140 research outputs found

    Zeeman deceleration of electron-impact-excited metastable helium atoms

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    We present experimental results that demonstrate - for the first time - the Zeeman deceleration of helium atoms in the metastable 2^3S_1state. A more than 40% decrease of the kinetic energy of the beam is achieved for deceleration from 490 m/s to a final velocity of 370 m/s. Metastable atom generation is achieved with an electron-impact-excitation source whose performance is enhanced through an additional discharge-type process which we characterize in detail. Comparison of deceleration data at different electron beam pulse durations confirms that a matching between the initial particle distribution and the phase-space acceptance of the decelerator is crucial for the production of a decelerated packet with a well-defined velocity distribution. The experimental findings are in good agreement with three-dimensional numerical particle trajectory simulations

    Model for the overall phase-space acceptance in a Zeeman decelerator

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    We present a new formalism to calculate phase-space acceptance in a Zeeman decelerator. Using parameters closely mimicking previous Zeeman deceleration experiments, this approach reveals a hitherto unconsidered velocity dependence of the phase stability which we ascribe to the finite rise and fall times of the current pulses that generate the magnetic fields inside the deceleration coils. It is shown that changing the current switch-off times as the sequence progresses, so as to maintain a constant mean acceleration per pulse, can lead to a constant phase stability and hence a beam with well-defined characteristics. We also find that the time overlap between fields of adjacent coils has an influence on the phase-space acceptance. Previous theoretical and experimental results suggested unfilled regions in phase space that influence particle transmission through the decelerator. Our model provides, for the first time, a means to directly identify the origin of these effects due to coupling between longitudinal and transverse dynamics. Since optimum phase stability is restricted to a rather small parameter range in terms of the reduced position of the synchronous particle, only a limited range of final velocities can be attained using a given number of coils. We evaluate phase stability for different Zeeman deceleration sequences, and, by comparison with numerical three-dimensional particle trajectory simulations, we demonstrate that our model provides a valuable tool to find optimum parameter sets for improved Zeeman deceleration schemes. An acceleration-deceleration scheme is shown to be a useful approach to generating beams with well-defined properties for variable-energy collision experiments. More generally, the model provides significant physical insights applicable to other types of particle decelerators with finite rise and fall time fields

    A compact design for a magnetic synchrotron to store beams of hydrogen atoms

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    We present a design for an atomic synchrotron consisting of 40 hybrid magnetic hexapole lenses arranged in a circle. We show that for realistic parameters, hydrogen atoms with a velocity up to 600 m/s can be stored in a 1-meter diameter ring, which implies that the atoms can be injected in the ring directly from a pulsed supersonic beam source. This ring can be used to study collisions between stored hydrogen atoms and molecular beams of many different atoms and molecules. The advantage of using a synchrotron is two-fold: (i) the collision partners move in the same direction as the stored atoms, resulting in a small relative velocity and thus a low collision energy, and (ii) by storing atoms for many round-trips, the sensitivity to collisions is enhanced by a factor of 100-1000. In the proposed ring, the cross-sections for collisions between hydrogen, the most abundant atom in the universe, with any atom or molecule that can be put in a beam, including He, H2_2, CO, ammonia and OH can be measured at energies below 100 K. We discuss the possibility to use optical transitions to load hydrogen atoms into the ring without influencing the atoms that are already stored. In this way it will be possible to reach high densities of stored hydrogen atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Getting a Grip on the Transverse Motion in a Zeeman Decelerator

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    Zeeman deceleration is an experimental technique in which inhomogeneous, time-dependent magnetic fields generated inside an array of solenoid coils are used to manipulate the velocity of a supersonic beam. A 12-stage Zeeman decelerator has been built and characterized using hydrogen atoms as a test system. The instrument has several original features including the possibility to replace each deceleration coil individually. In this article, we give a detailed description of the experimental setup, and illustrate its performance. We demonstrate that the overall acceptance in a Zeeman decelerator can be significantly increased with only minor changes to the setup itself. This is achieved by applying a rather low, anti-parallel magnetic field in one of the solenoid coils that forms a temporally varying quadrupole field, and improves particle confinement in the transverse direction. The results are reproduced by three-dimensional numerical particle trajectory simulations thus allowing for a rigorous analysis of the experimental data. The findings suggest the use of a modified coil configuration to improve transverse focusing during the deceleration process.Comment: accepted by J. Chem. Phy

