138 research outputs found

    Pseudo-cleft constructions in Swedish talk-in-interaction : Turn projection and discourse organization

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    In this study we present an interactional linguistic analysis of pseudoclefts in Swedish based on audio and video recordings of everyday and institutional conversations, resulting in a collection of 100 instances. There is variation in the degree to which pseudo-cleft constructions are syntactically integrated: from fully integrated biclausal constructions (cleft clause + copula verb + main clause) to non-copular variants and further to variants in which the cleft-clause is followed by an indeterminate stretch of discourse. The construction's functional properties have to do with projecting actions and generating discourse events, e.g. showing that the initial part has an important turn-projecting function by disclosing the speaker's stance towards the issue at hand. Pseudo-cleft constructions are recurrently employed for marking discourse shifts, e.g. from a positive to a negative stance. Prosodic organization brings unity to the overall construction of clefts and visual cues can be used to convey significant processing activity by the speaker during the production of a pseudocleft. Our data from institutional interaction shows that pseudoclefts are heavily used by the expert rather than lay participant, thus contributing to the creation of institutional roles and social order. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Introduction to volume 4

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    This is an introduction to the edited volume 'SprÄk och interaktion 4'. It maps the profile of the volume based on the articles included in it, lifting up classical topics in studies of language and interaction, and especially in conversation analysis, and points to the key topic of the volume, interactional asymmetries in a societal context.Non peer reviewe


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    The phrase pseudoscissa in spoken Swedish and its interactional characteristcs

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    In this study we present an interactional linguistic analysis of pseudo-clefts in Swedish based on audio and video recordings of everyday and institutional conversations, resulting in a collection of 80 instances. The ‘free relative’ initiating the construction can have an English-style wh-word as an opener ("va" ‘what), but in the majority of cases there is a fused item consisting of a demonstrative and a relativizer ("det som"), in resemblance of "ce que" in French. Our collection shows that there is variation in the degree to which pseudo-cleft constructions are syntactically integrated: from fully integrated biclausal constructions (cleft clause + copula verb + main clause) to non-copular variants and further to variants in which the latter clause stands in a loose relation to the cleft clause or is aborted or even missing. The analysis shows that the initial part (cleft clause, or A-part) has an important turn-projecting function: it alerts the recipient about the pragmatic course of the speaker’s unfolding turn. This projected content is very much coded in the predicate verb of the A-part, which often refers to the speaker’s stance towards the issue at hand. Moreover, the construction constitutes a shift in the speaker’s ongoing reasoning or a narrative, signalling a transition from a positive to a critical stance or from the background of a telling to its peak or point. Half of our instances come from everyday interactions, the other half from institutional settings with asymmetric participant roles of the expert–non-expert kind. One feature that stands out in the institutional contexts is that pseudo-cleft constructions are typically produced by the expert part. Our findings shed new light on structural and functional properties of pseudo-clefts not only in the Swedish language but also more generally in mundane and institutional spoken interaction.Peer reviewe


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    "What I don't like is her nasal voice' : Focus final clefts in talk-in-interaction

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    In this paper, we present an interactional analysis of pseudo-cleft constructions in Swedish talk-in-interaction. The pseudo-cleft construction is an existing speakers’ resource in Swedish interaction, and it displays regular structural patterns and characteristic interactional functions. Swedish pseudo clefts, such as "va ja inte gillar e hennes nasala röst" ‘what I don’t like is her nasal voice’, are bipartite constructions where Part A of the construction, "va ja inte gillar" ‘what I don’t like’, is a nominal relative clause headed by the relative pronoun "vad" ‘what’ or the demonstrative "det" ‘that’, often combined with the relativizer "som". The copula verb, "e" ‘is’, links Part A with the subjective complement, Part B, "hennes nasala röst" ‘her nasal voice’, which is traditionally analysed as the focus-bearing cleft constituent. As our analysis show,s in conversational, online speaking there is some variation in the degree to which pseudo-cleft constructions are syntactically integrated: from fully integrated biclausal constructions to non-copular variants and further to variants in which the latter turn-part stands in a loose relation to the cleft clause or is aborted or even missing. Our analysis is based on a collection of ca. 80 pseudo-cleft constructions excerpted from audio- and video-recorded interactions. We will account for the construction’s functional properties that have to do with projecting actions and generating discourse events, e.g. showing that Part A has an important turn-projecting function in that it often discloses the speaker’s stance towards the issue at hand. The pseudo-cleft constructions are recurrently employed for marking discourse shifts, e.g. from a positive to a negative stance. These can be paralleled with previous studies on pseudo-cleft constructions e.g. in English, German, French, and Hebrew (e.g. Hopper & Thompson 2008; GĂŒnthner 2011; Pekarek Doehler 2011; Maschler & Fishman 2020). Our findings shed new light on structural and functional properties of pseudo-clefts in the Swedish language, but also more generally in spoken interaction.Peer reviewe

