106 research outputs found

    Community Satisfaction of the Urban Flood Control System Improvement Project (UFCSI)

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    The purpose of this study is to encourage ownership, responsibility and to develop stakeholders and policy makers for the river normalization program in the pre-construction, construction and post-construction stages. The use of the IPA method to measure community satisfaction in the quadrants on the Importance Performance Matrix map. The results of the study showed that the socialization from the Department of Water and Public Works, when the project was finished, was not in line with community expectations. Flood control projects that have been built, coordination with the contractor at the time of project implementation, socialization from the city government prior to project implementation, socialization from the city government when the project is finished, socialization from the river hall at the time before project implementation, socialization from the river hall at the time the project was completed, dissemination of information from the irrigation service prior to project implementation, and community involvement in project implementation. The process of land clearing, and the price agreement that has been reached. Improved land clearing, and price agreements that have been reached can be reconsidered because their impact on the benefits felt by the community is very small

    The Lousing Method to Increase Students Learning Motivation in Learning English

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     This study aims to know the effectiveness of the lousing method in increasing the motivation to learn English in the seventh-grade students of MTs Nurul Jadid. This study used a pre-experimental design using one group pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the pre-test with a value of 32.77 and a post-test value of 67, it was proven that the post-test value is greater than the pre-test value. Meaning, there is an increase in student learning motivation. While, the results of the t-test (40.575) > t-table (2.060) indicates that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Meaning, the lousing method is very effective in increasing students' motivation to learn English. This is also evidenced by the results of observations which show that students always enjoy, are active, have energy, feel happy, interactive in class and focus on the material. Therefore, the use of the lousing method really effective to be enthusiastic in learning English in a good and fun

    A Narrative Inquiry of Student’s Academic Stress in English Subject

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     Academic stress is one of the things that are often experienced by students during the teaching and learning process, especially in English. This study aims to find out the factors that cause students academic stress in English subject. The research data was collected by distributing questionnaires to the tenth-grade students of SMA Nurul Jadid and interviewing three students in the superior language class of SMA Nurul Jadid who experienced academic stress high level. This study uses qualitative research, which uses a narrative inquiry approach. Based on the result findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher concludes that there are three students in the tenth grade of SMA Nurul Jadid who experience academic stress in English subjects. The researcher found two factors that students in the tenth grade of superior language experienced academic stress, namely: internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include wrong mindset and low mentality. While the external factors are: busy class schedule, high achievement demand, and the friendship factor

    METODE DAKWAH MAJELIS DZIKIR AL-MUSTAJAB DAN PERUBAHAN PERILAKU KEAGAMAAN JAMA’AH (Studi kasus Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab Desa Sindangjawa Blok Pontas Kecamatan Dukupuntang Kabupaten Cirebon)

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    MOHAMMAD ADE SOFYAN: Metode Dakwah Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab Dan Perubahan Perilaku Keagamaan Jamaah (Studi kasus Majelis Dzikir Al- Mustajab Desa Sindangjawa Kecamatan Dukupuntang Kabupaten Cirebon). Kegiatan dakwah Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab dirintis oleh Ustadz Ading Marfudi atau akrab disapa Kang Ading. Berdirinya majelis tersebut terwujud berkat keprihatinan beliau terhadap fenomena yang terjadi di masyarakat desa Pontas. Pada waktu belum adanya kegiatan dakwah kang Ading, masyarakat Pontas sangat kental sekali dengan kegiatan maksiat seperti judi dan mabuk. Dengan latar belakang yang dimiliki kang Ading sebagai keturunan orang yang terhormat, beliau mencoba ingin merubah pola kehidupan masyarakat Pontas yang jauh dari agama menjadi dekat dengan agama. Dengan niat yang tulus untuk merubah masyarakat Pontas, beliau rela turun langsung bergabung dengan mereka menjadi Bandar judi. Berinteraksi langsung dengan mereka, mengamati dan mempelajari motivasi mereka melakukan maksiat. Ketika tiba adzan sholat, beliau berusaha mengalihkan kegiatan judi dengan melakukan sholat. Awalnya susah namun seiring berjalannya waktu, kegiatan maksiat bisa diminimalisir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan dakwah Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab terhadap jamaahnya, diantaranya untuk mengetahui metode dakwah yang digunakan dalam melakukan kegiatan dakwah, untuk menggambarkan nilai-nilai dakwah yang terkandung dalam pengobatan ruqyah, dan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana dampak kegiatan Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab terhadap jamaahnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi, yaitu penulis secara langsung mengikuti dan mengamati kegiatan dakwah Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab, melakukan wawancara dengan Pimpinan Majelis Dzikir, dialog dengan para jamaah. Melakukan studi kepustakaan dan menyebarkan angket dengan sample 50 jamaah. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah: kegiatan dakwah Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, PHBI, mengadakan Pesantren Ramadhan dan metode yang khas dari Majelis Dzikir ini adalah istighosah dan pengobatan (Ruqyah) masal. Nilai-nilai dakwah yang terkandung dalam pengobatan Ruqyah secara umum adalah menyuruh kita untuk mengabdikan diri untuk kembali kepada tuntunan Al-qur’an dan Sunnatullah. Dan Allah Swt, sebagai tempat bergantung segala kesembuhan. Dampak kegiatan dakwah Majelis Dzikir Al-Mustajab terhadap perilaku jamaah yang meliputi pengaruh terhadap diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat, yang sebelumnya banyak yang tidak taat kepada perintah agama berubah menjadi taat kepada perintah agama, tercatat mencapai prosentase 88 % (Baik), dari sample 50 jamaah

