audit procedures were recorded that can be applied by Russian regional control and accounting bodies. In particular, the specifics and accuracy of recommendations to the executive authorities presented in the audit report; procedure of assessing correctness of tender procedures and effectiveness of contract execution as part of the performance audit; wide use of external experts during inspections and other features have been noted.Статья посвящена рассмотрению зарубежных инструментов проведения аудита эффективности в транспортной сфере и оценке возможности применения методов и процедур аудита эффективности российскими региональными контрольно-счётными органами. Цель исследования состоит в комплексном анализе международного опыта регламентации и осуществления аудита эффективности в транспортной сфере на примере практик Генерального аудитора Шотландии (Великобритания) и Генерального аудитора Манитобы (Канада). Учитывая традиционно высокую долю расходов региональных бюджетов на развитие транспортной системы, отмечено, что оценка экономности, продуктивности и результативности использования публичных ресурсов важна не только для власти регионов, но и для населения и хозяйствующих субъектов.По итогам анализа «лучших практик» региональных органов государственного аудита Великобритании и Канады в части проведения аудитов эффективности в транспортной сфере зафиксированы передовые методы и аудиторские процедуры, возможные для применения российскими региональными контрольно-счётными органами.В частности, отмечены конкретика и точность рекомендаций органам исполнительной власти, представленных в аудиторском отчёте; проведение оценки корректности тендерных процедур и эффективности исполнения контрактов в рамках аудита эффективности; широкое использование внешних экспертов при проведении проверок и другие

    Unitarization of elastic amplitude on SO_mu(2.1) group

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    We obtain the solution of the unitarity equation for the elastic processes in terms of the expansion coefficients of the amplitude as a function on the SO_mu(2.1) group. This approach is a generalization of the eikonal representation to the case of small impact parameters and large transverse momenta. We show how the unitarity relation is modified when the contributions of the backward scattering are taken into account. We discuss the simplest models of the profile functions in the following cases: full reflection, full absorption and the combination of these two cases.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Resistance evaluation of electrical insulating polymer materials used in flexible cables to operational impact

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    The article presents the test results of polymer material properties taking into account the possibility of their application for flexible cables insulation. The main types of cable constructions and their operation features are considered. Existing test determination methods of insulation resistance to thermal, mechanical, electrical and environmental conditions are analyzed. Requirements for laboratory equipment and test conditions are given. Evaluation criteria of test results are noted. Experimental evaluation was carried out for change degree in the properties of the main types of electrical insulation materials used currently during the flexible cable production: polyvinyl chloride compound (PVC), rubber, ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), fluoropolymer. Tests were carried out under the influence of high and low temperatures, aggressive environments, ozone, mechanical loads. The main processes that determine the changes in electrophysical, physical and mechanical properties of the studied materials are described. Resistance of EPR, TPE and fluoropolymer insulation to a wide range of temperatures, mechanical loads, diesel fuel and transformer oil are shown. An increased resistance of EPR to ozone was also noted. Rubber and PVC compound did not pass the tests under the influence of low and high temperatures, showed "poor" resistance to aggressive environments, but passed the mechanical stress tests. Recommendations on tests and application of polymer insulation taking into account the specifics of flexible cables working are presented


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    The results of three-year study of density of cucumber seed-plants when using drop irrigation in condition and planting system 50+90 сm are shown. The optimal plant density for seed production purposes is 70 thousand plants on 1 hectare.Приведены результаты изучения различной густоты стояний растений при выращивании огурца на семенные цели на фоне капельного орошения при схеме размещения 50+90 см, которые свидетельствуют, что оптимальной густотой стояния является 70 тыс. растений на 1 га

    Orientation, substructure, and optical properties of rutile films

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    The orientation, optical properties, and substructure of rutile films prepared by thermal and pulsed photon assisted oxidation of single crystal Ti films were investigated by transmission electron micros copy, optical spectroscopy, and high energy electron diffractionyesBelgorod State Universit


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    On January 25-26, 2018 in Samarkand (Republic of Uzbekistan) on the basis of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute the 19th meeting was held Intergovernmental Coordination Council on seed production of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The participants of the international meeting considered the creation and introduction of new selection varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, discussed topics related to the introduction of resource-saving technologies in selection, variety testing, and seed production. 25-26 января 2018 года в Самарканде (Республика Узбекистан) на базе Самаркандского сельскохозяйственного института состоялось 19-е заседание Межправительственного координационного совета по вопросам семеноводства Содружества Независимых Государств. Участники международного совещания рассмотрели вопросы создания и внедрения в производство новых селекционных сортов и гибридов сельскохозяйственных культур, обсудили темы, касающиеся внедрения ресурсосберегающих технологий в селекции, сортоиспытании, семеноводстве.

    Fatty oil accumulation in vegetable soybean seeds and its thin-layer chromatography

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    Received: February 23rd, 2021 ; Accepted: May 5th, 2021 ; Published: May 20th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] paper studies the accumulation of crude oil (triacylglycerides, monoacylglycerides, diacylglycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids, tocopherols, pigments, sterols, waxes) in soybean vegetable samples. Samples were taken from two groups: grown in an experimental field and in protected ground of the Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing in the Moscow Region. Both groups were observed in the phase of technical ripeness and in the phase of complete biological ripeness (finally ripe seeds). Soxhlet method as arbitration in analysis was used as suitable for the extraction of lipophilic substances. It was determined that the fat content in the technical ripeness phase in most soybean samples averaged 10.5%. In the phase of biological ripeness, the highest accumulation of fatty oil was observed in Hidaka and Nordic (17.6%). The oil content in vegetable forms of soybeans was consistently lower than that of grain varieties: in the phases of technical and biological ripeness by 55.6% and 22.0% (in relative values) respectively. Thus, he accumulation of oil in seeds is determined mainly genetically. The refractive index of vegetable and oil soybean was established equal on average 1.4755. According to this finding the soybean oil can be classified as semi-drying. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was used to study the lipophilic components of soybean fatty oil. It was found experimentally that the best separation of the components is achieved using an eluent system: carbon tetrachloride: chloroform in a 2: 3 ratio. It was found that the main fatsoluble compounds are the following (in order of increasing Rf in the chromatogram): phospholipids, monoacylglycerides, triacylglycerides, tocopherols, fatty acid esters. As a finding of the research vegetable soybean cultivated at 55 °N in both technical and biological ripeness phases significantly accumulate crude oil in the seeds. This crude oil contained ω-6, ω-3, phospholipids, and vitamin E