84 research outputs found

    Single and Double Universal Seesaw Mechanisms with Universal Strength for Yukawa Couplings

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    Single and double universal seesaw mechanisms and the hypothesis of universal strength for Yukawa couplings are applied to formulate a unified theory of fermion mass spectrum in a model based on an extended Pati-Salam symmetry. Five kinds of Higgs fields are postulated to mediate scalar interactions among electroweak doublets of light fermions and electroweak singlets of heavy exotic fermions with relative Yukawa coupling constants of exponential form. At the first-order seesaw approximation, quasi-democratic mass matrices with equal diagonal elements are derived for all charged fermion sectors and a diagonal mass matrix is obtained for the neutrino sector under an additional ansatz. Assuming the vacuum neutrino oscillation, the problems of solar and atmospheric neutrino anomalies are investigated.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX; a reference adde

    Truly Minimal Left-Right Model of Quark and Lepton Masses

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    We propose a left-right model of quarks and leptons based on the gauge group SU(3)C×SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)B−LSU(3)_C \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L}, where the scalar sector consists of only two doublets: (1,2,1,1) and (1,1,2,1). As a result, any fermion mass, whether it be Majorana or Dirac, must come from dimension-five operators. This allows us to have a common view of quark and lepton masses, including the smallness of Majorana neutrino masses as the consequence of a double seesaw mechanism.Comment: Version to appear in PRL, title changed by journal to "Left-right model of quark and lepton masses without a scalar bidoublet

    Approximate Sum Rules of CKM Matrix Elements from Quasi-Democratic Mass Matrices

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    To extract sum rules of CKM matrix elements, eigenvalue problems for quasi-democratic mass matrices are solved in the first order perturbation approximation with respect to small deviations from the democratic limit. Mass spectra of up and down quark sectors and the CKM matrix are shown to have clear and distinctive hierarchical structures. Numerical analysis shows that the absolute values of calculated CKM matrix elements fit the experimental data quite well. The order of the magnitude of the Jarlskog parameter is estimated by the relation ∣J∣≈2(mc/mt+ms/mb)∣Vus∣2∣Vcb∣/4|J| \approx \sqrt{2}(m_c/m_t + m_s/m_b)|V_{us}|^2|V_{cb}|/4.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, no figure

    Generalized BRST Quantization and Massive Vector Fields

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    A previously proposed generalized BRST quantization on inner product spaces for second class constraints is further developed through applications. This BRST method involves a conserved generalized BRST charge Q which is not nilpotent but which satisfies Q=\delta+\delta^{\dagger}, \delta^2=0, and by means of which physical states are obtained from the projection \delta|ph>=\delta^{\dagger}|ph>=0. A simple model is analyzed in detail from which some basic properties and necessary ingredients are extracted. The method is then applied to a massive vector field. An effective theory is derived which is close to the one of the Stueckelberg model. However, since the scalar field here is introduced in order to have inner product solutions, a massive Yang-Mills theory with polynomial interaction terms might be possible to construct.Comment: 19 pages,Latexfil

    Light-Heavy Symmetry: Geometric Mass Hierarchy for Three Families

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    The Universal Seesaw pattern coupled with a Light↔\leftrightarrowHeavy symmetry principle leads to the Diophantine equation N=∑i=1Nni\displaystyle N = \sum_{i=1}^Nn_i, where ni≄0n_i\geq 0 and distinct. Its unique non-trivial solution (3=0+1+2)(3=0+1+2) gives rise to the geometric mass hierarchy mWm_W, mWÏ”m_W\epsilon, mWÏ”2m_W\epsilon^2 for N=3N=3 fermion families. This is realized in a model where the hybrid (yet Up↔\leftrightarrowDown symmetric) quark mass relations mdmt≈mc2↔mumb≈ms2m_d m_t \approx m_c^2\leftrightarrow m_u m_b \approx m_s^2 play a crucial role in expressing the CKM mixings in terms of simple mass ratios, notably sin⁥ΞC≈mcmb\sin\theta_C \approx {m_c\over m_b}.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, Revtex fil