    Magnetic Trapping of Cold Bromine Atoms

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    Magnetic trapping of bromine atoms at temperatures in the milliKelvin regime is demonstrated for the first time. The atoms are produced by photodissociation of Br2_2 molecules in a molecular beam. The lab-frame velocity of Br atoms is controlled by the wavelength and polarization of the photodissociation laser. Careful selection of the wavelength results in one of the pair of atoms having sufficient velocity to exactly cancel that of the parent molecule, and it remains stationary in the lab frame. A trap is formed at the null point between two opposing neodymium permanent magnets. Dissociation of molecules at the field minimum results in the slowest fraction of photofragments remaining trapped. After the ballistic escape of the fastest atoms, the trapped slow atoms are only lost by elastic collisions with the chamber background gas. The measured loss rate is consistent with estimates of the total cross section for only those collisions transferring sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the trapping potential

    Collisional trap losses of cold, magnetically-trapped Br atoms

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    Near-threshold photodissociation of Br2_2 from a supersonic beam produces slow bromine atoms that are trapped in the magnetic field minimum formed between two opposing permanent magnets. Here, we quantify the dominant trap loss rate due to collisions with two sources of residual gas: the background limited by the vacuum chamber base pressure, and the carrier gas during the supersonic gas pulse. The loss rate due to collisions with residual Ar in the background follows pseudo first-order kinetics, and the bimolecular rate coefficient for collisional loss from the trap is determined by measurement of this rate as a function of the background Ar pressure. This rate coefficient is smaller than the total elastic collision rate coefficient, as it only samples those collisions that lead to trap loss, and is determined to be ⟚Μσ⟩=(1.12±0.09)×10−9 cm3 s−1\langle\nu\sigma\rangle = (1.12\pm0.09)\times10^{-9}\,\text{cm}^3\, \text{s}^{-1}. The calculated differential cross section can be used with this value to estimate a trap depth of 293±24 mK293\pm24\,\text{mK}. Carrier gas collisions occur only during the tail of the supersonic beam pulse. Using the differential cross section verified by the background-gas collision measurements provides an estimate of the peak molecular beam density of (3.0±0.3)×1013 cm−3(3.0\pm0.3)\times10^{13}\,\text{cm}^{-3} in good agreement with the prediction of a simple supersonic expansion model. Finally, we estimate the trap loss rate due to Majorana transitions to be negligible, owing to the relatively large trapped-atom phase-space volume

    Coulomb crystal mass spectrometry in a digital ion trap

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    We present a mass spectrometric technique for identifying the masses and relative abundances of Coulomb-crystallized ions held in a linear Paul trap. A digital radio-frequency wave form is employed to generate the trapping potential, as this can be cleanly switched off, and static dipolar fields are subsequently applied to the trap electrodes for ion ejection. Close to 100% detection efficiency is demonstrated for Ca+ and CaF+ ions from bicomponent Ca+ − CaF+ Coulomb crystals prepared by the reaction of Ca+ with CH3F. A quantitative linear relationship is observed between ion number and the corresponding integrated time-of-flight (TOF) peak, independent of the ionic species. The technique is applicable to a diverse range of multicomponent Coulomb crystals—demonstrated here for Ca+ − NH3+ − NH4+ and Ca+ − CaOH+ − CaOD+ crystals—and will facilitate the measurement of ion-molecule reaction rates and branching ratios in complicated reaction systems

    Measurement of the orientation of buffer-gas-cooled, electrostatically-guided ammonia molecules

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    AbstractThe extent to which the spatial orientation of internally and translationally cold ammonia molecules can be controlled as molecules pass out of a quadrupole guide and through different electric field regions is examined. Ammonia molecules are collisionally cooled in a buffer gas cell, and are subsequently guided by a three-bend electrostatic quadrupole into a detection chamber. The orientation of ammonia molecules is probed using (2+1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionisation (REMPI), with the laser polarisation axis aligned both parallel and perpendicular to the time-of-flight axis. Even with the presence of a near-zero field region, the ammonia REMPI spectra indicate some retention of orientation. Monte Carlo simulations propagating the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in a full basis set including the hyperfine interaction enable the orientation of ammonia molecules to be calculated – with respect to both the local field direction and a space-fixed axis – as the molecules pass through different electric field regions. The simulations indicate that the orientation of ∌95% of ammonia molecules in JK=11 could be achieved with the application of a small bias voltage (17V) to the mesh separating the quadrupole and detection regions. Following the recent combination of the buffer gas cell and quadrupole guide apparatus with a linear Paul ion trap, this result could enable one to examine the influence of molecular orientation on ion-molecule reaction dynamics and kinetics
