92 research outputs found

    Investigation of Gravity Drainage in Fractured Porous Media

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    The oil production from well fractured carbonate reservoirs is a considerable part of the total oil production in the world. The petroleum resource base in naturally fractured reservoirs is estimated to be in the range of billions of barrels in the U.S and in addition, a multibillion- barrel international oil resource base exists in naturally fractured reservoirs. Gravity drainage is important in some of oil recovery processes, either acting as the driving force in processes using horizontal wells or altering the displacement patterns during water-flooding, chemical flooding, CO2 flooding and other EOR methods. The gravity drainage process has a major effect on oil recovery from oil reservoirs. Gravity drainage driven oil production in naturally fractured and other complex reservoirs falls into two regimes: the balk flow regime and the film flow regime. Oil recovery by gravity drainage in a fractured reservoir strongly depends on the capillary height of the porous medium. Capillarity and gravity forces are usually the major driving forces in fractured reservoirs. This PhD thesis consists of two main parts namely: 1) Experimental works on gravity drainage, and 2) Modeling and simulation of the gravity drainage processes using COMSOL® software. An appropriate design of experiment (DOE) method was selected to find the most important parameters contributing in gravity drainage and then conduct the experiments in a useful as well as economic manner. A two-dimensional experimental setup was employed to investigate free fall gravity drainage (FFGD) and controlled gravity drainage (CGD) using unconsolidated glass beads fractured porous media having various fractures configurations. Flow visualization measurements were carried out. Following the flow visualization experiments, parametric sensitivity analysis was performed considering the effects of different system parameters such as fracture aperture, matrix height, permeability, and fluid properties on the dependent variables including drainage rate, critical pumping rate, maximum drainage rate, recovery factor and so on. These experiments enabled us to capture some aspects of the recovery mechanism and the flow communication between matrix block and fracture during gravity drainage. After analyzing the experimental data for the FFGD test runs, it was found that the rate of liquid flowing from matrix to fracture is proportional to the difference of liquid levels in the matrix and in the fracture. In addition, the characteristic rate and the maximum liquid drainage rate from the fractured models were determined for such a stable gravity-dominated process. The experiments showed that the presence of fracture is more influential in lower matrix permeability systems. For a given fracture-matrix system with different initial liquid saturation conditions, it was seen that the production history can be correlated by plotting the fraction of recoverable liquid as a function of time. Furthermore, the recovery factor can be correlated using dimensionless numbers such as the Bond number and the dimensionless time. For the controlled gravity drainage (CGD) test runs conducted, the experimental results indicated that higher pumping rates cause a higher difference between the liquid levels in the fracture and in the matrix, thus the gas breakthrough happens sooner. Moreover, it was found that as long as the porous medium is drained with a constant liquid pumping rate but lower than critical rate, the height difference between the G-L interfaces in matrix and fracture remains constant. In this study, a new concept of “Critical Pumping Rate” (CPR) was defined at which each particular porous medium has recovery factor equal to the recovery factor for higher rates just before gas breakthrough. The difference between liquid levels in fracture and matrix remains unchanged at rates higher than CPR. Known this particular withdrawal rate, there are two main advantages, namely: 1) choosing a pumping rate lower than it to drain the reservoir without getting gas breakthrough; and 2) understanding the physics of pumping behaviour from fractured media and extending the concept to the real cases. In addition, the maximum liquid pumping rate from each physical model was studied and it was found that the rate depends strongly on the storage capacity of the fractures, petrophysical properties of each model as well as physical properties of test fluids. The critical rate, maximum rate, recovery factor at gas breakthrough and difference of gas liquid interface positions in matrix and fracture were correlated by dimensionless numbers such as Bond number, Capillary, and the ratio of permeabilities. Linear regression correlations presented in this study can predict production history and flow behaviour in the fractured porous media for a wide range of dimensionless numbers. The COMSOL® software was used to numerically simulate the gravity drainage processes in the two-dimensional flow experiments for fractured porous media. The parameters of the model were based on theory, as well as on the results of the two-dimensional gravity drainage experiments. The simulation results for the gravity drainage processes compared favourably with the experimental results, as a good match between the numerical solution and the experimental data was found. The simulation model developed provides a basis for further modeling of gravity drainage process in more complicated porous media

