775 research outputs found

    Genetic uniqueness and socio-cultural conservation values of the endangered Yakutian Cattle

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    At the local level the values of the cattle were more related to everyday livelihood strategies of single households and families, whereas the representatives of the republic, in line with the newspapers, highlighted the importance of the cattle for Sakha's food production and for national identity. Thus, individuals at different levels were in favour of conserving the cattle, but for different reasons. The local residents and experts were more concerned about developing economically sustainable cattle production, whereas the experts in Yakutsk were concerned about the conservation of genetic resources. The genetic studies have indicated that Yakutian Cattle show genetic distinctiveness and have genetic value for the maintenance of cattle diversity

    Sustainability assessment of high voltage transmission lines

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    This work aims to contribute to the proposal of a multi-criteria based methodology for sustainability evaluation of impacts from high voltage transmission lines integrating indicators reflecting environmental and socio-economic criteria. The proposed methodology was applied to a transmission grid project in Manaus/Amazonas, Brazil, evaluating its sustainability. From the analysis, it can be observed that the implementation of the project tends to have a significant impact during the construction phase. The most important indexes come from the environmental dimension resulting from a proximity to environmental protected areas and reduction of vegetation both during implementation and operation phases, which is particularly important for the case of Amazonia forest. As for the socio-economic index, this reflects an optimistic expectation of the population towards the arrival of electricity to communities that can lead to the creation of more jobs and improvement of cities infrastructures along with the low expected impact on local protected communities, given the previous studies addressing these concerns during the design phase. Based on the results achieved, avenues for future research are proposed.This work is financed by the ERDF – European Regional Development Fund through the Oper ational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation COMPETE 2020 Programme, and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project SAICTPAC/0004/2015-POCI/01/0145/FEDER/016434.as well as by the ALGORITMI research Centre POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Manganese superoxide dismutase as a diagnostic marker for malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Although several immunohistochemical markers are available, differential diagnosis between mesothelioma and metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pleura is difficult. We have found that the immunoreactivity of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), an important antioxidant enzyme, is high in mesothelioma compared to healthy pleural mesothelium. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether MnSOD can be used in the differential diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma and metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pleura. MnSOD expression was assessed by using immunohistochemistry in biopsies of malignant mesothelioma (n = 35) and metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pleura (n = 21). MnSOD immunoreactivity was assessed semiquantitatively with and without microwave pretreatment. Fifteen of the 35 malignant mesotheliomas showed moderate or strong MnSOD expression without and 23 with microwave pretreatment, the corresponding figures for metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pleura being 1 and 2 out of 21 (P = 0.002 and P< 0.001, respectively by Fisher's exact test). Only mesothelioma biopsies showed strong MnSOD reactivity, and it was never negative in mesothelioma, whereas one-third of the adenocarcinomas showed no MnSOD reactivity. In conclusion, MnSOD immunoreactivity can, combined with other markers, aid the differential diagnosis between malignant mesothelioma and metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pleura. © 2000Cancer Research Campaig

    Upper-flow regime bedforms in a subglacial triangular-shaped landform (murtoo), Late Pleistocene, SW Finland: Implications for flow dynamics and sediment transport in (semi-)distributed subglacial meltwater drainage systems

