748 research outputs found

    Incidencia y factores asociados al sedentarismo en el personal de salud del hospital “San Luis de Otavalo”, 2019

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    Determinar la incidencia y los factores que se asocian al sedentarismo en el personal de salud del Hospital San Luis de Otavalo.El sedentarismo es la falta de actividad física considerado según la Organización Mundial de la Salud menos de entre 25 a 30 minutos de actividad por al menos tres días a la semana, es además considerado como un factor de riesgo y una de las principales causas de morbilidad, mortalidad y discapacidad, llegando a considerarse un problema de salud público debido al gran impacto tanto nacional como internacional. El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la incidencia y los factores que se asocian al sedentarismo en el personal de salud del Hospital “San Luis de Otavalo”, es un estudio de tipo cuantitativo no experimental, descriptivo, transversal y correlacional. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó una encuesta basada en el Cuestionario Mundial sobre Actividad Física (GPAQ), desarrollado por la OMS para la vigilancia de la actividad física en los países. Se examina una muestra de 124 profesionales de la salud, seleccionado previo a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Los resultados indican que el 56, 61% de la población tiende a adoptar estilos y modos de vida sedentarios en lo pertinente a la actividad física y días en la semana que realiza actividad, entre los factores asociados a dicho comportamiento se destaca los turnos de trabajo/carga laboral, los hábitos alimentarios, medio de movilización y las actividades que realizan en el tiempo libre el personal indicó en su mayoría que estas son actividades de tipo sedentarias. Del análisis de correlación del nivel de sedentarismo con las variables edad y género, se determina que el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson tiene un promedio de 0.99 que significa correlación positiva intensa, determinándose que existe una asociación de tipo lineal entre la variable sedentarismo, la edad y el género.Licenciatur

    Evaluation of the Influence of Alcohol Consumption on Variation of Tooth Colour in Patients Treated at the Iees Ibarra Hospital During the Period April-June 2022

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    The research carried out seeks to analyze and understand the influence of alcohol consumption on the level of dental colour variation in patients treated at the IESS Ibarra Hospital during the period from April to June 2022. In order to achieve the established objectives, the methodological approach was based on a quasi-experimental design, which involved five fundamental stages. The first phase of the study involved the approach and delimitation of the research problem. The second stage focused on the construction of the theoretical bases. Subsequently, precise methodological aspects were carried out to define the target population and establish the selection criteria for the experimental group. The choice of a cross-sectional approach was justified because the measurement of the level of tooth colour variation was performed on a single occasion for both groups. For data collection, the "Chromascop" colorimeter was used as a measurement instrument, which was applied consistently both in people who consume alcohol and in abstainers. The main results obtained showed that alcohol consumption tends to influence dental coloration, which suggests a relationship between alcohol consumption habit and dental colour variation

    Impact of an educational intervention on pregnant women with respect to their selfcare

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    Normal pregnancy is the physiological state of the woman that begins with fertilization and ends with the process of birth and birth with physiological changes present, however, there may be complications that seriously affect the binomial; Self-care refers to the human capacity of individuals to perform actions, whose purpose is to take care of themselves and others. Objective. The objective was to establish the state of the art to detect the effectiveness of an educational intervention to modify the level of knowledge and self-care capacity in pregnant women. Methodology. A review was made of 19 articles with data search in the network such as: Google academic, SciELO, nursing journals, Dialnet, Medigraphic, repositories, master catalog, scientific medical journal among others; using keywords, such as self-care, level of knowledge, pregnancy and educational intervention. Conclusion. The knowledge of self-care in pregnancy is a priority for the mother and the product since it positively impacts the morbidity and mortality rates of both, this allows to reduce complications in the state of health. Otherwise, the result would be definitely negative

    Physical Activity as A Didactic Tool for The Development of Social Skills in Higher Basic Education

