55 research outputs found

    Hormonal panel of various breeds of cattle under the conditions of temperature stress

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    The article gives the data on the content of a number of steroid and thyroid hormones in the population of Tagil, Suksun and Holstein cattle under the conditions of increasing environmental temperature resulting in moderate stress reaction, as well as on the changes in endocrine system after temperature stress. Changes in function of vascular glands were found showing high resistance of Tagil cattle, moderate resistance of Suksun cattle and low resistance of Holstein cattle to temperature stress. The most significant changes were noted in thyroid panel of Tagil cattle that was shown by increasing synthesis of iodothyronine while environmental temperature changed from high to normal values (during post-stress period). The breeds with lower resistance had the signs of deterioration of adaption mechanism expressed in stronger unbalance reaction of hormonal axis

    Сфера безопасности: российский вектор стратегии социального развития

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    Сфера безопасности в статье представлена авторами как составная часть общественной жизни, как российский вектор стратегии социального развития, в которой формируются условия для наиболее эффективной защиты, реализации разнообразных интересов человека, общества и государства. В таком качестве сфера безопасности социума связана с основными сферами общественной жизни и потребностями различных субъектов, а также ответными действиями государства по защите национальных интересов. Security Sphere in the article the authors as part of public life and the Russian vector of social development strategy that creates the conditions for the most effective implementation of the protection of different human interests Institute, society and the state. In such a society as the sphere of security associated with the main spheres of social life and the needs of different stakeholders, as well as response actions of the state to protect national interests

    New quaternary ammonium camphor derivatives and their antiviral activity, genotoxic effects and cytotoxicity

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    The synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel series of dimeric camphor derivatives are described. The resulting compounds were studied for their antiviral activity, cyto- and genotoxicity. Compounds 3a and 3d in which the quaternary nitrogen atoms are separated by the C5H10 and C9H18 aliphatic chain, exhibited the highest efficiency as an agent inhibiting the reproduction of the influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09. The cytotoxicity data of compounds 3 and 4 revealed their moderate activity against malignant cell lines; compound 3f had the highest activity for the CEM-13 cells. These results show close agreement with the data of independent studies on toxicity of these compounds, in particular that the toxicity of compounds strongly depends on spacer length. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Camphor-based symmetric diimines as inhibitors of influenza virus reproduction

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    Influenza is a continuing world-wide public health problem that causes significant morbidity and mortality during seasonal epidemics and sporadic pandemics. The purpose of the study was synthesis and investigation of antiviral activity of camphor-based symmetric diimines and diamines. A set of C2-symmetric nitrogen-containing camphor derivatives have been synthesized. The antiviral activity of these compounds was studied against rimantadine- and amantadine-resistant influenza virus A/California/7/09 (H1N1)pdm09 in MDCK cells. The highest efficacy in virus inhibiting was shown for compounds 2a-e with cage moieties bound by aliphatic linkers. The therapeutic index (selectivity index) for 2b exceeded that for reference compounds amantadine, deitiforin and rimantadine almost 10-fold. As shown by structure-activity analysis, the length of the linker has a dramatic effect on the toxicity of compounds. Compound 2e with -C12H24- linker exhibited the lowest toxicity (CTD50 = 2216 μM). Derivatives of camphor, therefore, can be considered as prospective antiinfluenza compounds active against influenza viruses resistant to adamantane-based drugs. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    К вопросу о выстраивании профессиональной карьеры вузовского преподавателя в Российской Федерации

