3 research outputs found

    Forecasted datasets of electric vehicle consumption on the electricity grid of Spain

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    The information included in this study were calculated on the basis of data provided by the Spanish electricity grid, for thirteen years between 2007 and 2019. This data includes: the average consumption demand on the Spanish electricity grid at national level, and its availability. Subsequently, the report looks at the number of electric vehicles that could be supported in the years 2020–2023, depending on the consumption demand and availably of the electricity grid for those future years. The data presented in the article refers to the research study: ‘Electric vehicles in Spain: An overview of charging systems’ and ‘Analysis of charging stations for electric vehicles in Spain

    Data supporting the reconstruction study of missing wind speed logs using wavelet techniques for getting maximum likelihood

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    The data to construct the missing wind-speed value in the weather station record at “Collado de Yuste”, between the years 2002 to 2012, was calculated using wind speed data recorded in two other nearby weather stations, those in “Solana del Zapatero” and “Calar Alto”. The three mentioned stations are located in the mountain range of the province of Almeria, Autonomous Community of Andalusia, Spain. After calculating the degree of association using the correlation coefficient and Wavelet Transform Scalogram, the data was successfully constructed. This paper refers to another study: Wind missing data arrangement using wavelet based techniques for getting maximum likelihoo