    PVTX characteristics of oil inclusions from Asmari formation in Kuh-e-Mond heavy oil field in Iran

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    Incorporating PVT properties and compositional evolution of oil inclusions into reservoir engineering simulator protocols can enhance understanding of oil accumulation, reservoir charge history, and migration events. Microthermometry and volumetric analysis have proven to be useful tools in compositional reconstitution and PT studies of oil inclusions and were used to determine composition, thermodynamic conditions, physical properties, and gas-to-oil ratios of heavy oil samples from Asmari carbonate reservoir in Kuh-e-Mond heavy oil field in Iran. PVT properties were predicted using a PVT black-oil model, and an acceptable agreement was observed between the experiments and the simulations. Homogenization temperatures were determined using microthermometry techniques in dolomite and calcite cements of the Asmari Formation, as well. Based on the homogenization temperature data, the undersaturated hydrocarbon mixture prior to formation of the gas cap migrated with a higher gas-to-oil ratio from a source rock. According to the oil inclusion data, the onset of carbonate cementation occurred at temperatures above 45 °C and that cementation was progressive through burial diagenesis. PVT black-oil simulator results showed that the reservoir pressure and temperature were set at 100 bar and 54 °C during the initial stages of oil migration. Compositional modeling implies that primary and secondary cracking in source rocks were responsible for retention of heavy components and migration of miscible three-phase flow during hydrocarbon evolution. The PT evolution of the petroleum inclusions indicates changes in thermodynamic properties and mobility due to phenomena such as cracking, mixing, or/and transport at various stages of oil migration

    Data Analytics Techniques for Performance Prediction of Steamflooding in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs

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    Thermal oil recovery techniques, including steam processes, account for more than 80% of the current global heavy oil, extra heavy oil, and bitumen production. Evaluation of Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs (NFCRs) for thermal heavy oil recovery using field pilot tests and exhaustive numerical and analytical modeling is expensive, complex, and personnel-intensive. Robust statistical models have not yet been proposed to predict cumulative steam to oil ratio (CSOR) and recovery factor (RF) during steamflooding in NFCRs as strong process performance indicators. In this paper, new statistical based techniques were developed using multivariable regression analysis for quick estimation of CSOR and RF in NFCRs subjected to steamflooding. The proposed data based models include vital parameters such as in situ fluid and reservoir properties. The data used are taken from experimental studies and rare field trials of vertical well steamflooding pilots in heavy oil NFCRs reported in the literature. The models show an average error of <6% for the worst cases and contain fewer empirical constants compared with existing correlations developed originally for oil sands. The interactions between the parameters were considered indicating that the initial oil saturation and oil viscosity are the most important predictive factors. The proposed models were successfully predicted CSOR and RF for two heavy oil NFCRs. Results of this study can be used for feasibility assessment of steam flooding in NFCRs..

    Estimation of crude oil salt content using a simple predictive tool approach

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    The removal of salt from crude oil for oil-field processing has been and still is a mandatory requirement. Salt in crude oil is, in most cases, found dissolved in the remnant brine within the oil. The chemical composition of these salts varies, but the major portion is nearly always sodium chloride. This remnant water exists in the crude oil as a dispersion of very fine droplets highly emulsified in the bulk of oil. In this work, a simple predictive tool for practical correlation for salt content in crude oil as a function of brine quantity that remains in the oil, its salinity (in vol% of sodium chloride concentration) and temperature using an exponential function has been formulated. The proposed method predicts the amount of salt in the crude oil for temperatures up to 373. K and sodium chloride concentrations up to 250,000. ppm (25% by volume). Estimations from the proposed correlation are found to be in excellent agreement with the reported data in the literature with average absolute deviation being 0.3%. The tool developed in this study can be of immense practical value for the engineers to have a quick check on the salt content in the crude oil at various conditions without opting for any experimental measurements. In particular, petroleum and field engineers would find the approach to be user-friendly with transparent calculations involving no complex expressions

