1,692 research outputs found

    Finite sampling effects on generalized fluctuation-dissipation relations for steady states

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    We study the effects of the finite number of experimental data on the computation of a generalized fluctuation-dissipation relation around a nonequilibrium steady state of a Brownian particle in a toroidal optical trap. We show that the finite sampling has two different effects, which can give rise to a poor estimate of the linear response function. The first concerns the accessibility of the generalized fluctuation-dissipation relation due to the finite number of actual perturbations imposed to the control parameter. The second concerns the propagation of the error made at the initial sampling of the external perturbation of the system. This can be highly enhanced by introducing an estimator which corrects the error of the initial sampled condition. When these two effects are taken into account in the data analysis, the generalized fluctuation-dissipation relation is verified experimentally

    Measuring Entanglement in a Photonic Embedding Quantum Simulator

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    Measuring entanglement is a demanding task that usually requires full tomography of a quantum system, involving a number of observables that grows exponentially with the number of parties. Recently, it was suggested that adding a single ancillary qubit would allow for the efficient measurement of concurrence, and indeed any entanglement monotone associated to antilinear operations. Here, we report on the experimental implementation of such a device---an embedding quantum simulator---in photonics, encoding the entangling dynamics of a bipartite system into a tripartite one. We show that bipartite concurrence can be efficiently extracted from the measurement of merely two observables, instead of fifteen, without full tomographic information.Comment: Updated versio

    Quantum simulation of Anderson and Kondo lattices with superconducting qubits

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    We introduce a mapping between a variety of superconducting circuits and a family of Hamiltonians describing localized magnetic impurities interacting with conduction bands. This includes the Anderson model, the single impurity one- and two-channel Kondo problem, as well as the 1D Kondo lattice. We compare the requirements for performing quantum simulations using the proposed circuits to those of universal quantum computation with superconducting qubits, singling out the specific challenges that will have to be addressed.Comment: Longer versio

    Photodetection of propagating quantum microwaves in circuit QED

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    We develop the theory of a metamaterial composed of an array of discrete quantum absorbers inside a one-dimensional waveguide that implements a high-efficiency microwave photon detector. A basic design consists of a few metastable superconducting nanocircuits spread inside and coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide in a circuit QED setup. The arrival of a {\it propagating} quantum microwave field induces an irreversible change in the population of the internal levels of the absorbers, due to a selective absorption of photon excitations. This design is studied using a formal but simple quantum field theory, which allows us to evaluate the single-photon absorption efficiency for one and many absorber setups. As an example, we consider a particular design that combines a coplanar coaxial waveguide with superconducting phase qubits, a natural but not exclusive playground for experimental implementations. This work and a possible experimental realization may stimulate the possible arrival of "all-optical" quantum information processing with propagating quantum microwaves, where a microwave photodetector could play a key role.Comment: 27 pages, submitted to Physica Scripta for Nobel Symposium on "Qubits for Quantum Information", 200

    Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children in Western Countries? Decreasing Incidence as the Pandemic Progresses?: An Observational Multicenter International Cross-sectional Study

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    COVID-19, Multisystemic inflammatory syndrome; Children; EpidemiologyCOVID-19, Síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico; Niños; EpidemiologíaCOVID-19, Síndrome inflamatòria multisistèmica; Nens; EpidemiologiaBackground: SARS-CoV-2 variations as well as immune protection after previous infections and/or vaccination may have altered the incidence of multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). We aimed to report an international time-series analysis of the incidence of MIS-C to determine if there was a shift in the regions or countries included into the study. Methods: This is a multicenter, international, cross-sectional study. We collected the MIS-C incidence from the participant regions and countries for the period July 2020 to November 2021. We assessed the ratio between MIS-C cases and COVID-19 pediatric cases in children <18 years diagnosed 4 weeks earlier (average time for the temporal association observed in this disease) for the study period. We performed a binomial regression analysis for 8 participating sites [Bogotá (Colombia), Chile, Costa Rica, Lazio (Italy), Mexico DF, Panama, The Netherlands and Catalonia (Spain)]. Results: We included 904 cases of MIS-C, among a reference population of 17,906,432 children. We estimated a global significant decrease trend ratio in MIS-C cases/COVID-19 diagnosed cases in the previous month ( P < 0.001). When analyzing separately each of the sites, Chile and The Netherlands maintained a significant decrease trend ( P < 0.001), but this ratio was not statistically significant for the rest of sites. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first international study describing a global reduction in the trend of the MIS-C incidence during the pandemic. COVID-19 vaccination and other factors possibly linked to the virus itself and/or community transmission may have played a role in preventing new MIS-C cases

