263 research outputs found

    TYC 1031 01262 1: The First Known Galactic Eclipsing Binary with a Type II Cepheid Component

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    We present the discovery and CCD observations of the first eclipsing binary with a Type II Cepheid component in our Galaxy. The pulsation and orbital periods are found to be 4.1523 and 51.38 days, respectively, i.e. this variable is a system with the shortest orbital period among known Cepheid binaries. Pulsations dominate the brightness variations. The eclipses are assumed to be partial. The EB-subtype eclipsing light curve permits to believe that the binary's components are non-spherical.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, accepted to MNRAS Letter

    Two active states of the narrow-line gamma-ray-loud AGN GB 1310+487

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    Context. Previously unremarkable, the extragalactic radio source GB 1310+487 showed a γ-ray flare on 2009 November 18, reaching a daily flux of ~ 10^(-6) photons cm^(-2) s^(-1) at energies E> 100 MeV and became one of the brightest GeV sources for about two weeks. Its optical spectrum shows strong forbidden-line emission while lacking broad permitted lines, which is not typical for a blazar. Instead, the spectrum resembles those of narrow emission-line galaxies. Aims. We investigate changes in the object’s radio-to-GeV spectral energy distribution (SED) during and after the prominent γ-ray flare with the aim of determining the nature of the object and of constraining the origin of the variable high-energy emission. Methods. The data collected by the Fermi and AGILE satellites at γ-ray energies; Swift at X-ray and ultraviolet (UV); the Kanata, NOT, and Keck telescopes at optical; OAGH and WISE at infrared (IR); and IRAM 30 m, OVRO 40 m, Effelsberg 100 m, RATAN-600, and VLBA at radio are analyzed together to trace the SED evolution on timescales of months. Results. The γ-ray/radio-loud narrow-line active galactic nucleus (AGN) is located at redshift z = 0.638. It shines through an unrelated foreground galaxy at z = 0.500. The AGN light is probably amplified by gravitational lensing. The AGN SED shows a two-humped structure typical of blazars and γ-ray-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies, with the high-energy (inverse-Compton) emission dominating by more than an order of magnitude over the low-energy (synchrotron) emission during γ-ray flares. The difference between the two SED humps is smaller during the low-activity state. Fermi observations reveal a strong correlation between the γ-ray flux and spectral index, with the hardest spectrum observed during the brightest γ-ray state. The γ-ray flares occurred before and during a slow rising trend in the radio, but no direct association between γ-ray and radio flares could be established. Conclusions. If the γ-ray flux is a mixture of synchrotron self-Compton and external Compton emission, the observed GeV spectral variability may result from varying relative contributions of these two emission components. This explanation fits the observed changes in the overall IR to γ-ray SED

    Stimulated wave of polarization in spin chains

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    Stimulated wave of polarization, triggered by a flip of a single spin, presents a simple model of quantum amplification. Previously, it has been found that such wave can be excited in a 1D Ising chain with nearest-neighbor interactions, irradiated by a weak resonant transverse field. Here we explore models with more realistic Hamiltonians, in particular, with natural dipole-dipole interactions. Results of simulations for 1D spin chains and rings with up to nine spins are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Chandra X-ray Observations of the Two Brightest Unidentified High Galactic Latitude Fermi-LAT gamma-ray Sources

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    We present Chandra ACIS-I X-ray observations of 0FGL J1311.9-3419 and 0FGL J1653.4-0200, the two brightest high Galactic latitude (|b|>10 deg) gamma-ray sources from the 3 month Fermi-LAT bright source list that are still unidentified. Both were also detected previously by EGRET, and despite dedicated multi-wavelength follow-up, they are still not associated with established classes of gamma-ray emitters like pulsars or radio-loud active galactic nuclei. X-ray sources found in the ACIS-I fields of view are catalogued, and their basic properties are determined. These are discussed as candidate counterparts to 0FGL J1311.9-3419 and 0FGL J1653.4-0200, with particular emphasis on the brightest of the 9 and 13 Chandra sources detected within their respective Fermi-LAT 95% confidence regions. Further follow-up studies, including optical photometric and spectroscopic observations are necessary to identify these X-ray candidate counterparts in order to ultimately reveal the nature of these enigmatic gamma-ray objects.Comment: ApJ, accepted. 18 pages, 5 figure

    RadioAstron space VLBI imaging of polarized radio emission in the high-redshift quasar 0642+449 at 1.6 GHz

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    Polarization of radio emission in extragalactic jets at a sub-milliarcsecond angular resolution holds important clues for understanding the structure of the magnetic field in the inner regions of the jets and in close vicinity of the supermassive black holes in the centers of active galaxies. Space VLBI observations provide a unique tool for polarimetric imaging at a sub-milliarcsecond angular resolution and studying the properties of magnetic field in active galactic nuclei on scales of less than 10^4 gravitational radii. A space VLBI observation of high-redshift quasar TXS 0642+449 (OH 471), made at a wavelength of 18 cm (frequency of 1.6 GHz) as part of the Early Science Programme (ESP) of the RadioAstron} mission, is used here to test the polarimetric performance of the orbiting Space Radio Telescope (SRT) employed by the mission, to establish a methodology for making full Stokes polarimetry with space VLBI at 1.6 GHz, and to study the polarized emission in the target object on sub-milliarcsecond scales. Polarization leakage of the SRT at 18 cm is found to be within 9 percents in amplitude, demonstrating the feasibility of high fidelity polarization imaging with RadioAstron at this wavelength. A polarimetric image of 0642+449 with a resolution of 0.8 mas (signifying an ~4 times improvement over ground VLBI observations at the same wavelength) is obtained. The image shows a compact core-jet structure with low (~2%) polarization and predominantly transverse magnetic field in the nuclear region. The VLBI data also uncover a complex structure of the nuclear region, with two prominent features possibly corresponding to the jet base and a strong recollimation shock. The maximum brightness temperature at the jet base can be as high as 4*10^13 K.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 10 pages, 6 figure
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