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    El propósito central de este artículo consiste en examinar la utilización de la actividad física como una herramienta didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades sociales en la educación básica superior. Con el fin de lograr este propósito, se realizó una revisión documental siguiendo el modelo PRISMA, que inicialmente abarcó 255 documentos y que al final se redujo a 42 documentos para su análisis detallado. Los resultados revelan que las actividades físicas y los deportes como estrategia didáctica incentivan a los estudiantes a la mejora de sus habilidades comunicativas y sociales. Es conocido que las actividades físicas tienen diversos beneficios a nivel de salud y de cuidado personal, sin embargo también ayuda a generar lazos de confraternidad entre los compañeros, como también mejoran las capacidades de compenetra miento y habilidades sociales reciprocas entre los estudiantes.The central purpose of this article is to examine the use of physical activity as a teaching tool for the development of social skills in higher basic education. In order to achieve this purpose, a documentary review was carried out following the PRISMA model, which initially covered 255 documents and was ultimately reduced to 42 documents for detailed analysis. The results reveal that physical activities and sports as a teaching strategy encourage students to improve their communication and social skills. It is known that physical activities have various benefits in terms of health and personal care; however, they also help to generate bonds of brotherhood among classmates, as well as improve rapport and reciprocal social skills among students

    Active Listening as A Didactic Strategy for The Development of Social Skills in High School Students

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    El propósito central de este artículo consiste en examinar inferencia los niveles de aplicación de la escucha activa como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades sociales en estudiantes del bachillerato general unificado, Con el fin de lograr este propósito, se realizó una revisión documental siguiendo el modelo PRISMA, que inicialmente abarcó 363 documentos y que al final se redujo a 42  documentos para su análisis detallado. Los resultados revelan que los estudiantes que desarrollan adecuadas competencias de escucha activan en todas sus dimensiones, mejoran los niveles de habilidades sociales, características muy importantes para un crecimiento personal y profesional.The central purpose of this article is to examine inference the levels of application of active listening as a didactic strategy for the development of social skills in students of the unified general high school. In order to achieve this purpose, a documentary review was carried out following the model PRISMA, which initially covered 363 documents and was ultimately reduced to 42 documents for detailed analysis. The results reveal that students who develop adequate listening skills activate in all their dimensions, improve levels of social skills, very important characteristics for personal and professional growth

    Chess Teaching Methodology for Strengthening Mathematical Skills in Middle Basic Students

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    El propósito central de este artículo consiste en examinar la utilización de la metodología de enseñanza del ajedrez como medio para fortalecer las habilidades matemáticas en estudiantes de educación secundaria. Con el fin de lograr este propósito, se realizó una revisión documental siguiendo el modelo PRISMA, que inicialmente abarcó 267 documentos y que al final se redujo a 35 documentos para su análisis detallado. Los resultados revelan que la enseñanza del ajedrez brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de mejorar sus habilidades de cálculo, ya que implica la anticipación de movimientos y el análisis de las estrategias de sus oponentes. Este proceso conlleva la realización de cálculos matemáticos tanto básicos como avanzados, como la evaluación de probabilidades, la formulación de estrategias y la toma de decisiones. La capacidad de razonamiento y el cálculo rápido se ven ampliamente potenciados a medida que se enfrentan a juegos cada vez más complejos, lo que les exige analizar la creciente complejidad del juego y encontrar soluciones a diversos desafíos planteados.The central purpose of this article is to examine the use of the chess teaching methodology as a means to strengthen mathematical skills in secondary education students. In order to achieve this purpose, a documentary review was carried out following the PRISMA model, which initially covered 267 documents and was ultimately reduced to 35 documents for detailed analysis. The results reveal that teaching chess provides students with the opportunity to improve their calculation skills, as it involves anticipating moves and analyzing their opponents' strategies. This process involves performing both basic and advanced mathematical calculations, such as evaluating probabilities, formulating strategies, and making decisions. Reasoning abilities and quick calculation are greatly enhanced as they face increasingly complex games, which requires them to analyze the increasing complexity of the game and find solutions to various challenges posed

