30 research outputs found

    Learning Continually Under Changing Data Distributions

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    SpaceNet: Make Free Space For Continual Learning

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    The continual learning (CL) paradigm aims to enable neural networks to learn tasks continually in a sequential fashion. The fundamental challenge in this learning paradigm is catastrophic forgetting previously learned tasks when the model is optimized for a new task, especially when their data is not accessible. Current architectural-based methods aim at alleviating the catastrophic forgetting problem but at the expense of expanding the capacity of the model. Regularization-based methods maintain a fixed model capacity; however, previous studies showed the huge performance degradation of these methods when the task identity is not available during inference (e.g. class incremental learning scenario). In this work, we propose a novel architectural-based method referred as SpaceNet for class incremental learning scenario where we utilize the available fixed capacity of the model intelligently. SpaceNet trains sparse deep neural networks from scratch in an adaptive way that compresses the sparse connections of each task in a compact number of neurons. The adaptive training of the sparse connections results in sparse representations that reduce the interference between the tasks. Experimental results show the robustness of our proposed method against catastrophic forgetting old tasks and the efficiency of SpaceNet in utilizing the available capacity of the model, leaving space for more tasks to be learned. In particular, when SpaceNet is tested on the well-known benchmarks for CL: split MNIST, split Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10/100, it outperforms regularization-based methods by a big performance gap. Moreover, it achieves better performance than architectural-based methods without model expansion and achieved comparable results with rehearsal-based methods, while offering a huge memory reduction.Comment: Accepted in Neurocomputing Journa

    Self-Attention Meta-Learner for Continual Learning

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    Continual learning aims to provide intelligent agents capable of learning multiple tasks sequentially with neural networks. One of its main challenging, catastrophic forgetting, is caused by the neural networks non-optimal ability to learn in non-stationary distributions. In most settings of the current approaches, the agent starts from randomly initialized parameters and is optimized to master the current task regardless of the usefulness of the learned representation for future tasks. Moreover, each of the future tasks uses all the previously learned knowledge although parts of this knowledge might not be helpful for its learning. These cause interference among tasks, especially when the data of previous tasks is not accessible. In this paper, we propose a new method, named Self-Attention Meta-Learner (SAM), which learns a prior knowledge for continual learning that permits learning a sequence of tasks, while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. SAM incorporates an attention mechanism that learns to select the particular relevant representation for each future task. Each task builds a specific representation branch on top of the selected knowledge, avoiding the interference between tasks. We evaluate the proposed method on the Split CIFAR-10/100 and Split MNIST benchmarks in the task agnostic inference. We empirically show that we can achieve a better performance than several state-of-the-art methods for continual learning by building on the top of selected representation learned by SAM. We also show the role of the meta-attention mechanism in boosting informative features corresponding to the input data and identifying the correct target in the task agnostic inference. Finally, we demonstrate that popular existing continual learning methods gain a performance boost when they adopt SAM as a starting point

    Avoiding Forgetting and Allowing Forward Transfer in Continual Learning via Sparse Networks

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    Using task-specific components within a neural network in continual learning (CL) is a compelling strategy to address the stability-plasticity dilemma in fixed-capacity models without access to past data. Current methods focus only on selecting a sub-network for a new task that reduces forgetting of past tasks. However, this selection could limit the forward transfer of relevant past knowledge that helps in future learning. Our study reveals that satisfying both objectives jointly is more challenging when a unified classifier is used for all classes of seen tasks-class-Incremental Learning (class-IL)-as it is prone to ambiguities between classes across tasks. Moreover, the challenge increases when the semantic similarity of classes across tasks increases. To address this challenge, we propose a new CL method, named AFAF, that aims to Avoid Forgetting and Allow Forward transfer in class-IL using fix-capacity models. AFAF allocates a sub-network that enables selective transfer of relevant knowledge to a new task while preserving past knowledge, reusing some of the previously allocated components to utilize the fixed-capacity, and addressing class-ambiguities when similarities exist. The experiments show the effectiveness of AFAF in providing models with multiple CL desirable properties, while outperforming state-of-the-art methods on various challenging benchmarks with different semantic similarities.Comment: Accepted at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2022