    Platinum-group elements link the end-Triassic mass extinction and the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province

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    Elevated concentrations of iridium (Ir) and other platinum-group elements (PGE) have been reported in both terrestrial and marine sediments associated with the end-Triassic mass extinction (ETE) c. 201.5 million years ago. The source of the PGEs has been attributed to condensed vapor and melt from an extraterrestrial impactor or to volcanism. Here we report new PGE data for volcanic rocks of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) in Morocco and show that their Pd/Ir, Pt/Ir and Pt/Rh ratios are similar to marine and terrestrial sediments at the ETE, and very different from potential impactors. Hence, we propose the PGEs provide a new temporal correlation of CAMP volcanism to the ETE, corroborating the view that mass extinctions may be caused by volcanism

    FörÀldrastödets och den upplevda sjÀlvförmÄgans inverkan pÄ ungdomars skoltrivsel i Svenskfinland : En tvÄ veckor lÄng ESM-studie baserad pÄ data frÄn REBOOT-projektet

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    Bakgrund: Skoltrivseln Ă€r viktig för bĂ„de individers utveckling och vĂ€lbefinnande enligt Holzer m.fl. (2021). Vidare lyfter Virtanen m.fl. (2016) fram att det finns en stark koppling mellan skoltrivsel och engagemang. Dock har endast fĂ„ studier undersökt studerandes subjektiva uppfattning om förĂ€ldrastöd (FSL), upplevd sjĂ€lvförmĂ„ga (S-GSE) och skoltrivsel samt hur dessa variabler samverkar. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r dĂ€rför att undersöka möjliga effekter av FSL och S- GSE pĂ„ skoltrivsel. Metod: Samplet i denna studie bestod av 358 högstadie- och gymnasiestuderande frĂ„n Österbotten och Nyland. Datainsamlingen pĂ„gick under hösten 2022 i tvĂ„-veckors tid och som mĂ€tmetod anvĂ€ndes ESM (Experience Sampling Method). Studien inkluderade sĂ„vĂ€l tvĂ€rsnittsdata som intensiv longitudinal data frĂ„n REBOOT-projektet. Resultat: Av de studerande som deltog i studien rapporterade 57 % att de trivdes bra i skolan. De flesta ansĂ„g Ă€ven att de upplevde en relativt hög nivĂ„ av FSL och en medelmĂ„ttlig nivĂ„ av S-GSE. BĂ„de FSL och S-GSE hade signifikanta effekter pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l skoltrivsel pĂ„ tvĂ€rsnittsnivĂ„ som medelnivĂ„n pĂ„ skoltrivsel i ESM-data och kunde bekrĂ€ftas som relevanta prediktorer pĂ„ skoltrivsel. FSL och S-GSE kunde förklara 10,8 % av variansen pĂ„ skoltrivsel pĂ„ tvĂ€rsnittsnivĂ„, medan andelen variablerna kunde förklara frĂ„n ESM-data var 18,2 %. ESM-data visade att skoltrivseln varierar mellan mĂ€ttidpunkterna och att det fanns individuella skillnader som gjorde att kĂ€nslan av skoltrivseln dröjde sig kvar. Den kvardröjande effekten av skoltrivsel skilde sig dock inte mellan elever baserat pĂ„ FSL eller S-GSE. Konklusion: FSL och S-GSE inverkar bĂ„da pĂ„ upplevelsen av skoltrivsel, sĂ„vĂ€l pĂ„ tvĂ€rsnittsnivĂ„ som i ESM-data, men all variation av skoltrivsel kan inte förklaras med modellen i denna studie
