1,023 research outputs found

    Optimization of the subject matter of profile training disciplines for bachelors' vocational education on the basis of occupational standards

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    Applicability of the issue under study is conditioned by the need in development of principal educational programs by higher education institutions with accounting for requirements of appropriate occupational standards and necessity in reviewing of the requirements of occupational standards and reflecting them within the scope of competences formed. The paper is aimed at substantiation of the subject matter of profile training disciplines for vocational education of bachelors within the context of competence and process approaches and with accounting for occupational standards. The leading method of study of this issue is modeling which allows considering the issue under study as a process of recognized accounting of requirements of appropriate occupational standards wherein employers' opinions are fixed in the regulatory mode. The structural-functional model of selection of the subject matter of profile disciplines for the training program is developed; the following algorithms are developed: 1) of analysis of occupational standards; 2) of comparing of occupational standards with curriculum disciplines; 3) of analysis of the subject matter of labour functions, labour actions, knowledge and skills when developing working programs and assessment resources funds; the model has been successfully tested on the example of profile training of vocational education bachelors. The paper presents the structure-functional model of selection of the subject matter of profile disciplines of the educational program with taking into account of occupational standards requirements which define competences acquired by a graduate, i.e. his/her ability to use knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the occupational activity; the process approach to implementation of this model is applied. © Authors


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    В статье рассматривается особенность отбора материала для разработки учебно-методических комплексов дисциплин с учетом результатов анкетирования работодателейThe article discusses the peculiarities of the selection of material for the development of educational methodical complexes of disciplines based on the results of the survey of employer

    The experience of organizing and conducting internships at the enterprises of chtpz-group

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    The article describes the activities for the selection of potential interns and organization of internships. The main results of work with trainees from the perspective of their employment are givenОписываются мероприятия по отбору потенциальных стажеров и организации стажировок. Приводятся основные результаты работы со стажерами с позиций их трудоустройств

    Psychological and pedagogical support for the social workers professional development

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    The effectiveness of psychological andpedagogical support is determined by the following factors: self-determination and voluntary participation; activating education results; taking into account and developing social workers’ educational needs; the use of the dichotomic and humanistic approaches; social workers’ selfdetermination; interactive mode of cooperation, democratic style of communicatio

    Algorithmic approach based on logical qualifiers of subcontractors during creation of large machine-building complexes

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    The currently stepped price competition stage, in other words, the quality of competition is defined by whether the quality of engineering products depends both on the assembly and on those parts of the product, which is going. The suggested information-analytical tender system, including remote maintenance, connects with the help of web technologies the enterprise financial structure of the workstations operators and authorized persons of contractors located in different geographical areas of the world to form an effective infrastructure for the production, including the incorporation of Russian and foreign small and medium-sized businesses in the technological chain of transnational corporations

    Horse tourism and features of its organization

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    The article provides material on the organization and characteristics of equestrian tourism. The popularity of equestrian tourism is now growing rapidly throughout the world. Everywhere, campsites are built to service riders, horse-riding routes are laid. Equestrian tourism squeezes into the background many traditional types of travel. Considering the huge interest shown to equestrian tourism by various strata of the population in many countries of the world, the International Equestrian Federation has paid serious attention to this issue in recent years. Within the framework of the Federation, a special commission has been set up under the supervision of the Italian professor Vittorio de Sanctis, who has begun working out rules for conducting international horse-riding tours, hikes and runs. Horse tourism is an integral part of eco-tourism. For the organization of equestrian tourism, a proper base is needed, horses are properly trained for horse riding and saddlery, a school of instructors and methods for training tourists to care for horses and handling them, arranging training for hikers, working out routes with halts, and preparing feed for horses. Equestrian tourism in Ukraine is developing, winning more and more supporters. This type of active tourism enjoys well-deserved popularity among horseback riding enthusiasts of natural, ethnic, historical, extreme, pilgrimage, hunting, fishing, and mountain destinations. Equestrian tourism is an attractive way of spending time and studying from inside the life of the inhabitants of the country. Any rest on horses is interesting and fascinating, and everyone can take with them a positive impression. In addition, the horse is a unique live simulator. It is thanks to this ability that a method of medical riding, or hippotherapy, has emerged, which has become one of the effective ways to rehabilitate the disabled.У статті подається матеріал щодо організації та особливостей кінного туризму. Популярність кінного туризму зараз стрімко зростає в усьому світі. Усюди будуються кемпінги для обслуговування вершників, прокладаються кінно-туристські маршрути. З огляду на величезний інтерес, що проявляється до кінного туризму з боку різних верств населення в багатьох країнах світу, Міжнародна федерація кінного спорту в останні роки приділяє цьому питанню величезну увагу. У рамках федерації створена спеціальна комісія під наглядом італійського професора Вітторіо де Санктіса, яка приступила до розробки правил проведення інтернаціональних кінно-туристських подорожей, походів і пробігів. Кінний туризм – невід’ємна частина екологічного туризму. Для організації кінного туризму необхідна належна база, власне навчені для верхової їзди коні і шорне спорядження, школа інструкторів і методи навчання туристів догляду за кіньми і поводження з ними, організація навчання туристів верховій їзди, відпрацювання маршрутів з привалами, заготівля корму для коней. Кінний туризм в Україні розвивається, завойовує все більше прихильників. Цей вид активного туризму користується заслуженою популярністю у любителів кінних прогулянок природничого, етнічного, історичного, екстремального, паломницького, мисливського, рибальського, гірського напрямків. Кінний туризм – це привабливий спосіб проведення часу та вивчення зсередини життя мешканців країни. Будь-який відпочинок на конях є цікавим і захоплюючим, і кожен зможе повезти з собою позитивне враження. Окрім того, кінь – це унікальний живий тренажер. Саме завдяки цій його здатності виник метод лікувальної верхової їзди, або іпотерапії, який став одним з ефективних способів реабілітації інвалідів