    The Dormant Neuron Phenomenon in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In this work we identify the dormant neuron phenomenon in deep reinforcement learning, where an agent's network suffers from an increasing number of inactive neurons, thereby affecting network expressivity. We demonstrate the presence of this phenomenon across a variety of algorithms and environments, and highlight its effect on learning. To address this issue, we propose a simple and effective method (ReDo) that Recycles Dormant neurons throughout training. Our experiments demonstrate that ReDo maintains the expressive power of networks by reducing the number of dormant neurons and results in improved performance.Comment: Oral at ICML 202

    Continual Learning with Dynamic Sparse Training: Exploring Algorithms for Effective Model Updates

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    Continual learning (CL) refers to the ability of an intelligent system to sequentially acquire and retain knowledge from a stream of data with as little computational overhead as possible. To this end; regularization, replay, architecture, and parameter isolation approaches were introduced to the literature. Parameter isolation using a sparse network which enables to allocate distinct parts of the neural network to different tasks and also allows to share of parameters between tasks if they are similar. Dynamic Sparse Training (DST) is a prominent way to find these sparse networks and isolate them for each task. This paper is the first empirical study investigating the effect of different DST components under the CL paradigm to fill a critical research gap and shed light on the optimal configuration of DST for CL if it exists. Therefore, we perform a comprehensive study in which we investigate various DST components to find the best topology per task on well-known CIFAR100 and miniImageNet benchmarks in a task-incremental CL setup since our primary focus is to evaluate the performance of various DST criteria, rather than the process of mask selection. We found that, at a low sparsity level, Erdos-Renyi Kernel (ERK) initialization utilizes the backbone more efficiently and allows to effectively learn increments of tasks. At a high sparsity level, however, uniform initialization demonstrates more reliable and robust performance. In terms of growth strategy; performance is dependent on the defined initialization strategy, and the extent of sparsity. Finally, adaptivity within DST components is a promising way for better continual learners

    Automatic Noise Filtering with Dynamic Sparse Training in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Tomorrow's robots will need to distinguish useful information from noise when performing different tasks. A household robot for instance may continuously receive a plethora of information about the home, but needs to focus on just a small subset to successfully execute its current chore. Filtering distracting inputs that contain irrelevant data has received little attention in the reinforcement learning literature. To start resolving this, we formulate a problem setting in reinforcement learning called the extremely noisy environment\textit{extremely noisy environment} (ENE), where up to 99%99\% of the input features are pure noise. Agents need to detect which features provide task-relevant information about the state of the environment. Consequently, we propose a new method termed Automatic Noise Filtering\textit{Automatic Noise Filtering} (ANF), which uses the principles of dynamic sparse training in synergy with various deep reinforcement learning algorithms. The sparse input layer learns to focus its connectivity on task-relevant features, such that ANF-SAC and ANF-TD3 outperform standard SAC and TD3 by a large margin, while using up to 95%95\% fewer weights. Furthermore, we devise a transfer learning setting for ENEs, by permuting all features of the environment after 1M timesteps to simulate the fact that other information sources can become relevant as the world evolves. Again, ANF surpasses the baselines in final performance and sample complexity. Our code is available at https://github.com/bramgrooten/automatic-noise-filterin

    Quick and Robust Feature Selection: the Strength of Energy-efficient Sparse Training for Autoencoders

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    Major complications arise from the recent increase in the amount of high-dimensional data, including high computational costs and memory requirements. Feature selection, which identifies the most relevant and informative attributes of a dataset, has been introduced as a solution to this problem. Most of the existing feature selection methods are computationally inefficient; inefficient algorithms lead to high energy consumption, which is not desirable for devices with limited computational and energy resources. In this paper, a novel and flexible method for unsupervised feature selection is proposed. This method, named QuickSelection, introduces the strength of the neuron in sparse neural networks as a criterion to measure the feature importance. This criterion, blended with sparsely connected denoising autoencoders trained with the sparse evolutionary training procedure, derives the importance of all input features simultaneously. We implement QuickSelection in a purely sparse manner as opposed to the typical approach of using a binary mask over connections to simulate sparsity. It results in a considerable speed increase and memory reduction. When tested on several benchmark datasets, including five low-dimensional and three high-dimensional datasets, the proposed method is able to achieve the best trade-off of classification and clustering accuracy, running time, and maximum memory usage, among widely used approaches for feature selection. Besides, our proposed method requires the least amount of energy among the state-of-the-art autoencoder-based feature selection methods.Comment: 29 page