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    The problem of building a professional career of a University teacher in modern Russia is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that this problem is actively developed by supporters of the personal activity theory, which is currently the basis for planning the educational process in the substantive and methodological aspects. The basic concept of “education for career” is interpreted by the authors as a volume of knowledge, applied skills, cognitive activity scenarios, which is out-of-work in relation to the specialty and aimed at achieving high results in the profession (recognition by society, well-paid and socially significant positions) and obtaining positive emotions from their own work. In the study of support systems for career growth, the authors rely on the concept of the Russian professional education proposed by A. M. Novikov. Four main principles are taken into account: the humanization of education, its democratization and the emphasis on continuity and advance. The novelty of the research and its theoretical and practical significance lies in the allocation of three conditions for the career growth of a teacher of the University: the integration of pedagogical work into the system of life meanings and value hierarchy of the individual as their most important component; constant creative search, determined by the critical attitude to own professional level; readiness of a teacher to implement the activities of an innovative nature.Рассматривается проблема выстраивания профессиональной карьеры преподавателя вуза в современной России. Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, что данная проблематика активно разрабатывается сторонниками личностно-деятельностной теории, которая в настоящее время является основой проектирования учебно-воспитательного процесса в содержательном и методологическом аспектах. Базовое понятие «образование для карьеры» истолковывается авторами как внеситуативный по отношению к полученной специальности объем знаний, прикладных умений, сценариев когнитивной деятельности, нацеленных на достижение высоких результатов в профессии (признания социумом, хорошо оплачиваемых и социально значимых должностей) и получение положительных эмоций от собственного труда. При изучении системы поддержки карьерного роста авторы опираются на концепцию российского профессионального образования, предложенную А. М. Новиковым. Учитываются четыре главных принципа: придание образованию гуманистического характера, его демократизация, а также акцент на непрерывности и опережении. Новизна исследования и его теоретико-практическая значимость заключаются в выделении трех условий карьерного роста преподавателя вуза: интеграции педагогического труда в систему жизненных смыслов и ценностную иерархию личности в качестве их важнейшего компонента; постоянного творческого поиска, обусловленного критическим отношением к своему профессиональному уровню; готовности педагога к осуществлению деятельности инновационного характера

    The importance of rapid strep test for acute tonsillopharyngitis in children with pharyngeal deposits

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    S.A.&nbsp;Tsar’kova1, A.S.&nbsp;Sokolova2, V.P.&nbsp;Vavilova3 1Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation 2Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 11, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation 3Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation Aim: to assess the management of children with acute tonsillopharyngitis according to practice guidelines and the importance of rapid strep test. Patients and Methods: prospective non-interventional study was performed to analyze whether management strategy for children with pharyngeal deposits matches practice guidelines. Pediatricians were provided an opportunity to perform rapid strep test in children with pharyngeal deposits using Streptatest. Children older than 1 year who visited pediatrician or emergency unit or were admitted to hospital for pharyngeal deposits were enrolled in the study. Inclusion criteria was the possibility to follow-up a child till completing case of disease. Results: initial examination using rapid strep test was performed in 215 children. All children were diagnosed with moderate acute tonsillopharyngitis. The children were subdivided in two groups by age according to the management algorithm for children with pharyngeal deposits addressed in Federal practice guidelines of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, i.e., 2.3±0.7 years (n=45, 20.9%) and 8.5±4.1 years (n=170 , 79.1%). Streptococcal etiology was verified in 31 of 215 children (14.4%). In 8.9% of children under 3 years of age, acute tonsillopharyngitis was caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (group A strep). No pathognomonic signs of acute tonsillopharyngitis caused by group A strep were revealed. The use of Streptatest at early stages of etiological diagnostics reduced unreasonable prescription of antibiotics by 74%. Prevented economic damage associated with rapid strep test use to diagnose acute tonsillopharyngitis was estimated at 55,791 RUB. As a result, the costs of the treatment for one case of acute tonsillopharyngitis were reduced by 410 RUB. Conclusion: Streptatest reduces the percentage of unreasonable prescription of antibiotics for acute tonsillopharyngitis in children and prevents economic damage. Keywords: acute tonsillopharyngitis, group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, antibiotic, antibacterial therapy, resistance, Streptatest, rapid strep test, immunoassay. For citation: Tsar’kova S.A., Sokolova A.S., Vavilova V.P. The importance of rapid strep test for acute tonsillopharyngitis in children with pharyngeal deposits. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2020;3(2):112–118. DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2020-3-2-112-118. </p

    К вопросу о выстраивании профессиональной карьеры вузовского преподавателя в Российской Федерации