    The earliest spectroscopy of the GRB 030329 afterglow with 6-m telescope

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    The earliest BTA (SAO RAS 6-m telescope) spectroscopic observations of the GRB 030329 optical transient (OT) are presented, which almost coincide in time with the "first break" (t0.5t\sim 0.5 day after the GRB) of the OT light curve. The beginning of spectral changes are seen as early as 1012\sim 10-12 hours after the GRB. So, the onset of the spectral changes for t<1t<1 day indicates that the contribution from Type Ic supernova (SN) into the OT optical flux can be detected earlier. The properties of early spectra of GRB 030329/SN 2003dh can be consistent with a shock moving into a stellar wind formed from the pre-SN. Such a behavior (similar to that near the UV shock breakout in SNe) can be explained by the existence of a dense matter in the immediate surroundings of massive stellar GRB/SN progenitor). The urgency is emphasized of observation of early GRB/SN spectra for solving a question that is essential for understanding GRB physical mechanism: {\it Do all} long-duration gamma-ray bursts are caused by (or physically connected to) {\it ordinary} core-collapse supernovae? If clear association of normal/ordinary core-collapse SNe (SN Ib/c, and others SN types) and GRBs would be revealed in numbers of cases, we may have strong observational limits for gamma-ray beaming and for real energetics of the GRB sources.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop "Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era", Roma, 2004 October 18-22, eds. L. Piro, L. Amati, S. Covino, and B. Gendre. Il Nuovo Cimento, in pres

    Verification of Management Support of Professional and Educational Trajectory of Students in Terms of Socio-Cultural Educational Environment of University

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    The verification of management support of professional and educational trajectory of students in terms of socio-cultural educational environment of the university is considered. The research urgency is caused by the transition to the educational standards of the third generation, which offer students and teachers new opportunities. The teachers face the challenge not only of transferring knowledge and skills to students, but also the formation of future graduate’s personality, capable of professional development. The article analyses the conditions for the maintenance of professional and educational trajectory of students at the university. Professional motives and commitment to professional development of students, the level of professional knowledge, commitment to their completion and perfection during the period of professionalization of personality are commented. Formed abilities and skills, professional experience are represented as a set of indicators of quality of professional and personal development of students. The authors hold the view that in practice of higher education institutions the teaching staff faces the task of the organization and ensuring educational process with the guarantee of student’s transition to higher levels of professional and personal development. It is proved that the requirements of vocational and educational trajectory allows to approximate the educational process to the needs of students, to form their professional and educational development in the conditions of the university, to prepare for practice

    Observation of time quasicrystal and its transition to superfluid time crystal

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    We report experimental realization of a quantum time quasicrystal, and its transformation to a quantum time crystal. We study Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons, associated with coherent spin precession, created in a flexible trap in superfluid 3^3He-B. Under a periodic drive with an oscillating magnetic field, the coherent spin precession is stabilized at a frequency smaller than that of the drive, demonstrating spontaneous breaking of discrete time translation symmetry. The induced precession frequency is incommensurate with the drive, and hence the obtained state is a time quasicrystal. When the drive is turned off, the self-sustained coherent precession lives a macroscopically-long time, now representing a time crystal with broken symmetry with respect to continuous time translations. Additionally, the magnon condensate manifests spin superfluidity, justifying calling the obtained state a time supersolid or a time super-crystal