    Analysis of Morphological Errors in Students' Writing

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    The objectives of this research to investigated kinds of students’ morphological errors of SMK Ma'arif NU especially in writing narrative. This research is drawn in descriptive method. Twenty students of the tenth grade students at SMK Ma'arif Nu Gending are assigned to write narrative text in English based on the topic provided by the researcher. Students were asked to write text in 90 minutes. In this thesis, the researcher used morphological errors taxonomy to identify the students errors made by them. This research revealed about; the first, the participants contributed noun morphology errors, verb morphology errors, and adjective morphology errors. Second, the most frequent type of morphological errors contributed by participants was ‘misselection’. From this research, the research revealed that first language gave interferes their second language


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    ABSTRAK Dalam perkembangannya, olahraga futsal cukup digemari oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Secara psikologis, olahraga futsal dapat dijadikan wahana menyalurkan dan memperoleh keinginan-keinginan dalam hati seperti rasa senang, minat, hobi dan pembuktian kemampuan diri. Secara fisiologis, olahraga futsal dapat dijadikan wahana pemberdayaan kemampuan fungsi fisiologis seperti meningkatkan kesehatan, kebugaran, dan meningkatkan kualitas komponen kondisi fisik seperti kerja jantung dan paru-paru, kelincahan, kecepatan dan kekuatan. Sedangkan secara sosial, olahraga futsal dapat digunakan sebagai media sosialisasi melalui interaksi dan komunikasi dengan orang lain atau lingkungan sekitar. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Cara pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi ke tempat-tempat lapangan futsal yang dibagi menjadi 4 wilayah di Surabaya. Setelah itu, memberikan angket ke setiap pengunjung. Sampel yang diambil dari penelitian ini adalah 10 orang setiap masing-masing lapangan futsal yaitu lapangan futsal Kebraon Sport Center, Lapangan futsal gool Mangga Dua, lapangan futsal Hokky Nginden, Lapangan Futsal Waka-waka Kenjeran. Kesimpulan yang berupa pernyataan dari penelitian ini adalah motivasi ini memiliki dampak terhadap keinginan masyarakat terhadap olahraga futsal. Setiap masyarakat memiliki alasan masing-masing untuk memilih olahraga futsal. Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Masyarakat, Futsal ABSTRACT In its development, futsal is quite favored by various circles of society, both men and women. Psychologically, futsal can be used as a vehicle to distribute and acquire the desires of the heart such as joy, interest, hobbies and verification capabilities themselves. Physiologically, futsal can be used as a vehicle for empowerment of physiological functions such as improving health, fitness, and improve the quality of the components of physical conditions such as the heart and lungs, agility, speed and strength. While socially, futsal can be used as a medium of socialization through interaction and communication with other people or the environment. In this research used quantitative methods. The data collection is done by observation to places futsal fields are divided into 4 regions in Surabaya. After all, giving questionnaires to every visitor. Samples taken from this research are 10 people each respective field, namely futsal indoor soccer field Kebraon Sport Center, indoor soccer field gool Mangga Dua, indoor soccer field Hokky Nginden, indoor soccer field Waka-waka Kenjeran. The conclusion that a statement of this research is the motivation of this has an impact on people's desire to futsal. Each community has their own reasons for choosing the sport of futsal. Keywords: Motivation, Public, Futsa

    Syntactical Error Made by EFL Learners’ in Writing Descriptive Text

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    This study aims to identify the syntactical errors in the descriptive text writing of 10 elementary-level students at Al-Ikhlas Boarding School. This study applied a qualitative-descriptive approach. The source of data was taken from the students writing. Those descriptive texts were analyzed by classifying the errors as types of syntactical errors. From this study, the researcher found syntactical errors, namely errors in pronouns, be, plurals, and the use of the verb tense. This finding shows that EFL learners cannot completely master and apply the grammar of English in terms of syntactical function to their writing. It is influenced by factors such as interlingual and intralingual transfer. But the dominant factor in these results is interlanguage transfer. This study is supposed to be a reference for another researcher, linguist, and educator for their further study on error analysis

    The Teaching of Reading in Senior Secondary School

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    Reading English is an important skill that students need to learn. The teaching of reading in secondary school will help student to get a purpose for reading, focus on what they are learning, think actively as they read, monitor their comprehension, and review content and relate what they have learned to what they already know. In order to apply the strategies effectively in new instructional settings, teachers must have a clear understanding of the reading comprehension process and the natural reading strategies that commonly applied by our students. By knowing this, they can select and demonstrate appropriate reading strategies that their students need in reading the text

    Social Impact Management Assessment of Urban Flood is important-especially in Surabaya-Wonokromo and Surabaya-Brangkal

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    social assessment is a process that ensures that the execution of action reasonably informed and considered the critical social issues that are relevant, as well as providing a participation strategy for involving stakeholders at large. Socialization and Enforcement of laws and regulations related to particularly riverside following the normalization of physical development plan/development Wonokromo River flood control infrastructure and Brangkal should use a local culture aligned with the socio-economic, gender, and education of local people issues social surfaced in every area of study and assessment of the following community expectations and their advice on the results of the social assessment. In light of this, it expected that pre-construction, construction, and post-construction could be well supported by social security by the carrier the benefit of both the public, private, and government
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