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    The problem of building a professional career of a University teacher in modern Russia is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that this problem is actively developed by supporters of the personal activity theory, which is currently the basis for planning the educational process in the substantive and methodological aspects. The basic concept of “education for career” is interpreted by the authors as a volume of knowledge, applied skills, cognitive activity scenarios, which is out-of-work in relation to the specialty and aimed at achieving high results in the profession (recognition by society, well-paid and socially significant positions) and obtaining positive emotions from their own work. In the study of support systems for career growth, the authors rely on the concept of the Russian professional education proposed by A. M. Novikov. Four main principles are taken into account: the humanization of education, its democratization and the emphasis on continuity and advance. The novelty of the research and its theoretical and practical significance lies in the allocation of three conditions for the career growth of a teacher of the University: the integration of pedagogical work into the system of life meanings and value hierarchy of the individual as their most important component; constant creative search, determined by the critical attitude to own professional level; readiness of a teacher to implement the activities of an innovative nature.Рассматривается проблема выстраивания профессиональной карьеры преподавателя вуза в современной России. Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, что данная проблематика активно разрабатывается сторонниками личностно-деятельностной теории, которая в настоящее время является основой проектирования учебно-воспитательного процесса в содержательном и методологическом аспектах. Базовое понятие «образование для карьеры» истолковывается авторами как внеситуативный по отношению к полученной специальности объем знаний, прикладных умений, сценариев когнитивной деятельности, нацеленных на достижение высоких результатов в профессии (признания социумом, хорошо оплачиваемых и социально значимых должностей) и получение положительных эмоций от собственного труда. При изучении системы поддержки карьерного роста авторы опираются на концепцию российского профессионального образования, предложенную А. М. Новиковым. Учитываются четыре главных принципа: придание образованию гуманистического характера, его демократизация, а также акцент на непрерывности и опережении. Новизна исследования и его теоретико-практическая значимость заключаются в выделении трех условий карьерного роста преподавателя вуза: интеграции педагогического труда в систему жизненных смыслов и ценностную иерархию личности в качестве их важнейшего компонента; постоянного творческого поиска, обусловленного критическим отношением к своему профессиональному уровню; готовности педагога к осуществлению деятельности инновационного характера


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    The 2030 agenda for sustainable development defines implementing the principles of sustainable development at all levels of education. The article analyzes a number of foreign publications in the field of higher education for sustainable development (2018-2020). The main methodological approaches, pedagogical models and practical initiatives in this direction are considered.Повестка дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 г. определяет необходимость внедрения принципов устойчивого развития на всех уровнях образования. В статье проанализирован ряд зарубежных публикаций в области высшего образования для устойчивого развития (2018-2020 гг.). Рассмотрены основные методологические подходы, педагогические модели и практические инициативы в данном направлении

    From the System of Work of a School Principal to Creation of a Pedagogical System

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    The paper deals with certain aspects of the system of work of a school principal of the worldwide known Pavlysh school that became the basis of a wholesome pedagogical system created by a prominent educator V.O. Sukhomlynsky. The key terms of the efficiency of this pedagogical system were the conditions that ensured high productivity of the educational process, the developed methods of various analyses of the school life, positive practice of long-term planning of the educational institution functioning, the trouble-shooting and functional approach in school management, clear signs of a united teaching staff and the model of formation of such staff, common values and standards adopted by all the subjects of school life etc

    Are institutions a driver or an obstacle to development of local currency corporate bond markets?

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    We analyze institutional determinants of the development of local currency (LCY) corporate bond markets in the period from 2010 to 2016. We consider a wide range of indicators of the quality of institutional environment: the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom, the Worldwide governance indicators, the World Economic Forum’s indicators of corporate culture, development and regulation of financial markets. Unlike most previous studies, we test not only static regression models (multifactor linear regressions), but also dynamic models based on the generalized method of moments, which allows to solve the problem of endogeneity of variables. The results show that low quality of institutional environment, macroeconomic and financial instability stimulate growth of the share of LCY corporate bonds in the total issuance volume. In the periods of instability LCY corporate bonds become less attractive for foreign investors, and issuers are forced to raise capital in the domestic market. The most significant factors in both static and dynamic model specifications are the World Bank’s indicators of regulatory quality and rule of law. A decline in sovereign credit ratings also gives impetus to the development of LCY corporate bond markets. An original result is that more developed stock markets suppress the growth of LCY corporate bond markets: equity and corporate bonds are competing financing sources for companies from developing countries. A developed banking sector contributes to the growth of the LCY corporate bond market: banks act as dealers and market makers. Devaluation of the national currency has a significant positive influence on the explained variable. © 2017 International Business Information Management Association IBIMA. All Rights Reserved