11 research outputs found

    Дослідження та управління розподілом і заощадженням енергоресурсів у процесах рудопідготовки

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    Розглянуті проблеми сформованого використання паливно-енергетичних ресурсів, їх розподілення

    Investigation of the Process of Crushing Solid Materials in the Centrifugal Disintegrators

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    The paper represents the results of investigation of magnetite quartzite centrifugal disintegrators crushing. It is demonstrated that when crushing quartzites of ingoing size 100 mm, it is possible to obtain crushed product size – 10 mm, in so doing product classes – 10 mm depends on the disintegrator rotor rotation frequency. It is shown that in crushed products of the centrifugal disintegrator of CD-50 type there are more classes minus 10, 5, 1 and 0.074 mm by 30, 42, 32, 13,5 % respectively, than in crushed products of KMD-2200 cone-type crusher. Herewith, it was established that iron content in CD-50 crushed products is 3.3 % higher, that in KMD-2200 ones.The obtained empirical dependencies of material destruction process via stroke in the field of centrifugal forces can be applied in performance prediction of material centrifugal disintegrators crushing.The final formula for calculating the material escape speed out of the accelerated disintegrator rotor, which provides required destruction of material, was obtained by means of classical hypothesis method application. Namely, the required speed of material escape out of the operating cylinder of centrifugal disintegrator is linear to specified material reduction degree and value of admissible (critical) stress of the given material destruction, and inversely proportional to Sin of meeting angle of material with bumper plates and value of material acoustic stiffness.Carried out empirical and theoretical investigations showed the advantages of magnetite quartzite crushing in centrifugal disintegrator before comminution in cone crushers, which makes the use of disintegrators in schemes of preparation of ore for further concentration well-grounded


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    Викладено результати теоретичних та експериментальних дослі- джень дроблення природного будівельного каменю у відцентрово- ударній дробарці з одержанням кубовидного щебеню. Зокрема, на- ведений отриманий математичний вираз ступеня скорочення мате- ріалу при відповідному швидкісному режимі роботи відцентрового дезінтегратора. Рекомендовано широко використовувати дробарки відцентрово-ударного типу для виробництва високоякісного кубо- видного щебеню

    Search for naturally occurring seaborgium with radiopure 116CdWO4 crystal scintillators

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    A detector containing two radiopure 116CdWO4 crystal scintillators with total mass of 1.2 kg was operated during 35324 h at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory (INFN, Italy) with the main aim to investigate double beta decay of 116Cd. As a by-product of the experiment, a new upper limit on atomic abundance of hypothetical naturally occurring long-lived seaborgium (eka-tungsten, Z = 106) in tungsten was set at 5.1 10−15 atom(Sg)/atom(W) with 90% C.L. (assuming the Sg half-life of 109 yr) by the analysis of the alpha decay events. This limit is better than those obtained with a ZnWO4 scintillator and in other types of experiments which used the accelerator mass spectrometry or searched for spontaneous fission of superheavy elements

    Expression of certain molecular biological markers as a prognostic factor in leiomyosarcoma

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    У роботі стисло розглянуто біологічні особливості підтипу сарком, який спостерігається частіше за інші, а саме лейоміосаркому та частоту її рецидивування. У результатах власних досліджень розгорнуто наведено рівні молекулярно-біологічних маркерів Bcl 2, p53, Ki-67 та естроген/прогестерон рецепторів, зміни їх експресії та взаємозв’язок з рецидивуванням пухлини. Доведено прогностичну значущість Bcl 2 та прогестерон рецепторів. Зроблено висновок про перспективність застосування зазначених вище біологічних маркерів для покращення процесу прогнозування перебігу захворювання та визначення напрямків лікування. В работе кратко рассмотрены биологические особенности подтипа сарком, который наблюдается чаще других, а именно лейомиосаркомы и частота ее рецидивирования. В результатах собственных исследований развернуто представлены уровни молекулярно-биологических маркеров Bcl 2, p53, Ki-67 и эстроген/прогестерон рецепторов, изменения их экспрессии и взаимосвязь с рецидивированием опухоли. Доказано прогностическую значимость Bcl 2 и прогестерон рецепторов. Сделан вывод о перспективности применения указанных выше биологических маркеров для улучшения процесса прогнозирования течения заболевания и определения направлений лечения. The biological features and recurrence of leiomyosarcoma, a subtype of sarcoma, which is observed more often than others, are highlighted in this paper. We present detailed study of the levels of molecular biological markers Bcl 2, p53, Ki-67 and oestrogen / progesterone receptors, changes in their expression and interrelation with tumour recurrence. The prognostic significance of Bcl 2 and progesterone receptors has been proven. It has been concluded that the use of the biological markers mentioned above is promising to improve the prognosis of the course of the disease and help determine the proper approaches of the treatment

    Alpha backgrounds in the AMoRE-Pilot experiment

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    The Advanced Mo-based Rare process Experiment (AMoRE)-Pilot experiment is an initial phase of the AMoRE search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100 Mo, with the purpose of investigating the level and sources of backgrounds. Searches for neutrinoless double beta decay generally require ultimately low backgrounds. Surface α decays on the crystals themselves or nearby materials can deposit a continuum of energies that can be as high as the Q-value of the decay itself and may fall in the region of interest (ROI). To understand these background events, we studied backgrounds from radioactive contaminations internal to and on the surface of the crystals or nearby materials with Geant4-based Monte Carlo simulations. In this study, we report on the measured α energy spectra fitted with the corresponding simulated spectra for six crystal detectors, where sources of background contributions could be identified through high energy α peaks and continuum parts in the energy spectrum for both internal and surface contaminations. We determine the low-energy contributions from internal and surface α contaminations by extrapolating from the α background fitting model.This research was supported by: the Institute for Basic Science (Korea) under project code IBS-R016-D1 and IBS-R016-A2, the grant for the joint Korea-Ukraine project on AMoRE, and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (no. NRF-2018K1A3A1A13087769). This research was supported in part by the joint Ukraine-Republic of Korea R&D project “Properties of neutrino and weak interactions in double beta decay of 100 Mo”, F.A. Danevich, V.V. Kobychev, N.V. Sokur and V.I. Tretyak acknowledge the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (Grant no. 2020.02/0011). Members of NRNU MEPhI group acknowledge the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Project “Fundamental properties of elementary particles and cosmology” No 0723-2020-0041. V.D. Grigoryeva, E.P. Makarov, and V.N. Shlegel acknowledge the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation N121031700314-5. M. B. Sari gratefully acknowledges the support from Directorate General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia PMDSU scholarship

    Bibliography of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae)

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