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    We know less about subglacial meltwater flow properties in distributed inefficient and semi-efficient systems in comparison to those of ice marginal eskers and proglacial environments. While previous studies have indicated the overall common presence of upper-flow-regime (UFR) bedforms in glacigenic settings, facies expressions of subglacial meltwater flows remain poorly documented. Three ca. 3 m deep and up to 70 m long trenches excavated across a triangle-shaped subglacial landform called a murtoo in a Lateglacial to Holocene meltwater route in SW Finland provide a detailed window into sedimentary structures presumably formed ca. 40–50 km away from the coeval subaqueous margin of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS). The aim of this paper is to document small-scale bedforms, which formed subglacially by meltwater flow and to characterize the proximal and central parts of the studied murtoo during its early evolutionary phase. We defined seven main facies types that characterize the depositional processes of the unit. Overall, the studied deposits reflect increasing meltwater delivery through time and are characterized by abrupt lateral changes in sedimentary structures and grain size. While the initial deposits are dominated by massive and horizontally laminated silt with sand lenses interpreted as lower-flow-regime deposits, the latter sediments are characterized by sinusoidal stratification, sigmoidal cross-stratification and scours with backsets or chaotic fill interpreted as deposits of antidunes, humpback dunes, chutes-and-pools and cyclic steps of the upper-flow regime. The upper-flow-regime bedforms developed on a 1 m high and 15 m long bed slope and are associated with the formation of a short-lived enlarged water-filled cavity or pond, where supercritical density flows allowed for the deposition of upper-flow regime bedforms. The final coarse-grained murtoo head-bar development, characterized by planar-cross stratified gravel and pebbly sand, indicates avalanche processes that were controlled by grain size. Our results confirm that the core of the murtoo is depositional and meltwater processes played a key role in its deposition. Despite the subglacial setting with a subaqueous ice-sheet margin, the meltwater flow was not permanently characterized by pipe-flow conditions. Overall, the findings contribute to the understanding of semi-distributed subglacial meltwater systems during the retreat of a continental ice sheet (FIS) in a rapidly warming climate

    Burden of Oral Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life in Long-Term Care Settings in Helsinki, Finland

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    Objectives Poor oral health may complicate eating and deteriorate nutritional status. However, little is known about how the burden of oral symptoms (OS) is associated with the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of vulnerable older people in institutional settings. This study explores how the burden of certain OS (chewing problems, swallowing difficulties, dry mouth) is associated with functioning, morbidity, nutritional status and eating habits. It also examines the association between the OS burden and HRQoL. Design A cross-sectional study in 2017. Setting All long-term care wards in Helsinki, Finland. Participants 2401 older residents (74% females, mean age 83.9). Measurements Nurses assessed the residents and completed questionnaires on the participants' demographics, functional status, diagnoses, OS and eating habits. Nutritional status was assessed using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and HRQoL with a 15-dimensional instrument (15D). Results Of the residents, 25.4% had one OS and 16.6% two or three OS. OS burden was associated linearly with poorer cognitive and physical functioning and a higher number of comorbidities, edentulousness without dentures, and less frequent teeth brushing/denture cleaning. OS burden was also associated with malnutrition, lower BMI and eating less during main meals. In the multivariate analyses adjusted for various confounding factors, a higher number of OS was associated with lower HRQoL. OS burden correlated with nearly all dimensions of HRQoL. Conclusion Oral symptoms are associated with generic HRQoL. Therefore, OS should be regularly assessed and managed in daily care.Peer reviewe

    Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in healthy pleura and in malignant mesothelioma

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    In this study we investigated the immunohistochemical expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in a set of normal pleural mesothelial tissues, malignant mesotheliomas, mesothelioma cell lines and metastatic pleural adenocarcinomas. Furthermore, the expression of mRNA was assessed in four malignant mesothelioma cell lines in culture. Apoptosis and vascular density in malignant mesotheliomas was assessed by the TUNEL method and by immunohistochemistry with an antibody against FVIII-related antigen. Immunohistochemically mesothelial cells in non-neoplastic healthy pleural tissues were mostly negative for iNOS. Positivity for iNOS was observed in 28/38 (74%) and 24/25 (96%) of malignant mesotheliomas and metastatic pleural adenocarcinomas, respectively. Epithelial and mixed mesotheliomas expressed more often strong iNOS immunoreactivity compared to the sarcomatoid subtype (P = 0.023). Moreover, metastatic adenocarcinomas expressed more often iNOS positivity than mesotheliomas (P = 0.021). Experiments with the cell lines confirmed that malignant mesothelioma cells are capable of synthesizing iNOS. No significant association was found between iNOS expression and apoptosis or vascular density in malignant mesotheliomas. The higher expression of iNOS in the epithelial subtype of mesothelioma and pleural metastatic adenocarcinoma might be due to an increased sensitivity of these cell types to cytokine-mediated iNOS upregulation. The strong expression of iNOS suggests a putative role for NO in the growth and progression of these tumours. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig
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