    Inference Of a Steam Educational Approach for The Development of Critical Thinking in Higher Basic Students

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    El propósito central de este artículo consiste en examinar inferencia de un enfoque educativo steam para el desarrollo de un pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de básica superior.  Con el fin de lograr este propósito, se realizó una revisión documental siguiendo el modelo PRISMA, que inicialmente abarcó 307 documentos y que al final se redujo a 38 documentos para su análisis detallado. Los resultados revelan enfoque educativo steam, contribuye al incremento del pensamiento crítico e incentivan a los estudiantes a la mejora de sus habilidades comunicativas y sociales. Es conocido que  el pensamiento crítico ayuda a las personas a poder desarrollar capacidades de análisis y planteamiento de soluciones a situaciones simples y complejas que puedan darse en el día a día.The central purpose of this article is to examine inference from a steam educational approach for the development of critical thinking in high school students. In order to achieve this purpose, a documentary review was carried out following the PRISMA model, which initially covered 307 documents and was ultimately reduced to 38 documents for detailed analysis. The results reveal the steam educational approach, contribute to the increase of critical thinking and encourages students to improve their communicative and social skills. It is known that critical thinking helps people develop analytical skills and propose solutions to simple and complex situations that may arise on a daily basis

    Chemical-Quantum Analysis Of The Anticancer Potential Of Rhodionin Present In The Plant Rhodiola Rosea Vs. Amino Acids Of The Human Body

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    Los extractos de Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea) tiene mecanismos de contraste molecular, que tienen funciones fisiológicas normales. Los extractos de R. rosea tienen potencial anticancerígeno. La rodiodina (RDN) es un compuesto flavonoide que se encuentra en las plantas de Rhodiola. El objetivo fue analizar el potencial anticancerígeno de la rodionina presente en la planta R. rosea mediante química cuántica. El software Hyperchem se utilizó como simulador de química cuántica. La base fundamental de los cálculos cuánticos fue la teoría del coeficiente de transferencia de electrones (ETC). Podemos ver las ETC ordenadas según el pozo cuántico. La sustancia se encuentra en el fondo del pozo cuántico. Esta situación indica que la probabilidad de que se produzcan interacciones oxidativas es muy alta. Encontramos que el RDN es un potente oxidante de AA en el cuerpo humano; por esta razón, tiene potencial como agente quimioterapéutico contra el cáncer.Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea) extract has molecular contrast mechanisms, which have normal physiological functions. Extracts of R. rosea have anticancer potentials. Rhodiodin (RDN) is a flavonoid compound found in Rhodiola plants. The aim was to analyze the anticancer potential of rodionin present in the R. rosea plant by quantum chemistry. Hyperchem software was used as a quantum chemistry simulator. The fundamental basis of quantum calculations was the electron transfer coefficient (ETC) theory. We can see the ETCs ordered according to the quantum well. The substance lies at the bottom of the quantum well. This situation indicates that the probability of oxidative interactions occurring is very high. We found that the RDN is a potent oxidant of AAs in the human body; for this reason, it has potential as an anticancer chemotherapeutic agent

    VERTEX: A Compendium of Research and Design

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    From the foreword: Vertex was organized to showcase some of the UNLV School of Architecture’s most prominent areas of strength. Our multidisciplinary design foundation program is the initial building block that instills in students an ethos of systematic inquiry through making. Appropriately structured processes of experimentation and production using a variety of tools and media help students develop significant spatial understandings through the sequential act of drawing and making. The spatial understandings developed in the design foundation, supplemented by a culture of inquiry through making that is cultivated in our design studios, prepare our students to creatively engage in a rigorous study of relevant disciplinary subjects that range from the design of arid environments to hospitality, and from building technologies (including design-build) to healthcare interior design. Note: The written sections of the book are featured in Digital Scholarship@UNLV. The complete volume may be purchased at the Buy this book link abovehttps://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/vertex/1000/thumbnail.jp