    Molecular scale modeling approach to evaluate stability and dissociation of methane and carbon dioxide hydrates

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    Highlights • New insights of CH4 and CO2 hydrates are explored using MD strategy. • The bubble evolution appears to be important over dissociation process. • RDF, MSD, AOP, and diffusion coefficient can be used to examine hydrate stability. • The most stable structure of CH4 and CO2 molecules in the gas hydrate is found. • A promising match is noticed between the MD and literature findings. A comprehensive knowledge and precise estimation of the dynamic, structural, and thermodynamic characteristics of hydrates are needed to assess the stability of gas hydrates. Thermodynamic model and experimental studies can be utilized to compute the physical and dynamic properties of hydrate structures. The use of molecular dynamic (MD) simulation is a well-established approach in gas hydrate studies at the atomic level where the properties of interest are obtained from the numerical solution of Newtonian equations. The present work uses MD simulations by employing the constant temperature-constant pressure (NPT), constant temperature-constant volume (NVT) conditions, and the consistent valence force field (CVFF) to monitor the stability and decomposition of methane and carbon dioxide gas hydrates with different compositions. The effects of temperature and composition on the hydrate stability are investigated. In this study, we also compute the radial distribution function, mean square displacement, diffusion coefficient, lattice parameter, potential energy, dissociation enthalpy as well as the density of methane and carbon dioxide under various thermodynamic and process conditions. The formation of methane and carbon dioxide bubbles is studied to investigate bubble evolution during hydrate dissociation. The sizes of methane and carbon dioxide bubbles are not the same due to different solubility conditions of methane and carbon dioxide in liquid water. In addition, the influences of pressure and temperature on the lattice parameter and density of clathrate hydrates are discussed. The obtained results are consistent with previous theoretical and experimental findings, implying that the methodology followed in this work is reliable. The most stable arrangement of methane and carbon dioxide molecules in the gas hydrate is found. The insights/findings of this study might be useful to further understand detailed transport phenomena (e.g., molecular interactions, gas production rate, carbon dioxide replacement, and carbon dioxide capture) involved in the process of carbon dioxide injection into gas hydrate reservoirs

    An overview of Australia\u27s hydropower energy: status and future prospects

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    Hydropower is the most advanced and mature renewable energy technology and provides some level of electricity generation in many countries worldwide. As hydropower does not consume or pollute the water it uses to generate power, it leaves this vital resource available for other uses. The objective of this article is to identify and analyse issues that are imperative for hydropower energy development in Australia. This study shows opportunities for further hydroelectricity generation in Australia are offered by refurbishment and efficiency improvements at existing hydroelectricity plants, and continued growth of small-scale hydroelectricity plants connected to the grid

    Estimation of characteristic temperature ratios for panel radiator and high temperature radiant strip systems to calculate heat loss within a room space

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    When a building is heated to a steady internal temperature, equilibrium is established in which the heat power into the building equals the rate at which heat is lost from the building. A good approximation of heat losses can be determined using the conventional generic equations which give a relatively accurate value of the heat loss; however these equations can be inaccurate, especially in applications where radiative heating is used. In this article simple predictive tools are developed to estimate the characteristic temperature ratios for both panel radiator and high temperature radiant strip systems. The calculated results can be used in follow up calculations for a model, which fully takes into account the radiation heat transfer occurring within a room space. The results of the proposed method are found to be in excellent agreement with reported data in the literature with average absolute deviation being around 0.2%. The predictive tool is simple and straightforward and it can be readily implemented in a standard spreadsheet program. The prime application of the method is as a quick-and-easy evaluation tool in conceptual development and scoping studies where a panel radiator system and a high temperature radiant strip system are being considered. The method may also serve as a benchmark in numerical and rigorous simulation studies