    Experimental study of out of equilibrium fluctuations in a colloidal suspension of Laponite using optical traps

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    This work is devoted to the study of displacement fluctuations of micron-sized particles in an aging colloidal glass. We address the issue of the validity of the fluctuation dissipation theorem (FDT) and the time evolution of viscoelastic properties during aging of aqueous suspensions of a clay (Laponite RG) in a colloidal glass phase. Given the conflicting results reported in the literature for different experimental techniques, our goal is to check and reconcile them using \emph{simultaneously} passive and active microrheology techniques. For this purpose we measure the thermal fluctuations of micro-sized brownian particles immersed in the colloidal glass and trapped by optical tweezers. We find that both microrheology techniques lead to compatible results even at low frequencies and no violation of FDT is observed. Several interesting features concerning the statistical properties and the long time correlations of the particles are observed during the transition

    Enhanced heat transfer in oscillatory flows within multiple-hole baffled tubes

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    Compound enhancement techniques are considered to be the forefront of heat transfer enhancement. In this work, the combination of active and passive techniques in low-Reynolds number tube flows is explored by means of the superposition of a fully-reversing oscillatory flow into a baffled tube. This arrangement has been employed during the last twenty-years in the so called ‘oscillatory baffled reactors’, focusing on the achievement of plug flow. Little work has been done, however, on the experimental and numerical analysis of the enhanced convective heat transfer that follows the resulting chaotic flow. A standard single-hole baffle geometry has been previously characterized experimentally by some authors, whereas the potential of multiple-hole baffles has not been studied from the point of view of enhanced heat transfer. A numerical investigation has been undertaken to examine the heat transfer augmentation in multiple-hole baffled tubes with fully-reversing oscillatory flow. Different circular baffles with 1, 3, 7, 19 and 43 holes are analyzed, all of them releasing the same total cross sectional area. The flow across these baffles generates a beam of jets which extend downstream and upstream –according to the reversing flow - showing different swirl structures that promote intensive radial mixing and early onset of turbulence. As a consequence, heat transfer between the fluid and the tube wall is significantly enhanced. A circular tube of 25 mm inner diameter has been modeled with 10 baffles uniformly spaced. The simultaneously hydrodynamic and thermal developing flow has been simulated with uniform heat flux as boundary condition in the tube wall, using water as working fluid. The achievement of spatial and time periodicity is thoroughly analyzed prior to the data reduction for the computation of Nusselt number. The time-resolved and time-averaged heat transfer characteristics are presented for an oscillating frequency ranging from f=0.1 Hz to f=1Hz and oscillating amplitudes of x0=� , 2�/3 and �/3 (where � is the inner hole diameter for each baffle). The strong dependency of Nusselt number on the operating parameters of the oscillations is reported. Besides, the positive influence of an increasing number of baffle holes is demonstrated, and a description of the flow structures that induce this heat transfer augmentation is discussed.Papers presented to the 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Costa de Sol, Spain on 11-13 July 2016

    Pre-multisymplectic constraint algorithm for field theories

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    We present a geometric algorithm for obtaining consistent solutions to systems of partial differential equations, mainly arising from singular covariant first-order classical field theories. This algorithm gives an intrinsic description of all the constraint submanifolds. The field equations are stated geometrically, either representing their solutions by integrable connections or, what is equivalent, by certain kinds of integrable m-vector fields. First, we consider the problem of finding connections or multivector fields solutions to the field equations in a general framework: a pre-multisymplectic fibre bundle (which will be identified with the first-order jet bundle and the multimomentum bundle when Lagrangian and Hamiltonian field theories are considered). Then, the problem is stated and solved in a linear context, and a pointwise application of the results leads to the algorithm for the general case. In a second step, the integrability of the solutions is also studied. Finally, the method is applied to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian field theories and, for the former, the problem of finding holonomic solutions is also analized.Comment: 30 pp. Presented in the International Workshop on Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (Firenze, April 2005