993 research outputs found

    The Volunteer in the Writing Workshop

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    Infrared properties of serendipitous X-ray quasars

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    Near infrared measurements were obtained of 30 quasars originally found serendipitously as X-ray sources in fields of other objects. The observations show that the infrared characteristics of these quasars do not differ significantly from those of quasars selected by other criteria. Because this X-ray selected sample is subject to different selection biases than previous radio and optical surveys, this conclusion is useful in validating previous inferences regarding the infrared colors of 'typical' quasars

    Infrared astronomy research and high altitude observations

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    Highlights are presented of studies of the emission mechanisms in the 4 to 8 micron region of the spectrum using a circular variable filter wheel spectrometer with a PbSnTe photovoltaic detector. Investigations covered include the spectroscopy of planets, stellar atmospheres, highly obscured objects in molecular clouds, planetary nebulae, H2 regions, and extragalactic objects

    Interferometric CO observations of the ultraluminous IRAS galaxies ARP 220, IC 694/NGC 3690, NGC 6420 and NGC 7469

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    High resolution CO observations of the IRAS galaxies Arp 220, IC 694/NGC 3690, NGC 6240 and NGC 7469 were made with the Millimeter Wave Interferometer of the Owen Valley Radio Observatory. These yield spatial information on scales of 1 to 5 kpc and allow the separation of compact condensations from the more extended emission in the galaxies. In the case of the obviously interacting system IC 694/NGC 3690 the contributions of each component can be discerned. For that galaxy, and also for Arp 220, the unusually high lumonisities may be produced by nonthermal processes rather than by intense bursts of star formation

    Black hole in the West Nucleus of Arp 220

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    We present new observations with the IRAM Interferometer, in its longest-baseline configuration, of the CO(2-1) line and the 1.3mm dust radiation from the Arp 220 nuclear region. The dust source in the West nucleus has a size of 0.19 x 0.13 arcsec and a 1.3mm brightness temperature of 90K. This implies that the dust ring in the West nucleus has a high opacity, with tau = 1 at 1.1mm. Not only is the dust ring itself optically thick in the submm and far-IR, but it is surrounded by the previously-known, rapidly rotating molecular disk of size 0.5 arcsec that is also optically thick in the mid-IR. The molecular ring is cooler than the hot dust disk because the CO(2-1) line is seen in absorption against the dust disk. The dust ring is massive (1E9 solar masses), compact (radius 35pc), and hot (true dust temperature 170K). It resembles rather strikingly the dust ring detected around the quasar APM 08279+52, and is most unlike the warm, extended dust sources in starburst galaxies. Because there is a strong temperature gradient from the hot dust ring to the cooler molecular disk, the heating must come from a concentrated source, an AGN accretion disk that is completely invisible at optical wavelengths, and heavily obscured in hard X-rays.Comment: Reference list updated for 2007 publications; estimated position errors increase

    Near Infrared Imaging of the Hubble Deep Field with The Keck Telescope

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    Two deep K-band (2.2μm2.2 \mu m) images, with point-source detection limits of K=25.2K=25.2 mag (one sigma), taken with the Keck Telescope in subfields of the Hubble Deep Field, are presented and analyzed. A sample of objects to K=24 mag is constructed and V606−I814V_{606}-I_{814} and I814−KI_{814}-K colors are measured. By stacking visually selected objects, mean I814−KI_{814}-K colors can be measured to very faint levels; the mean I814−KI_{814}-K color is constant with apparent magnitude down to V606=28V_{606}=28 mag.Comment: Replaced with slightly revised source positions and corrected V-I magnitudes (which were incorrect in the Tables and Figure 5). 18 pages. The data are publicly available at http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~btsoifer/hdf.html along with a high-resolution version of Fig.

    The IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS)

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    IRAS flux densities, redshifts, and infrared luminosities are reported for all sources identified in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS), a complete flux-limited survey of all extragalactic objects with total 60 micron flux density greater than 5.24 Jy, covering the entire sky surveyed by IRAS at Galactic latitude |b| > 5 degrees. The RBGS includes 629 objects, with a median (mean) sample redshift of 0.0082 (0.0126) and a maximum redshift of 0.0876. The RBGS supersedes the previous two-part IRAS Bright Galaxy Samples, which were compiled before the final ("Pass 3") calibration of the IRAS Level 1 Archive in May 1990. The RBGS also makes use of more accurate and consistent automated methods to measure the flux of objects with extended emission. Basic properties of the RBGS sources are summarized, including estimated total infrared luminosities, as well as updates to cross-identifications with sources from optical galaxy catalogs established using the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED). In addition, an atlas of images from the Digitized Sky Survey with overlays of the IRAS position uncertainty ellipse and annotated scale bars is provided for ease in visualizing the optical morphology in context with the angular and metric size of each object. The revised bolometric infrared luminosity function, phi(L_ir), for infrared bright galaxies in the local Universe remains best fit by a double power law, phi(L_ir) ~ L_ir^alpha, with alpha = -0.6 (+/- 0.1), and alpha = -2.2 (+/- 0.1) below and above the "characteristic" infrared luminosity L_ir ~ 10^{10.5} L_solar, respectively. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Contains 50 pages, 7 tables, 16 figures. Due to astro-ph space limits, only 1 of 26 pages of Figure 1, and 1 of 11 pages of Table 7, are included; full resolution Postscript files are available at http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/March03/IRAS_RBGS/Figures/ . Replacement: Corrected insertion of Fig. 15 (MethodCodes.ps) in LaTe

    The Nature of the Compact/Symmetric Near-IR Continuum Source in 4C 40.36

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    Using NICMOS on HST, we have imaged the emission-line nebulae and the line-free continuum in 4C 40.36, a ultra-steep spectrum FR II radio galaxy at z=2.269. The line-free continuum was found to be extremely compact and symmetric while the emission-line nebulae seen in H-alpha+[N II] show very clumpy structures spreading almost linearly over 16 kpc. However, this linear structure is clearly misaligned from the radio axis. The SED of the line-free continuum is very flat, suggesting that if the continuum emission is produced by a single source, it is likely to be a young bursting stellar population or scattered AGN light. However, because of the lack of a line-free optical image with a comparable spatial resolution, we cannot exclude the possibility that the observed SED is a composite of a young blue population and an old red population.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in the proceedings of "The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift", eds. A.J.Bunker and W. J. M. van Breuge
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