110 research outputs found

    Impressions sobre la construcció del documental Lluitant per la vida

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    Evocación de Manuel de Terán, geógrafo, humanista y mentor (1904-1984)

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    On évoque le géographe espagnol Manuel de Terán, décédé en Mai 1984. On met en relief d'abord sa personalité comme géographe et humaniste, et ensuite on présente une bibliographie de l'éminent géographe que s'étend jusqu'à 1981.This presentation is in memory of the Spanish geographer, Manuel de Terán, who died in May 1984, firstly considering his personality and his contribution to human geography and secondly adjoining a bibliography of his works unti1 1981.Hom evoca la figura del geògraf espanyol Manuel de Terán, traspassat el maig de 1984. Hom destaca en primer lloc la seva personalitat com a geògraf i com a humanista; en segon lloc es presenta una bibliografia de l'eminent geògraf fins al 1981

    Estat actual del mapa geològic de Catalunya

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    Evocación de Manuel de Terán, geógrafo, humanista y mentor (1904-1984)

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    On évoque le géographe espagnol Manuel de Terán, décédé en Mai 1984. On met en relief d'abord sa personalité comme géographe et humaniste, et ensuite on présente une bibliographie de l'éminent géographe que s'étend jusqu'à 1981.This presentation is in memory of the Spanish geographer, Manuel de Terán, who died in May 1984, firstly considering his personality and his contribution to human geography and secondly adjoining a bibliography of his works unti1 1981.Hom evoca la figura del geògraf espanyol Manuel de Terán, traspassat el maig de 1984. Hom destaca en primer lloc la seva personalitat com a geògraf i com a humanista; en segon lloc es presenta una bibliografia de l'eminent geògraf fins al 1981

    Descobriment de la geologia de Catalunya pels geòlegs estrangers a començaments del segle XIX

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    The first works of foreign geologists on Catalonia, at the beginning of the 19th century, are discussed, and the political causes explaining the delay in the knowledge of the geology of Catalonia summarized. The first know works are those of Maclure and Lyell on the volcanic area of Olot (1808 and 1830), and those of Cordier (1816) and Dufresnoy (1831) on the salt mountain of Cardona. The significance is stated of the works by Pratt (1852) and Fischer (1893) on the structural interpretation of the Catalanides; these works were ignored by latter geologists until the first quarter of the 20th century had elapsed (M. Riba). The influence of these early geological studies on Catalan and foreign geologists is discussed

    Recordant Valentí Masachs i Alavedra (1915-1981)

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    Sobre els orígens de la modernització de la didàctica de les ciències naturals a Catalunya

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    The author traces back the roots of modern teaching of natural sciences in Catalonia. There are two main fields in this origin: one is autochton and is representated by the general pedagogical orientations conducted by Alexandre Galí, Pau Vila, Eladi Homs, Joan Bardina, Manuel Ainaud and Artur Martorell, and the other is more or less influenced by the pedagogical ideas of the Institution Libre de Ensenanza and related centres, as the Escuela Superior del Magisterio and the Instituto-Escuela at Madrid. The main figures in this second field are Palau i Vera, Hermenegildo Giner, Estalella, Cazurro, Rosa Sensat, Cassia Costal, Margarida Comas, Miquel Santaló and others