    Universal Seesaw Mass Matrix Model with an S_3 Symmetry

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    Stimulated by the phenomenological success of the universal seesaw mass matrix model, where the mass terms for quarks and leptons f_i (i=1,2,3) and hypothetical super-heavy fermions F_i are given by \bar{f}_L m_L F_R +\bar{F}_L m_R f_R + \bar{F}_L M_F F_R + h.c. and the form of M_F is democratic on the bases on which m_L and m_R are diagonal, the following model is discussed: The mass terms M_F are invariant under the permutation symmetry S_3, and the mass terms m_L and m_R are generated by breaking the S_3 symmetry spontaneously. The model leads to an interesting relation for the charged lepton masses.Comment: 8 pages + 1 table, latex, no figures, references adde

    Evolution of the Yukawa coupling constants and seesaw operators in the universal seesaw model

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    The general features of the evolution of the Yukawa coupling constants and seesaw operators in the universal seesaw model with det M_F=0 are investigated. Especially, it is checked whether the model causes bursts of Yukawa coupling constants, because in the model not only the magnitude of the Yukawa coupling constant (Y_L^u)_{33} in the up-quark sector but also that of (Y_L^d)_{33} in the down-quark sector is of the order of one, i.e., (Y_L^u)_{33} \sim (Y_L^d)_{33} \sim 1. The requirement that the model should be calculable perturbatively puts some constraints on the values of the intermediate mass scales and tan\beta (in the SUSY model).Comment: 21 pages, RevTex, 10 figure

    BRST invariant Lagrangian of spontaneously broken gauge theories in noncommutative geometry

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    The quantization of spontaneously broken gauge theories in noncommutative geometry(NCG) has been sought for some time, because quantization is crucial for making the NCG approach a reliable and physically acceptable theory. Lee, Hwang and Ne'eman recently succeeded in realizing the BRST quantization of gauge theories in NCG in the matrix derivative approach proposed by Coquereaux et al. The present author has proposed a characteristic formulation to reconstruct a gauge theory in NCG on the discrete space M4×ZNM_4\times Z_{_N}. Since this formulation is a generalization of the differential geometry on the ordinary manifold to that on the discrete manifold, it is more familiar than other approaches. In this paper, we show that within our formulation we can obtain the BRST invariant Lagrangian in the same way as Lee, Hwang and Ne'eman and apply it to the SU(2)×\timesU(1) gauge theory.Comment: RevTeX, page

    A Unified Description of Quark and Lepton Mass Matrices in a Universal Seesaw Model

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    In the democratic universal seesaw model, the mass matrices are given by \bar{f}_L m_L F_R + \bar{F}_L m_R f_R + \bar{F}_L M_F F_R (f: quarks and leptons; F: hypothetical heavy fermions), m_L and m_R are universal for up- and down-fermions, and M_F has a structure ({\bf 1}+ b_f X) (b_f is a flavour-dependent parameter, and X is a democratic matrix). The model can successfully explain the quark masses and CKM mixing parameters in terms of the charged lepton masses by adjusting only one parameter, b_f. However, so far, the model has not been able to give the observed bimaximal mixing for the neutrino sector. In the present paper, we consider that M_F in the quark sectors are still "fully" democratic, while M_F in the lepton sectors are partially democratic. Then, the revised model can reasonably give a nearly bimaximal mixing without spoiling the previous success in the quark sectors.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    S_3 Symmetry and Neutrino Masses and Mixings

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    Based on a universal seesaw mass matrix model with three scalars \phi_i, and by assuming an S_3 flavor symmetry for the Yukawa interactions, the lepton masses and mixings are investigated systematically. In order to understand the observed neutrino mixing, the charged leptons (e, \mu, \tau) are regarded as the 3 elements (e_1, e_2, e_3) of S_3, while the neutrino mass-eigenstates are regarded as the irreducible representation (\nu_\eta, \nu_\sigma, \nu_\pi) of S_3, where (\nu_\pi, \nu_\eta) and \nu_\sigma are a doublet and a singlet, respectively, which are composed of the 3 elements (\nu_1, \nu_2, \nu_3) of S_3.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, version to appear in EPJ-
