3 research outputs found

    Comparing the efficiency of monofilament and traditional nets for capturing bats

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    Traditional mist nets used for capturing bats have several drawbacks, particularly that they are inefficient at sampling many insectivorous species. One possible alternative is to use monofilament nets, whose netting is made of single strands of yarn instead of several as regular nets, making them less detectable. To date, no study has quantified the capture efficiency of monofilament nets compared to regular mist nets for the study of bats. Here we compare capture efficiency of monofilament and regular mist nets, focusing on bat abundance and species diversity at a lowland tropical forest in southwestern Costa Rica. During our sampling period, we captured 90 individuals and 14 species in regular nets and 125 individuals and 20 species in monofilament nets. The use of monofilament nets increased overall capture rates, but most notably for insectivorous species. Species accumulation curves indicate that samples based on regular nets are significantly underestimating species diversity, most notably as these nets fail at sampling rare species. We show that incorporating monofilament nets into bat studies offers an opportunity to expand records of different guilds and rare bat species and to improve our understanding of poorly-known bat assemblages while using a popular, relatively cheap and portable sampling method.UCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede del SurUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Ciencias B谩sicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biolog铆

    Red de conectividad que permita la Priorizaci贸n de esfuerzos de conservaci贸n del h谩bitat de la Lapa Roja (Ara macao) en el Corredor Biol贸gico paso de las Lapas, Pac铆fico Central, Costa Rica

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    Los corredores biol贸gicos son espacios de conservaci贸n que contribuyen de manera positiva. Son una respuesta para contrarrestar los problemas y desaf铆os actuales relacionados a la p茅rdida de cobertura forestal y cambios en los usos de la tierra. La fragmentaci贸n de los ecosistemas naturales afecta la biodiversidad y por ende favorece la p茅rdida de la conectividad entre h谩bitats. El Corredor Biol贸gico Mesoamericano se crea como una iniciativa latinoamericana para la atenci贸n de estas problem谩ticas. Con su creaci贸n se pretende la conservaci贸n de la biodiversidad biol贸gica, el manejo y conservaci贸n de los recursos naturales y el desarrollo sostenible. Mediante la planificaci贸n, estrategias, pol铆ticas e instrumentos de ordenamiento territorial se garantiza la conectividad de los espacios protegidos. Costa Rica forma parte de esta iniciativa y dentro de sus pol铆ticas establece un programa nacional de corredores biol贸gicos. Este tiene como fin fortalecer las 谩reas protegidas (estatales y privadas) y garantizar su conectividad. El pa铆s est谩 dividido en 11 谩reas de conservaci贸n, dentro de las cuales, aproximadamente 33% de la superficie continental se encuentra bajo el esquema de corredores biol贸gicos. El corredor biol贸gico Paso de las Lapas se ubica en el 脕rea de Conservaci贸n Pac铆fico Central. Fue creado como un esfuerzo para restablecer la conectividad en las 谩reas silvestres presentes dentro de sus l铆mites, y garantizar el sustento y resguardo de la lapa roja (Ara Macao), especie s铆mbolo de dicho corredor. En esta investigaci贸n se eval煤a la estructura y funcionalidad del corredor biol贸gico para priorizar esfuerzos de conservaci贸n de la especie. Fue necesaria la realizaci贸n de un an谩lisis del uso de la tierra en el corredor, con la utilizaci贸n de sensores remotos y sistemas de informaci贸n geogr谩fica. Estos permitieron caracterizar el corredor en funci贸n de los requerimientos de h谩bitat de la especie. Tambi茅n se determinaron las 谩reas de predicci贸n de abundancia de la especie y las rutas de conectividad en 谩reas de menor resistencia; se establecieron lineamientos de manejo que garanticen la permanencia y conservaci贸n de la especie dentro del corredor biol贸gico. El manejo, resguardo y permanencia de la especie dentro del corredor es un esfuerzo integral. Este involucra la interacci贸n de las instituciones gubernamentales, ONG, sector privado y comunidades. De forma que todas las acciones que se realicen tengan un fin u objetivo en com煤n: la conservaci贸n y manejo adecuado de los recursos naturales. En este caso particular, el prop贸sito es garantizar la conectividad y funcionalidad del corredor, por consiguiente, la conservaci贸n de la lapa roja.Biological corridors are conservation spaces that contribute in a positive way. They are a response to counteract the current problems and challenges related to the loss of forest cover and changes in land use. The fragmentation of natural ecosystems affects biodiversity and therefore favors the loss of connectivity between habitats. The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor is created as a Latin American initiative to address these problems. With its creation it is intended the conservation of biological biodiversity, the management and conservation of natural resources and sustainable development. Through planning, strategies, policies and instruments of land use, the connectivity of protected areas is guaranteed. Costa Rica is part of this initiative and within its policies it establishes a national program of biological corridors. This aims to strengthen protected areas (state and private) and guarantee their connectivity. The country is divided into 11 conservation areas, within which approximately 33% of the continental surface is under the scheme of biological corridors. The Paso de las Lapas biological corridor is located in the Central Pacific Conservation Area. It was created as an effort to reestablish connectivity in the wild areas present within its limits, and to guarantee the sustenance and protection of the scarlet macaw (Ara Macao), a symbolic species of said corridor. This research evaluates the structure and functionality of the biological corridor to prioritize conservation efforts for the species. It was necessary to carry out an analysis of land use in the corridor, with the use of remote sensors and geographic information systems. These allowed to characterize the corridor based on the habitat requirements of the species. The species abundance prediction areas and connectivity routes in areas of less resistance were also determined; Management guidelines were established to guarantee the permanence and conservation of the species within the biological corridor. The management, protection and permanence of the species within the corridor is an integral effort. This involves the interaction of government institutions, NGOs, the private sector, and communities. So that all the actions carried out have a common goal or objective: the conservation and proper management of natural resources. In this particular case, the purpose is to guarantee the connectivity and functionality of the corridor, therefore, the conservation of the scarlet macaw.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaEscuela de Ciencias Geogr谩fica

    El mercado laboral en la Gran 脕rea Metropolitana (GAM) de las personas graduadas de la carrera de Licenciatura en Bibliotecolog铆a y Ciencias de la Informaci贸n de la Universidad de Costa Rica

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    Seminario de graduaci贸n (licenciatura en bibliotecolog铆a y ciencias de la informaci贸n)UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Educaci贸n::Escuela de Bibliotecolog铆a y Ciencias de la Informaci贸